Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 203

The image of an entire one world falling apart.

"Angels ------"

Han Weiya and the others were startled as they looked at Icarus who appeared in front of them and opened his absolute defensive circle.

The pair of pink feathered wings at the back unfurled, the beautiful feathers seemingly falling to earth, causing the crowd to be stunned.

"Hmph!" Zhu Yin angrily took a look at Cheng Yu who was engrossed in his eyes, and her small hand couldn't help but twist at his waist.

"Ah! It hurts, what are you doing?"

Cheng Yu looked at Zhu Yin very uncomprehendingly, Miss, what's wrong with you.

I don't seem to have provoked you today, right?

"Mind your own business!" The always weak Zhu Yin is now staring at Cheng Yu with both eyes, but she is staring back.

If it was before, Cheng Yu would have disowned her without saying a word, but today ------ has been confessed and she has admitted it, so it's not a big deal to give in.

That's what Cheng Yu thought.

Azure Haiwei, who was on the side, immediately rounded up to, "Ah Zhu Yin, everyone has a love of beauty, and you can't blame Cheng Yu."

After saying that, he began to give his good brother a hand, making crazy eye contact.

Oh brother, apologize quickly.

"I was wrong, okay?" Under Wei Hai's eyes, Cheng Yu came to a sudden realization and directly hugged Zhu Yin, whispering in her ear.

I have to say, if he can find a girlfriend, why can't I! GOD!!!!!

As for Zhu Hao, it was.


Juho gasped at Icarus, a pig-dog look on his face, this body, this hair, this face!

mad, if it isn't the second girlfriend of my dreams!

Could it be that the world has seen that Lingzi and the others are all seeing someone and now they are starting to find someone for themselves?

God, it's my fault I didn't believe in you before, not anymore, O Lao Tzu Genesis, all that shit is demolished and it's for you!

"May I ask this angelic lady, are you here to save us?"

Han Weiya managed a smile at Icarus after seeing Zhuhao's insane hints at himself.

"I'm just following Master's orders." Icarus said without a trace of expression.


Zhu Hao's heart chilled a great deal when he heard that title, but he still said with a hard face, "Can I ask, who is that MASTER of yours?"

In the meantime, Icarus tilted his head with a cute tilt of his brow, "MASTER is MASTER."

"Uh ------"

Zhuhao was stunned, "That, do you know the name?"

"MASTER is MASTER, for me is absolutely irreplaceable MASTER," Icarus put his small hand on his chest, his eyes moving to, "Whenever I think of MASTER here, I get inexplicably hot."

Zhuhao: "......"


Well, there's no need to ask and say anything already.

Ah, I'm dead.

Azumi, who was a good buddy, came over and smiled and patted Zhuhao, who had turned into a black and white man.

"Dude, it's okay, you have to attend our wedding."

Zhu Hao: "Pfft!"


Gilgamesh stiffened as he looked at the planet that had broken open to meet the explosion, his attack not to mention the destruction, not even a speck of dust.

"How is this possible! That's the liberation of all my treasures!" Gilgamesh is freaking out.

It doesn't matter that those treasures don't work, now you're telling me that the Ea that could cut through the world can't hold down the planet without even marking a single mark.

Is this a planet? If it was the moon, he could have crushed it, but why wasn't there any wound? Are you playing with me?

Gilgamesh was angry right now, really angry.

"How dare you push me into such a situation!"

With a wave of his hand, a golden halo of light appeared in the four corners of the fast-flying planet.


Four silver chains appeared from the king's treasure.

"Even if you are a divine tool! I'll seal you up too! Into my treasure trove!"



The sound of the chains snapping made Gilgamesh's face stiffen again.

Looking at the fast rushing planet, the angry body trembled violently.

"Bastard! What have you done!"

A violent roar resounded through the universe.

How dare you take my best friend's! Give him to me!


Losing his mind, Gilgamesh's eyes blazed with scarlet light and raised the Ea in his hand and rushed over.

The three blades spun violently and began to emit a powerful red storm as they collided with the atmosphere, constantly cutting through the surrounding space.

However, even if Gilgamesh tried his best, he couldn't block it for a second, the planet kept moving and the powerful force contained on it directly crushed Gilgamesh!

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