Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 165.

Ling Yu: "Not going to a hammer. I've never killed a bandit before."

Ouyang Xiaofeng: "Big brother Ling Yu, back you up, yo."

Link fantasy messenger: "......"

It was as if she now somewhat understood why this group of members believed in him so much.

Chapter 121 - Lord Ling Yu, save us!

"Kiana, get up."

Meiko came to the badly sleeping Kiana and gently shook her body.

The owner of the bedroom was exhaling, completely unaware of the sun hanging high.

"No, let me sleep some more." Said the languid words and rolled over.

Holding the blanket with both hands, two white, jade-like thighs clamped down on the blanket, showing a very enjoyable expression.

Meiko sighed, to, "Remember to get up for lunch."

"Mmm~" made a confused sound, leaving Meiko helpless.

"Are you going out, Rinoa-sama?" Meiko who came out of Kiana's room saw Ling Yu who also came out of the room in a soft voice.

Hearing the voice that was like Yamato Nadeshiko's, Ling Yu turned his head and found it to be a young girl with long straight black hair wearing an emerald colored blouse and a white skirt.

"Oh, it's Meiko, I just happen to have something I need to do right now, so don't wait for me at lunch." Ling Yu said, and left in a hurry.

"?" Meiko was full of doubts.

Ling Yu, who hurriedly arrived in the courtyard, directly crushed a card.

All of a sudden the pitch-black space twisted in front of him. Ling Yu walked straight in.

However, unbeknownst to anyone, a grey figure curiously looked at the black hole in front of him and also walked in together.

In the next second, the black hole abruptly disappeared, I should say that it would be more fitting to use broken.

Open your eyes.

Looking at the turquoise blue sky, Ling Yu took a deep breath and inhaled fresh air into his mouth and nose, allowing Ling Yu to once again smell the same fresh air as the Wu Geng Ji world.

Suddenly, Ling Yu frowned.

There would be some burnt smell mixed in with this fresh air.

With his body floating in the air, the breeze casually brushed Ling Yu's white-textured face.

"There." Ling Yu's pupils snapped open and his body turned into a meteor that burst towards a certain spot.


It's a small village with just over a hundred people living in it, helping each other out. Life is peaceful and happy.

But today, a bow and arrow shattered the peace of the village.

Hundreds of bandits rode down from the sky, riding on things they had never seen before.

Fire began to spew flames from the mouths of the monsters they rode, mercilessly burning everything.

They slaughtered and plundered, looting all their (the villagers') stocks and money!

The villagers tried to resist, but they were all overwhelmed by the crushing power, how could ordinary people fight bandits who had summoned dragons?

"Boss, the brothers don't have to worry about food these days."

In the midst of the fire, a rough man carrying a large knife with a square face smiled at a thinner and weaker man.

Obviously, there was such a huge difference in their physiques, but all the bandits present all looked respectful.

For one reason only, he was a cultivator, and the strongest one of all!

All of the bandits were holding a huge bag in their hands, which was filled with all the things this village had received.

"I didn't expect this village to be small, but it has quite a lot of stuff." A skinny bandit, who was hanging a bag of stuff on the monster mount beneath him, laughed.

"It's so remote, if it wasn't for the boss's powerful detection, we might not have found it." The coarse man looked fearful at the lean man who had been smiling.

He would never forget the gesture that turned this village into a sea of fire in an instant, powerful flames like a punishment from the heavens.

"Boss, what do you think should be done with these remaining villagers?" A bandit grimly laughed.

In the direction he pointed, the remaining dozens of villagers stared resentfully at the group of murderous bandits.

"Boss, why don't we go with my idea and leave the women behind and kill all the old men." The bandit suggested to.

"Such an easy way to do it, do I need to answer to you. I hate the sight of them." The man known as the boss still smiled, but his words were cold.

"Gotta grin!" The bandit looked pleased.

With a grim face, he slowly walked towards the villagers with a machete that rubbed sparks on the ground.

In the village, a thin, purple-haired little girl clung to her grandmother's body.

Tiny and trembling, she went through layers of countless people she knew dying in front of her in just half a day, blood flowing in rivers, her white clothes all dotted with blood stains.

"No fear, no fear." The white-haired grandmother stroked the trembling back in her arms, looking desperate, but still comforting the girl in her arms.

"You will be punished!" A resentful voice up ahead drew everyone's attention.

"Retribution? Too bad you won't see that day." The bandit smiled mockingly and slashed.


Red blood spurted out of the man's body, blooming like the other side of hell in the fire, staining the earth beneath his feet.


The bandit looked at the fallen man and uttered a number with a faint smile.

Everyone hugged their bodies nervously, but for the first time, they felt incredibly cold in the midst of the scorching fire.

Shaking the blood from his knife dry, the bandit began to slowly come to the other man.

"You shall not die!"


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