Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 181.

"Cut the crap!" Wang Kai shouted, "We won't know if we can beat him or not until we beat him."

Bringing up his greatsword, he sprinted towards Ling Yu.

The rest of the squad looked at each other, no matter what the final outcome was, clearing the endgame copy early was the priority.

"Eternal Kaleidoscope Writer's Eye, open!"

"Shine because of the stars - Star Crash!"

"Come out! Paint the bow of darkness!"

The three crowned positions exerted their power together.

The wind began to whistle in the calm wasteland, the stars representing the Big Dipper twinkled in the sky, and the blue magic array reflected the sky.

Black giants rose up from the ground, and two huge samurai swords were drawn from behind.

The magical power contained in the wind quickly converged on the black arrow lost, surrounded by a terrifying tornado.

Suzaku Goh picked up the vermillion arrows, not even needing to save his strength, and a firebird bloomed in a magnificent display towards the group on the sub-dimensional battlefield.

"Burst Link!"

One whispered softly, and in the next second immediately raised his head and shouted out, "Attack the fire feather on the right, there's a magic loophole there!"

After hearing that, the long sword in his hand chopped out in a to arc.

It directly decapitated Suzaku Goh's Jubilee.

At this moment, Sorin Mo's grey pupils were replaced by blue ones that outlined strange patterns - the righteous eyes of the gods!

"Worthy of the oneworld position, it was resolved in an instant." The person who had warned before gulped.

Celine flew into the air and came face to face with the gigantic Sousa Noh.

With a sneer, countless subspace spears appeared, and Celine waved her hand, all of them shooting towards Sousa Noh.

The kaleidoscope writhe holder's pupil power poured wildly.


Dark flames quickly burned on Celine's body.

"Oh? Not bad flames, unfortunately ...... "Celine looked at the scorching flames in surprise, and with a little bit of her small hand, space wrapped around the flames and brought them directly into the boundless imaginary number space.

Siren didn't suffer any harm at all.

Maneuvering the huge Sousa Noh, the huge double chopped towards Celine, yet it went straight through.

"Kamui?!" The man shouted in surprise.

"Kamui? No, but your understanding is good too, except mine is imaginary space."

"Star Crash!" The man shouted as a huge meteorite slowly spilled out of the magic circle, which he had summoned from the sky.

"I never thought I'd have to face this myself one day."

Otsutsuki Teruyuki lamented, it reminded her of her own Heaven Hindrance Shock Star, and the Seeking Jade behind her flew into the middle, pulling out an arc.

Aimed at the meteorite in the sky.

"Golden Wheel ...... Turning Life Blast!"

The golden light turned into a huge blade, easily splitting the meteorite in half.

For him, perhaps Otsutsuki Teruyuki was a little too strong ......

High up in the sky, the Lord of the Air, who had been accumulating lightning by virtue of Voban's Gale Rage power, shot out with a handful of lightning into a thunderbolt pack. Endless thunder cracked the void.

"Huang Lei!"

"Covering the Seven Circles of Blazing Heaven!" Seeing the lightning arrows speeding over, Lin Phantom's heart shrank and immediately summoned a pink flower with seven petals.

However, even that was easily pierced after a moment of stalemate, after all, Voban had long since ceased to be the Voban of old, and the power of the [Gale Fury] in his power in particular was even more unimaginable.

But even a short period of time was enough time for the people of the dimensional battlefield to construct a defense.

Countless earthen walls and protective walls appeared, each one infused with defensive advanced magic, and when over a hundred barriers shattered to only two layers, the lightning finally disappeared.

"Tsk." The Lord of the Air gave an unhappy cry, looking at the countless swords that were pulled up from the ground, he also knew that he didn't have a chance to save any more power, the golden trident instantly appeared in his hand.

The white-bearded man laughed, and the huge naginata in his hand swung forward, and the terrifying blade energy was like cutting tofu, easily splitting those last two walls.

"Looks like the winner in the end is still old man. Gu la la la."

"Don't rejoice too soon." Voban said unhappily.

[Sin Breaker of Karma Fire]

The sky was instantly dyed a purgatorial red, in which it began to rain fire meteors.

One after another, meteors fell from the sky.

Xin Mo's beautiful eyes were stern, and the long sword in her hand soared into the sky.

"Heaven Dividing Sword, Ling Hua!"

The long swords emitted a faint glow, splitting into two and four, and so they continued to split, the countless long swords forming cones that quickly shot out against the attacks landing in the sky.

"This sword?" Ling Yu, who was playing with Wang Kai, saw the sword in Xin Mo's hand and his eyes lit up.

"Hey hey, where are you looking at!" Being ignored in battle made him feel humiliated for the first time!

The bloodied greatsword struck down quickly from above.

However, Ling Yu blocked the attack with one hand.

The pale blue jade on the arm emitted a glow, only for the brightness of the great sword to weaken some more.

"Another one of these rogue skills! Don't you have any other moves than this? Or are you afraid to engage me?!" Wang Kai quickly jumped to the side and spat at him.

Chapter 134 - Lord of the Air: Suzuki Goh, look at your family hug!

The great sword fell short again.

Wang Kai looked at Ling Yu impatiently, "Is it fun to dodge around?!"

"Don't think that you can think you're any good with that armor, except for the fact that you're just a piece of trash."

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