Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 227.

Toshinori Yagi: "-------"

The named Olmet looked at Celine's words in silence, indeed, the strong were not to be provoked, not every strong man had a temper like his, and ignorant provocation was bound to come with a serious price!

Even he wasn't good enough to say anything to Ling Yu, in the Ten Thousand Realms the strong was the only law, even Olmet felt it deeply.

If he didn't have enough strength, how could he stop evil? How can the state talk to him?

It can be said without hesitation that all of this is based on mighty power above all else!

Ordinary Alchemist: "But isn't it too strange to make such a hasty decision about a person's life?!"

Still maintaining his innocence, Nan Yun始 was puzzled.

Oldest Demon King: "Hmph! Naive! In front of the strong, the life of an insect is never worth mentioning, and you who are weak should know well that in the face of natural disasters, the weak can only kneel down and wail! In the face of an enemy stronger than you, you have to give in! You can't do anything in the face of danger! You won't even have the courage to stand up! The only reason for all this is that you're weak! It's because you're a groupie, and if you weren't a groupie, I wouldn't even bother explaining!"

Vauban's words can be described as unforgiving, but they are not wrong in the slightest.

This idea of the supremacy of life may be true in the everyday world, but this is not a world of equals with legal constraints, and if you want to survive, you have to learn how to fight and rob!

Or you'll end up hurting either yourself or your family!

The Ordinary Alchemist: "How so ------"

At the moment, Nan Yun began to fall into the same confused area as Starsky Kouki had once been.

A weak youth imbued with modern culture, it takes a battle to hit someone, let alone kill them.

The strongest man on the ocean: "Gulla la la la, child, learn to grow up, with your weak character you probably won't survive in my world."

The War Law Witch: "The world of ordinary people is best for you @ Ordinary Alchemist."

Lord of the Air: "But the moment you enter this group you will never be ordinary again, everlasting and immortal! The opportunity for you to see landscapes you have never seen before has been presented to you in the heavens and beyond."

Mayor of the Most Ancient Village: "The motley crew of fate has chosen you."

The Empty Prince: "No one is born strong, it's just a matter of seeing their weakness and rising to the challenge."

Queen of Crash: "------"

Motherhood saves the world: "------"

I'm no expert: "------"

Empty Prince: "What do you mean?!"

Toshinori Yagi: "I just didn't expect you to say something so philosophical."

I'm not a master: "I just feel like my sweat hairs are rising all over my body, it's so nice to take a hot bath."

Empty Dude: "Is ------ so disgusting?"

The emptiness can't help but be a little speechless, I'm just saying something that elders should say, what's going on?

Closing the group chat, Nan Yun started to stare dumbly at the collapsing beast below, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Having never experienced a broken arm, he was completely unaware at the moment that the world had completely changed.

There was no longer any so-called fairness here long ago.

"You exactly!" Yaegashi Shizuku looked dumbfoundedly at the girl standing in front of them.

Bathed in thunder, behind the sprite was a giant red transparent samurai.

A samurai sword constructed of collapse energy blocked the re-grown collapse greatsword.

"This is, a samurai?!"

Yaegashi Shizuku, who had always revered the way of the sword, cried out in surprise.

Meiko flung her Gekko Mikoto and swiftly dodged the sharp blades flying around her.

Peng Peng Peng!

Quickly swinging, slashing, slashing, slashing, so fast that one could only see the red light shining, its blade could not find any trajectory at all.

"So powerful!" Heaven's River Glory exclaimed.


The sound of breaking sounded, and Meiko suddenly stopped, powerful collapsing energy converging on the Gezo Imperial Soul.

The red collapsing energy quickly extended and turned into a laser long blade.

Behind it, the shadow of the Jizo Imperial Soul also raised its taijutsu and slashed down from the collapsing beast's head.

And the blade in Meiko's hand also struck across towards the waist of the Crashing Beast!


The smooth snapping sound rang out, and the huge collapsing beast was split in half under Meir's blade, while the blade swung down by Jizou's Imperial Soul drove a powerful erosion force, and all of a sudden red like a virus was dense like a spider's web all over Meir's body, and in the next moment, in its fierce roar, the collapsing beast Meir turned into a puddle of black water.

In the instant Mel died, the Dizashi Imperial Soul Void also disintegrated with a bang, reincarnating as red mist into the blade in Meiko's hand.

"A weapon worthy of the Hokage, it's really powerful." Meiko exclaimed as she looked at the demon blade in her hand.

But the traversers were dumbfounded, they finally felt clearly at this moment that those past self goodness of their own was nothing more than, children playing house.

Look at the others a move to kill, and then look at their own do not say attack even defense and close are difficult.

Chapter 168 - Crystal Flame (whisper bb ------)

Under a space like a starry sky, Ling Yu gradually walked towards the golden spinning cube on the high platform.

The willow-like branches quickly scattered, the spinning cube also stopped functioning, and a young girl with golden hair and red pupils appeared.

Under the young girl's puzzled gaze, Ling Yu walked up the ladder and arrived in front of her.

Half of the young girl's body was set in the huge cube, and her long golden hair was just in the way of the key.

"Help me." The young girl let out a cry for help that was as delicate as a lark.

Ling Yu gently stroked her hair and turned her head in the young girl's expectant gaze.

"Ugh! Wait, please, help me!"

The young woman said eagerly.

"I'll do anything!"

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