Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 197.

A huge growl came out of Bella's mouth.

Bella was aggravated at the moment, she was just taking her daily nap in the imaginary number space, and this broken chain flew out of nowhere to bind her tightly.


After some lightning, flames, and storms were all applied.

Struggling to no avail, Bella fell helplessly in the clearing, letting her chains wrap around her body, aggrievedly screaming towards the sky, presumably calling out to her queen.

"Bella, you're so useless." The sky was now filled with an indifferent synthesized voice.

"My Queen, I'm sorry."

"Well, let's not talk about this matter any more than we have to, the power contained within this chain is indeed not something you can fight against."

She came from an imaginary number, space paving the way for her, her silver-white hair spilling into the void, her golden eyes looking at Bella's chains without a trace of emotion.

"Oh? I said who could open the imaginary number space, but it was you, Group Master."

"Well, there are a few more Gryphons."

In Celine's perception, there were also several other humans besides the one below that were rapidly heading here.

"Hey, hey, I'm the same human as the Gryphon you're talking about." Ling Yu said loudly.

"Cut" Celine's eyes glanced to her right, upset.

"You cut it! You're upset now, aren't you? And turn your head around!"

"The pot is yours, isn't it, group leader." Celine's jade fingers went to the chain on Bella's body, her cherry lips pursed.

"No, the hell knows where it came from."

"Bella, change back to human form." Ritsukona spoke softly.

Bella growled, and the chains began to shrink rapidly.

Celine, high in the sky, eyes flashing, summoned a few subspace spears.

Directly holding its chains in place, it allowed Bella, who had turned into a human, to quickly fly from it to Celine's side.

"My Queen!" Bella looked ashamed, I was obviously trying to protect the Queen, but now I have to trouble the Queen.

Béla glared at Ling Yu: It's all this man!

Ling Yu who was stared at silently turned his head.

Young lady, I really don't take the blame for this, who knew this chain loved dragonplay so much.

"Group Master, are you sure you don't want to go see that girl?" Celine glanced at Ling Yu to, "Right now she's having abnormal mood swings, this situation is similar to Birdie's mood when she sees you."

"Seriously?" Ling Yu didn't dare to look at Rurika Na with value.

I didn't think this guy still had the constitution of being a matchmaker and a psychiatrist ah.

Celine smiled slightly and stretched out her hand, which was a subspace spear floating: "Group Master, it always feels like you're thinking about very bad things."

"No, no." Ling Yu waved his hand in a row, then quickly flew towards the bottom.

Eyeing Ling Yu depart, Celine looked at the chains again.

"Alright, let me have some fun with you next."

Dozens of imaginary spaces surfaced behind Xilin, dozens of pitch-black spaces opened up, each of them containing a subspace spear.

The chains were as if they were psychic, emitting a faint glow and bursting towards Xilin, dense chains that covered the sky!

The corners of Celine's mouth raised a nice smile, and her right hand slowly stretched forward.

For a moment, time and space seemed to stand still as crisp sounds rang out and countless subspace spears burst out at the same time in an instant.

Every single one of them collided with unerring precision to the top of the chain.

"Hahahahahaha, Gryphon just lie down and delude yourself into subverting God's line of sight."

Powerful vortices of energy closed in on the surrounding air, absorbing and crushing the chains that had been flicked apart by the Aerial Lance.

Ling Yu looked at the woman in front of him with a complex expression, "Why are you here."

Why didn't Ika tell me?

Silently, Han Weiya bowed her head in silence.

"Ling Yu, I want to know if you have a girlfriend." For a long time, Han Weiya opened her mouth, delicate voice but not as crisp as the breeze, just like the withered leaves in autumn, just a little bit of wind in, instantly fall.

Ling Yu was shocked, and sighed with a complex look: "There."

"That ......"

"You should stop saying that, I'm the one who thinks too much, I wish you happiness."

Han Weiya looked at Ritsuka Na, who was high above the sky, and quickly turned her head.

Ling Yu followed her direction, I go, did you misunderstand something.

"Tsk, dilly dally." The Ritsuka Na above the sky, despite her expressed indifference, had actually been paying attention to the place.

Deliberately skirting an Aerial Spear, she let the trajectory of one of the chains change and burst over towards Han Weiya's front.

Han Weiya, who was sinking into her loss, didn't even notice this.

The equally silent Ling Yu didn't notice the flying chains for a moment.

Looking at the busty silhouette, he didn't know what to do for a while, he was also a love child, where did he know these things.

However, the feelings that he had been secretly in love for three years were not false, then ......

"Wilya look out!" The rushing Lin MoMo saw the scene from a distance and screamed in horror, but the distance was just too far.

Lin Yu looked up sharply and saw that the chains were about to collide with the woman, his pupils shrank and he subconsciously ran towards the woman.

"Get out of my way!" Perhaps because they were in too much of a hurry, they didn't even have divine power attached to them, just a reinforced ordinary arm.


I didn't imagine the sound of metal clashing.

Dripping, eyes closed, Han Weiya listened to the sound coming from her ears.

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