Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 177.

Ling Yu sat upright, holding his chin in one hand, his gaze becoming pleasant from the initial stare.

"Interesting, Dimensional Battlefield, Lord of the Dimension, first time hearing such a thing." Lingyu laughed.

White-bearded: "If the group master has never heard of it either, is it a new power that has emerged?"

"Did our fortress make them think it was a copy of the Endbringer? Well, let them be the Raiders."

"But not one layer, but all the bosses in one place."

"Heh. The Lord of the Second Dimension, Gods?" Voban smirked, having found a nice prey.

The Lord of the Air tuned in, "Suzaku Goh, can the fortress you made support our power?"

"Just kidding, but my fortress is reinforced with four thousand nine hundred combined magic, and thirty-six high levels of approaching supernatural magic, not to mention your power, which can withstand even the power to burst a planet." Suzaku Goh was confident to.

"So, that's great." Tony opened the group chat space and took out a huge missile from it.

"This ...... this is!"

"Where did you get that!?" Suzaku Goh stared at Tony incredulously with wide pupils.

"Where did you get it, build it yourself, and don't you forget what I Stark Industries does."


Several helicopters are hovering around the fortress made by Suzuki Goh, and the RB government is now wondering what this sudden appearance of the fortress is all about.

"Hello everyone, this is a daily news report, as you can see, a large labyrinth-like structure that exists in fantasy has appeared on the field of the soon-to-be-abandoned school, Yonemizaka Academy. Is this labyrinth that has suddenly popped up a gate linking the otherworld?!" A news presenter with a microphone draped in a raincoat, standing in front of a camera in the pouring rain, was excited.

It could be seen that she was also a person who was deeply persecuted by the Second Generation.

The host took out a new report, "Latest news, according to the military, they have sent their troops and are about to blockade the area and also promised the general public that if it really is an otherworldly labyrinth, they will not hide it privately."

"Sister ......" Kouzaka Yuko watched the report on TV nervously.

"Wait, what's that?!" Suddenly, the host is shocked and points his hand forward, shouting to the camera, "There, shoot there!"

The photography master immediately turned the camera around, where a white light could be clearly seen, and a person dressed in a cosplay outfit came out of it.

"What's that?! From a different world!" The host said excitedly.

"Calm down, calm down." The gentleman on the other side of the camera hurried to hold her back, this was a helicopter, a careless one could be dangerous.

"Heavenly position's, you've done well this time."

The white curtain of light appeared, and before anyone saw it, the voice came out first.

The rest of the people averted their eyes at once.

But at this glance everyone's pupils shrank slightly.

"That's, oneworld's pledge team! The entire squad is all oneworld! One of the teams that stands at the very top of the interdimensional space!" The moment they saw the visitors, someone shouted in alarm.

"I didn't expect them to come, there's probably no chance of a final copy this time." Some Star Positioners sighed.

The inter-dimensional battlefield was divided into several levels such as Human, Earth, Sky, Star, Crown, Universe, Saint, God, and Supreme God, the higher the level of danger involved in the inter-dimensional battlefield, the stronger it was, but the opportunities that accompanied it were immeasurable.

And the Oathbringers were the ones who survived the Mythic Age battlefields!

He who survives in the crown position, then possesses the war power of one man and one nation!

"And the oneworld is one person, one continent!" Cheng Kai's eyes narrowed, not daring to look at the three that appeared.

"The Oath Team - legend has it that they passed King Arthur's trials on a dimensional battlefield and obtained the legendary treasured Oath Victory Sword!"

"I've heard that rumor too. That's them?!!!" Chen Yu's eyes looked in amazement at the combination of two men and one woman.

"Sword of Oath of Victory - the legendary holy sword that stands at the peak of the holy sword, it is not a man-made weapon, but forged from the stars, it is made from people's beliefs and crystallized inside the planet as the 'Last Phantasm'. ) "One of the most extreme god-made weapons."

"Excalibur, which has not been fully unsealed, is said to be able to vaporize all of the seawater and can split the stars in an instant."

"That's totally against the god-made weapon costume!" Cheng Kai's heart yearned to.

"Xin Mo, you take the divine throne this time." The captain standing at the front in the pledge team suddenly said.

"By what?! Do you think I'm going to get off your back?!" The one who spoke was a cold-looking, long-haired beauty.

She had a tall, slender figure, with long, golden, silky hair that fell down her shoulders, a short, wavy white shirt, and a slender, sharp sword behind her. All dressed to facilitate battle.

Only she spoke coldly and looked indifferently at the man who spoke.

"Hey? Okay, Mo, don't be angry, don't you know the boss's feelings?" A small handsome man with short black hair at the side laughed.

"And the boss too, you know Mo's personality, so don't say things like that."

"It's because I know all that makes me upset." In the meantime, Xin Mo looked straight at the man with her eyebrows, "I, Xin Mo, have never been a woman who relies on charity, if it's mine, it's mine, and if it's not mine, I don't force it. Even if my strength is the worst in the entire squad, but that's my strength, I can't deny it."

"But Ben isn't mine, and I'm not going to accept it!"

"I knew it. But that character of yours tends to suffer the most." The man known as the boss grinned.

Xin Mo coldly snorted, "Pointless."

The boss took out an endowment of fresh blood entwined great swords from the void.

This greatsword called Blood Dance was obtained by him on the battlefield of an all-corpse monster.

"Having corrupted your power in the past, let every part of the inter-dimensional world know your name today."

Looking at this great sword in his hand the boss looked in the direction of Xin Mo and said in his heart: you gave up the holy sword for me, this time I will get the throne for you too! And it's only by reaching the throne that you won't have to go through that dimensional battlefield with us where you can die at any time. So, sorry I can't listen to you this time ......

draw a deep breath

"Lin Phantom, Xin Mo, let's go!" The boss jumped down from the stone steps and ran towards the fortress.

Chapter 131 - The Sudden Quiet

"Here we go, let's go too." Ryuu opened his eyes and rose, white armor disclosed in the god, the golden divine spear appeared.

The golden trident with the four wings behind the Lord of the Air spreading thunder was held in his hands, the Vermillion Bird Bow burning with the heat of the sun appeared in Suzaku Goh's hands, the white beard returned to its original form huge naginata was raised in his hands, Star Sachiko transformed, Voban revealed his dark green pupils and fierce fangs, the Airy Spear behind Celine also gradually emerged, and Otsutsuki Teruyuki opened his azure eyes.

As for the Black Tiger, Merchant King, and Nan Kotori, they stayed here, after all, their opponents were too dangerous for them.

"However, I didn't expect that you could shoot arrows in addition to magic?" Voban looked unexpectedly at Suzuki Goh.

"Don't look at me like that, I was in the archery section in high school, but it was overshadowed by a life of a thousand changes."

"It's different now, we have wireless fun, and the boring life is over." Voban looked ahead and suddenly smiled.

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