Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 162.

The First's mind exhaled a sigh of relief, as long as it didn't deny it.

"No need, just make it happen at the right time."

Ling Yu smiled, "Sorry, pardon my refusal."

"What! Kid, don't be so shameless! We didn't explain all this to you to make you refuse!" The fact that the grumpy Third Elder could sit here quietly and listen to Number One had already pushed his temper over the tipping point, and Ling Yu's sudden refusal to do so was even more of a direct trigger.

"May I know why?" The First silently asked.

"All you need to know is that mythology won't be long in coming."

After saying that, Ling Yu snapped his fingers and disappeared along with Rem.

After taking Ling Yu away, Number One sat silently in his chair for a long time, a smile on his lips.

"He Lin Zhi, promote Ling Yu to a town level tenth stage existence."

"Ah? Yes!" He Lin Zhi was stunned and randomly replied immediately.

"Indeed it won't be long."

Chapter 119 - Sprout Sister is pitiful.

The lights are brilliant at night.

People who had a busy day would sometimes take a stroll to relax and unwind.

Ling Yu and Rem, who was forced to change into casual clothes, held hands and walked down the street together.

The armies walking around at all times were like the old warlords.

After walking for a while, Reim's appearance was hesitant, but she still spoke, "Lord Ling Yu, I would like to ask"

"I know what you're trying to say." Before Reimu could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Ling Yu.

"You're just going to ask me why I didn't give the Black Dragon to them, right?"

"No, the Black Dragon is your property, Lord Ling Yu, and the owner of the Black Dragon is you, so you naturally have the right to decide. But what I want to ask is"

"I knew what you were going to ask, nothing more than the meaning of the last thing I said before I left, did you hear what he didn't express in his words, Rem?"

"He believed the myth would come, acted too much as if there was a sense that he knew it was bound to come. But this is in the context of having a man who has waited a decade or more in the empty world of Western magic coiling around him, and even the most determined man would be dazed, wouldn't he?"

Ling Yu didn't even look back, staring straight ahead with a flat stare and saying slowly.

"No, Lord Ling Yu, I meant to say ...... "Rem looked a little anxious, letting Ling Yu know at a glance that Rem must not want to hear this nonsense and wanted to just listen to the orgasm!

All right, I'll meet you.

"The premise of a man's full confidence is that he must know with considerable accuracy what is bound to happen."

"Just as the average person will ask you: do you guess if I like and coffee, such a silly question, 80 percent choose to like, because with more than 90 percent of people are because they like something to ask you to discuss with you a common language. And the same goes for Number One, I'm sure he already knows the exact time of the advent of Eastern mythology from his past life, and wants my black dragon to appear just to give people a preview of what's about to happen, and to make some of the nation aware of their opportunity."

"So, the one known as Number One is aware of the exact time?"


"But that's not the question I wanted to ask, Lord Lynx."

Ling Yu was startled, "So what did you want to ask?"

Isn't that the problem? Isn't that the most important question?

Reimu pursed her lips and looked at Ling Yu with discontent, "Lord Ling Yu! We haven't eaten yet! After serving all those delicious delicacies, you're just taking Rem just one look! And now you're starving Rem to listen to your crap! Rem hates you!"

Ling Yu: "......"

A feeling of embarrassment arose from within.

Ling Yu scratched his head in embarrassment, looked at the angry Lem, and smiled brightly, "Sorry, happy to pretend to be unable to help myself, and forgot all of a sudden."

Mad, this broken physique has started to forget hunger since it was upgraded. It's made my diet abnormal.

"That, is it too late to go back now?"

Rem looked at the watch that Ling Yu had bought specifically for her and sighed in frustration, "It's too late, my sister should have already packed it all up."

"Ah." Ling Yu's face fell.

Suddenly, Ling Yu's eyes lit up and pulled up Remy's little hand to: "Let's go, I'll take you to jerk off!"

"Jerking off?" Rem was stunned at first, then her face began to redden, "That's not good, is it? I'm not ready for that."

That said, the body is still very honestly being led by Ling Yu.


return home

As soon as they opened their doors, they saw Kiana and Bronia sitting on the couch watching TV, and sometimes Kiana's magical laughter was heard.

"Hey? Why are you guys back so late, making me half an hour late for dinner." Kiana, who heard the voice, said as soon as she turned back.

Looking at that Kiana who kept grabbing chips in her hand and stuffing them into her mouth, Ling Yu had a black head.

You're really rude.

"Don't you dare think, it's mine!"

Kiana saw that Ling Yu's eyes were all focused on her chips and immediately hid behind herself like a hen protecting her calf. A pair of eyes became as sharp as a hawk's.

"I don't want it." Ling Yu rolled his eyes, as if I bought this potato chip too, right?

Next to Ling Yu, Rem looked at Kiana with a blank expression, making her feel guilty.

"This guest, if you are very laid back, please put away your disgusting smile, after all, you are nothing but a face that can be seen, please don't make your only face worth seeing so obscene okay?" Rem said so flatly.

"How outrageous!" Kiana's face fell immediately.

"It's good that you know, please put away that smile, Herb." At this moment, Ram came over and said flatly.

"Ah! Oooooh~ Meiko, someone is bullying me!" Kiana burst into tears and immediately ran to the kitchen and grabbed Meiko, who was finishing washing, and wiped all her snot and tears on Meiko's body.

"Hey? Kiana, don't wipe your snot on my shirt! It's hard to wash!"

"Oooh, does Meiko even want you anymore?!"

"Uh ...... "Ling Yu was speechless as he listened to Kiana's cryptic voice from the kitchen. , is this the legendary bear who can't grow up?

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