Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 193

What kind of shenanigans is this, why can't I understand.

Chapter 142 - The Secret Realm

"Major Himeko, isn't it too much for us to leave Lord Ling Yu alone there?" The kind-hearted Meiko, who was spreading out the picnic cloths once, said unbearably.

Himeko, who was unloading the car, said without turning around, "Meiko you're too worried about him, he's much stronger than us, and this is his class reunion, so wouldn't we be pulling hatred on him by going?"

"Pulling hate?" Meiko tilted her head, very confused.


Kiana grabbed Meiko from behind, and the hands that were holding Meiko instantly became dishonest.

"Mmm~ Kiana, stop~"

Meiko said softly.

"Hey budgie let me see if you've grown up in all this time!" Kiana had a demented look on her face.

Infinite Tachiko looked at the two of them helplessly and sighed.

Turning to look at Nymph who was on the roof of the car looking away swinging her little feet.

"What? You want to go there?"

The direction Nymph was looking was where Ling Yu was.

"Hmm." Hearing Himeko's words, Nimue subconsciously nodded her head, then grinned proudly and ignored it.

Himeko smiled coquettishly and didn't care.

"Bronia, stop hanging around there and get over here."

With a pout, but still reluctantly, she put the Hurlm game console away and came towards Himeko.

"Reloaded bunny says that Himeko-sensei must not be safe."

"What are you talking about." Reaching out, she knocked a hand on Bronia's gray head and pointed to a pile of goods, "Help me me it unload."

Instantly, Bronia's grimy little face grimaced, her eyes glanced to the right, and whispered, "Sure enough, the reloading bunny was right."

"Rem, you're so strange today." Ram, who was always dressed as a maid no matter where she went, looked at Rem, who was silently cooking the food.

"Hey? Yes?" Reim said in surprise.

"The usual Rem would never lose her mind like she did today, and she looks a bit sullen, is it Lord Rinoa that's pissing you off?"

"Angry not so much, just ......" Ram's words struck a chord in Rem's heart and he asked, unsure, "Is it that obvious?"

"Obviously." Ram nodded.


Reim cried out in surprise.

On the other hand, Ling Yu, who had taken over the barbecue, advertised his handiwork in a big way.

Only, everything changed the moment Ling Yu took out the lunch box.

"Ling Yu, that lunchbox of yours is a girl's right." Zhu Yin asked when she saw Ling Yu's lunch box.

"Yeah, why?" Ling Yu was confused.

"Nothing." Zhu Yin shook her head, darkly topping Han Weiya.

The others looked at Han Weiya, and between them they lowered their heads and began to eat their barbecue in silence again.

Ling Yu somehow looked at everyone, what is this.

Hmm, but the little bird's cooking is really good.

After the silent lunch.

"Well, I wonder what you guys have decided below?" Ling Yu asked as he looked at the crowd who had packed up the debris.

In the middle of nowhere, and refusing to be able to go to a hotel or sing, the only thing that would count would be an outing.

"Hmph, do you know why I chose a place like this?" Azumi said proudly.

So you're the one who chose this shitty place.

Ling Yu looked at him with dead fish eyes, if he was an ordinary person, he would have been ironically dried out in the red sun in the middle of nowhere.

"My family's villa was built near this generation, so I can say that my childhood was mostly spent in this forest, and I have some understanding of this place, but today, it's the price to visit the secret realm I found."

"Secret realm!" Everyone's gaze became serious when they heard the word secret realm, which could be said to be a synonym that often appeared in fantasy novels.

"It's that legendary secret realm that only exists in the king's family?!" Zhu Hao's breathing became rapid.

What did a secret realm equal?! It's a chance!

Ling Yu, on the other hand, was looking at the crowd, what secret realm? Why do all the other kings have them, but not me?

"Azumi, seriously! That thing isn't just for fun." Han Weiya's gaze slowly calmed down as well.

"What relationship are we, but best friends, how could I lie to you guys, I secretly found this out, you know I can become a third rank Transcendent by the credit of the Secret Realm."

"Azure Sea, you're so damned touching." Cheng Yu hammered a punch into his chest.

Although he was shocked that he had become a Third Order Transcendent, he was even more touched, after all, as long as Azure Sea exclusively occupied the Secret Realm afterwards, he would at least be a Sixth Order Transcendent.

"Touched my ass, I'd be disgusted if you were touched." Azure Sea slapped Cheng Yu's hand down with a disgusted face.

"How can you say that to me? At any rate, I'm your little cutie." Cheng Yu said without shame.


However Azure Sea was as if he had been hit by a thousand heavy blows, incomparably disgusted, he was genuinely disgusted by Cheng Yu.

And the others were laughing.

Ling Yu was also laughing at this scene, good gay friends for life.

"But let me make it clear, with our strength we can only be on the outside, I don't know what kind of situation is inside, I haven't been inside either, everyone must remember."

After joking around, Azure Sea said seriously.

This wasn't a joke, after all, crises and opportunities co-existed, and there might be some terrifying creatures hidden in the unknown secret realm.

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