Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 242.

Until the end, the scene where Bronia legalizes and summons the motorcycle and the Key of Truth.

The moment he saw the myriad Keys of Truth, Tony was thrilled, hemp, this is a jewel of science!

Greatest richest man: "@ Ling Yu! Group Master, Group Master! This, yes, this is it!"

Tony's excited and a bit incoherent.

The Greatest Chief: "Groupie, the world is out there! This ability is just so buggy! I have to get it!"

Ding! The great richest man was banned for a minute.

Lingyu: "Don't think about it, I've been hoping for the stars and the moon to evolve her into a motorcycle duck, give it to you, then wouldn't I be an empty joy?"

Ling Yu sends a button-nosed disdainful look in passing.

One Way Pass: "------"

Suzuki Goh: "------"

Iroika: "No matter what, Ling Yu-sama is not wrong."

Iroika who was saved by Reiyuu was so convinced.

Nanotori: "Believe in brother Ling Yu."

Oldest Demon King: "The group lord is going to extend his claws again."

Yagi Toshinori: "Group Master, you're being irresponsible to so many girls! Please be discreet."

Lord of the Air: "Master of the group, don't listen to him, I'm almost finished here Orpheus, look forward to it, fuck! Khaos is missing!"

The Lord of the Air, who had sworn to be faithful, screamed at the report of his angels.

Suzaku Goku: "Did something happen? by @Lord of the Air "

As a deathly good gay friend of the two no affection is not the usual deep.

One-sided passage: "If you have something to say, Ben just happens to be a bit free in his busy schedule recently."

Heh, this dead arrogant. If you want to help, just say so.

The other group members laughed in their hearts.

Who the hell am I: "I'm going down the mountain for training, I'll do my best to help Yunxi if I can."

Lord of the Empty: "I don't know! It's as if the sudden appearance of the temporal turbulence has made it leave!"

Lord of the Air: "I wouldn't worry about the rest, but Khaos' emotional system isn't perfect! It's expected to be just like the original!"

179 Chapter 179 - Unknown Conspiracy


Repeatedly attacked and provoked, Augustus can't help it!

The Dragon Wings directly blasted the Time King and Gates into the ground.

The hooked claws wrapped around the refining fever swung down directly, and three waves of fire tore the earth open in three dry cracks.

The Time King and Gates, on the other hand, fell down in the sea of fire after making contact with the Voice Change.

Alas, it couldn't be helped, the lowest tier was too weak.

"Ahem, Gates, this is the first time we've lost so badly, right?"

"You're laughing in defeat!" Gates glared at Changpan Shogo.

The battle in the sky was still going on, and from time to time falling ice arrows were attached to it with fiery flames.

After a quick journey, Moon Wing several fights finally saw the destination.

Only he froze all of a sudden as he watched the battle of men, dragons, and angels in the sky.

This was the first time he had seen the two fantasy species, and he couldn't even see them in the city.

"A few fights! Their power is awesome! Do we really want to get involved in this fight?"

The young man with short black hair shook his head, "No, we'll just watch from afar, we're like ants that can't make a single ripple in front of this destructive force."

"Rather, the stronger they are, the better, they might be able to use this to open the barrier of our world." Several Dou's eyes glittered.

Moon Wing Several Dou was convinced that it was not by chance that he had crossed into this world, but rather that the barrier between the centuries had been formed through some sort of medium or a duel between some powerful people that had broken the barrier.

So seeing the space shatter, then it could lead to his world again, just seize the moment!

It's just a shame that he thought wrong.

Besides, was there really only one world?

"Excuse me, do you know where Lord Ling Yu is?" As Moon Wing several dou pondered how to intervene, a cute voice sounded in his ears.

Moon Wing Several Dou was so startled at the sound that his figure leapt out a few meters as nimbly as a cat.


Moon Wing several buckets of cold eyes at the sudden appearance of the green-haired nun.

Mentally to: night, did you notice when this nun appeared?

Aye: No... I don't know!

Night was also shocked, being the most sensitive cat he didn't even feel any movement around him, it was like this person appeared out of thin air.

"Nah, big brother, Kaos asked you a question oh." However the green haired nun didn't care why Moon Wing a few fights dodged and asked a cute question.

"May I ask if you know where Lord Ryuu is? Khaos must find Lord Ling Yu."

The little loli named Khaos was implanted with the command 'serve Ling Yu-sama' from the moment she was made.

"Ryuu? No recognition." Moon Wing Several Doo replied decisively.

He kept his eyes on this nun, and for some reason, his senses told him that this nun was dangerous! Very dangerous!

"Yeah? What a pity! I can't believe you don't know Lord Lynx, so can big brother play with Kaos?"

Not yet completely perfected, Khaos stared at his pupils and suddenly laughed happily, a clear laugh like a lark.

"Play?" Moon Wing a few dou froze.

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