Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 191.

Ling Yu: "This is, what happened, it seems like one person in the vague group hung up."

Nan Little Bird: "Brother Ling Yu is here, welcome."

Lingyu: "Little bird be good oh."

Lord of the Air: "Master of the group, I'm telling you, Tony who always wanted to seek power and usurp the throne is completely dead just today, you are still the supreme existence in your mind."

Ling Yu: "......"

Ling Yu: "Why am I so reluctant to do what you say?"

Queen of Crash: "Don't put gold on your face. Who doesn't know you're pretending."

Lingyu: "......@People make up their own minds, King Shang, can I ask you a question?"

Ling Yu who was being revealed at the moment had decisively chosen to change the subject, he was going to use a big move to hold all the doubts!

Queen Crash: "Don't try to change the subject, I still understand your little routine."

People Settled: "Group Master greatly you will."

Ling Yu: "I want to ask ...... where you live is ancient times, what do you use to wipe the toilet after going to the toilet?"

Silence ...... endless silence.

All of a sudden, everyone in the group was quiet.

Why has this ...... question never occurred to me?

Well, it's fair to say that worthy of being a group leader, the thought is just fresh and unconventional. Everyone couldn't help but think like this.

People are determined to win: "......"

The Greatest First Man: "That's a good question from the group, why I never thought of such a serious problem."

The blood-spewing Tony is instantly resurrected, and he feels interesting topics.

Suzuki Goku: "The place where the Shang King lived was ancient, and the time when paper first appeared was the Western Han ...... It's a bit of a big difference between the times, isn't it."

War Law Witch: "You ...... are so disgusting to discuss this topic."

I'm no expert: "Peeping at the screen I was blown up, @War Law Witch, don't tell me you don't want to know."

War Law Witch: "...... me ...... I want to know too! (Voice breaking)"

Chapter 141 - A Word of Advice: 20 Points for a Meal of Paper

Yagi Toshinori: "And even if there was silk in ancient times, but now that the merchant king is no longer an emperor, right, a cloth as expensive or common as silk can't be used every day. Unless ......"

Lingyu: "Unless, like Niu Liang Weaving, the Heart Moon Fox makes, the King of Shang uses! Sheesh! Think carefully!"

The Greatest Chief: "Group Master 666, you came and the rhythm is all over the place."

Ling Yu: "Overpraise, overpraise."

People are determined to win: "I ......"

Suzuki Goh: "Don't explain, explaining is covering up!"

People are determined to win: "I can fuck you all!"

The Greatest Chief: "Huh? What you just said, I didn't hear you, say it again."

Queen Crash: "Huh? What you just said, I didn't hear you, say it again."

Yagi Toshien: "Huh? What you just said, I didn't hear you, say it again."

People Settled: "......"

People are determined to win: "Enough of you! How could I ...... how could I!"

Ling Yu: "Say it, why don't you say it? Isn't there no bottom in your heart either."

Nan Xiaotiao: "Lord Dixin, I didn't expect you to be such a person, despise you."

Meiko Honma: "+1"

Ouyang Xiaofeng: "Even I know that I have to wash my hands when I eat, but you, an adult, don't even use paper in the bathroom!"

The merchant king felt his whole sky collapse for a moment, he wanted to explain, but, but he really didn't have any paper here!

That's desperate.

Ling Yu: "@Ouyang Xiao Feng, what are you implying? Expressions: funny."

The Great Chief: "Is it impure of me to understand the meaning."

Lord of the Air: "No, maybe it means you do it all the time."

The Greatest Richest: "...... Eat shit you!"

Lord of the Air: "Don't worry, I won't eat you."

The Great First Man: "......"

Toshinori Yagi: "Personally, I think the King of Commerce can still be saved, it's normal to have no paper in those times, and we can't mock him for that. Poof!"

Poor Mother Sealed: "I so wanted to hear you laughing!"

Toshinori Yagi: "I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

Reimu: "Lord Ling Yu, why are you here in the water group? Aren't you at a class reunion?"

Ling Yu: "The water group but the basic operation of being a salty fish, how can I stick to my salty fish philosophy without the water group?"

Queen of the Air: "Go for it, MASTER!"

Reimu: "Well, you should communicate more with the outside world, Rinoa-sama. And, Ika-san, there's no need to cheer for that, right?"

Ryuu: "Communicate? I do, @ all members, get up and get high."

The Greatest Chief: "Hi, in!"

One-way pass: "Something wrong?"

Suzaku Goh: "The group leader has been communicating with us, how it's more like the outside world than the outside world for those of us not on the same plane, I guess."

Reimu: "......"

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