Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 207.

"I ------ "Han Weiya just wanted to speak, but her head felt heavy.

In everyone's dumbfounded state, Icarus gently stroked Han Weiya's small head, just like touching a watermelon, and glanced his head towards Ling Yu to, "Master, is this okay?"

Ling Yu was stunned, then nodded, perhaps because her normal self touched Icarus' head so often that her little brain thought it was the friendly way.

In fact, if you didn't know anyone, you'd get hit for doing that, right?

Ling Yu accosted the thought.


The silence was broken by a to the sound of laughter.

Only Han Weiya covered her chest, unable to hold in her laughter to: "What are you counting, I haven't said what it is."

Obviously it should be me apologizing to you, how come now it's you comforting me.

Han Weiya was a bit sprung by this expressionless angel.

Icarus adorably tilted her head and turned her head to look at Ling Yu, she didn't know what to do in this situation now.

Slowly moving forward, he touched Icarus' little head and said softly, "Leave it to me."

Icarus nodded gently and whispered to Han Weiya, "Master is very nice."

After saying that, he gave up his seat to Ling Yu.

"So, the King is what you rely on?" For a long time, Han Weiya opened her mouth, but her face was indifferent, as if she had been played out, her eyes incomparably empty.

For a moment, seeing Wei Ya's appearance, Ling Yu's hand that wanted to reach out suddenly stopped in mid-air.

'If I go to touch her now will I think I'm a scum ah, actually the nature of the harem is very scum, but ------ mommy ah, what am I struggling with, you're the most handsome group leader greatly, why should I be afraid because of this? What about your dreams? What about your future dreams of being a Riffan man? Just giving up because of what happened today?''

"Wait, what was I thinking?" Ling Yu was suddenly stunned, what the hell am I thinking about, it's all subconscious stuff and I need to think about it again, I'm rubbish.

As expected, it's better to take your hand back at this point.

Just the moment I tried to take it back, I was wrapped up in a pair of coolness.

Han Weiya lowered her head, allowing the smooth black hair to block her face.

Underneath the long dark hair, there was a pair of animated eyes, in which tears rolled, but feeling the heat of her hand, her heart had never been so full when she regained it.

"Since it's stretched out, don't take it back ah, do you know that you just hurt people's hearts ah."

Eyes narrowing, his left hand gently embraced the girl he was once about to forget.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

The others would smile as well.

"Wait for me before you do. I still have some things to take care of." Ling Yu gently lifted the woman's head up, wiped away the tears from her eyes, and gently tidied her bangs.

A gentle kiss on its forehead.

He still needed to go fix the stone tablet now, being able to manipulate this thing, this world must still contain something remarkable, this place had been designated as his secret realm, only his friends and family could come in, so all dangers had to be eliminated by him!

"Well, I'll wait for you."

Han Weiya nodded quietly as if she was a virgin, she was shy as hell right now, especially paying attention to the good-natured smiles around her, although shy, it was more of a joy.

Well, let's not talk about going to solve the monolith problem Ling Yu, let's watch the duel between Otsutsuki Teruyuki and Suzuki Goh!

Otsutsuki Kaguya vs. Suzuki Goh!

It was a barren plain, and Suzuki Goh, dressed as an undead, looked nervously at the old woman in front of him, all in white!

Right! The old woman, he would die to admit, the woman was young!

Although her skin looks quite pale and she's nice looking, she's a super ugly rabbit in her own right!

This is something Suzuki Goh will never forget.


The yellow wind is rolling.

Suzuki Goh looked at Teruyuki nervously.

"It's finally that day, Suzaku Goh!"

Otsutsuki Teruyuki changed his flat posture and looked at Suzaku Goh with an angry face.

God knows how many times he's been pushed by this guy since he entered the group?

That feeling of hitting and not being able to hit is really suffocating.

Oh, but who would have thought that the wheel of fortune would turn, and this year it's my house!

Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and heaven will reincarnate.

Finally, it's my turn to say this.

Teruyuki squeezed her hand and smiled evilly, looking at Suzuki Gohan who was agitated.

She who never had a chance to vent really wanted to give this group chattm 666 praise.

"Wait, Teruyuki!" Suzuki Goh, who had been unusually calm since evolving into a Bone King, now felt the slightest bit of unconcealed killing intent and couldn't help but panic.

"Go to hell for me!" Before he finished speaking, a Golden Wheel of Life Blast directly cleaved over.

Before Suzuki Goku could finish his sentence, the golden blade of light struck him without even powder.

Suzuki Goh KO!

"This dimensional battlefield is simply made for me. It's really nice how many times I'm said to be fine when I die." Otsutsuki Teruyuki took a look at the surrounding earth that quickly replied.

Some sighed, worthy of a group chat, even this kind of haunting can be already.

Only the next moment she realized that this was a group chat that could connect them together, how could the level of mystery be something she could guess at.

"Suzaku Goh, didn't you keep talking about me being sealed?"

Looking at the gradually recovering Suzaku Goku, Otsutsuki Teruyuki seemed to remember something, his eyes gradually became scary, and in the next moment, his hands slammed together.

"Fine, this time I'll give you a taste of what it's like to be sealed, don't worry, it's guaranteed to be a cube and not a sphere!"

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