Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 200

But without exception, everyone's pupils looked the same, intensely shocked and incredulous.

"Nah, I say, the White Dragon Emperor seems to be in his twenties, Lingzi is the same age as us ------" said Cheng Yu halfway through his sentence, but everyone already understood what he meant.

"All of us have misjudged it."

Lin silently sighed to.

Zhu Hao silently looked at everyone, "I now kind of understand why Ling Yu didn't tell us about him being a Transcendent."

The others also nodded in silence.

Bella, on the other hand, stared at them.

This guy! That's right! This is the guy!

This black dragon she would never forget, and since he was the owner, the man in white armor who had last given the Queen a taste of her own medicine?

The situation speaks for itself.

All of a sudden, the way Bella looked at Ling Yu's eyes became dangerous.

Suddenly, the high-flying Ling Yu shivered.

Which shameless one is saying I'm handsome behind my back?

"Dragons?! How could dragons still exist in this world? No way, no way, it's impossible! I must be sleep-deprived, no way -------"

The jiao dragon that was pressed underneath the monolith seemed to be in a daze.

"Impossible fart."

Ling Yu directly scolded.

"Rulhuana, do me a favor and take that stone tablet away."

"My name is Celine!" Celine gave Ling Yu a blank look.

Only when she slowly stretched out her hand, a pitch-black space appeared above the stone tablet, and a pair of pale, imaginary number giant claws poked out from it.

Grabbing the stone tablet, it all swallowed into the imaginary number space at once.

"Hey, hey, don't be so depressed, you can look on the bright side, like eating this black dragon of mine, maybe it will help you advance your bloodline and become a true divine dragon?"

Sure enough, the instant Ling Yu's words fell, the murmuring words of the Jiao Long disappeared.

The scarlet eyes opened from the scorching magma at once.


Countless amounts of magma splashed down from the earth, and this time he didn't hide his appearance anymore, his mighty body driving countless sparks to dance into the sky, to the same height as Ling Yu.

The greed in his fierce pupils was not concealed at all.

"You're right, no matter where he came from, it's just cheap."

Sizing up the divine dragon behind Ling Yu even more sneering, a half-step seventh stage black dragon in the district, what an insult to the word dragon, to the bloodline of a dragon!

"I was afraid you wouldn't dare come." Ling Yu laughed inwardly.

"Kid, for the sake of the fact that you recruited this dragon for me, your outburst before, this divine dragon will let it go, now get out of my way."

The dragon stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, his gaze unabashedly looking at the black dragon as if it was in the bag.

However, he did not forget Ling Yu who was at the side and gave him a slightly scrupulous glance.

The Dragon Suppression Lock left behind by Thousand Feathers wasn't something that could be broken so easily, even he was easily suppressed, but this guy broke it with a single strike, and he hadn't lost much before.

The dragon secretly glanced at the place where he had just been punched by Ling Yu.

To say the least, it was still a bit aching now.

"I go, this is the first time I've ever seen something from a myth with my own eyes." Cheng Yu was surprised and convinced as he looked at a jiao and a dragon in the sky.

Zhu Yin didn't say anything and tightly grabbed Cheng Yu's clothes and locked behind him.

She didn't have Cheng Yu's excitement and only felt incredibly scared.

Lin silently looked over and silently grabbed Azure Sea's large hand.

Azure Sea, who was also stunned, then clasped the small hand in her hand and smiled at her.

"We have to trust Ling Yu."

"Mm." Lin silently nodded.

Zhu Hao wanted to realize that he was the only one who didn't have a girlfriend, it seemed!

He also wanted to have someone he could protect right now.

But if his psychology was known to Ling Yu, he would only say, "Don't you know how to play the loli sound? See if you can hypnotize yourself."

"Ling Yu." Han Weiya made a prayer pose with her hands, nervously watching the scene in the sky.

Celine, who had been silently watching the show, was now sitting on Bella's head with nothing but her pretty thighs, watching it all with interest.

Open the group chat.

Queen Crash: "Guess what I'm doing?"

The Greatest Chief: "Bundle?"

Suzaku Goh: "Self-harm?"

Lord of the Air: "PLAY?"

Queen Crash: "...... What the hell are you all."

One-Pass: "My lord guesses you're probably in trouble."

Yagi Toshien: "If you're in trouble, just say so. Though I may not be able to help you with my strength."

Mother Love Saves the World: "I guess you've found a male ticket."

Suzuki Goh: "I'll go, who are you? @ Motherhood saves the world? Why do I never hear of new members joining when the name is so noble?"

Suzuki Goh: "Called cursing father, let me think, the group can be so shameless, and there have been children ------"

Suzuki Goh: "Fuck! Kaguya old thieving mother!"

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