Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 251.

Round after round, dense and never-ending, watching the crowd of people's eyelids jump.

It was a miracle that he could survive in the midst of such a hail of bullets.

Whitebeard silently put away his abilities, and Han Yunxi inserted the Burning Silence Sword into his piece.

Altaïr put away his saber.

As for why? Because there's nothing for them anymore.

Whitebeard: "I feel like we're here to play the game."

Who the hell am I: "To watch the show and get points."

Suzaku Goku: "Damn, don't say it, all that talk is just me crying tears of envy and jealousy."

The Greatest Chief: "I want such a beautiful thing too!"

The silver Sword of Oath of Victory was slowly raised high in the sky.

The divine right was launched and the dark night descended.

In the distance, Mercury fiercely stared at the pupils, watching the light gradually flying up around him.

"So what if the Earth Supreme Grand Perfection is complete? Able to destroy the world?" Ling Yu's bland words echoed in the silent air for a long time.

The mountains and grass and trees all revived in an instant, and a vibrant scene of life appeared on the barren earth.

The shadows that had barely crawled out of the ground were suddenly confused when they saw the pillar of light that rose from the sky.

"Don't, don't, don't!"

The shadow was swallowed up by the golden pillar of light just as it tried to beg for mercy, a pillar of light that ran directly through the entire solar system before slowly disappearing dozens of seconds later.

"Good, so strong!" Wu Nan dumbfoundedly looked at the huge pit in the distance that couldn't be seen at a glance and swallowed hard.

Horrified, he looked at Ling Yu, who was slowly placing the Sword of Oath Victory into the system space, and a nameless regret arose.

He now somewhat understood why the party pass would look like it was headed by Ling Yu.

"Old brother, when did you become so strong?"

Ling Wei was likewise somewhat incredulous that her brother had become so powerful without even realizing it.

Even if it was an infusion, what a powerful force this would be!

Ling Yu didn't say anything and stared into the void.


The sound of clapping rang out, and the void was instantly imprisoned. All of a sudden, Ling Yu and the others felt like they were prohibited from moving.

"Interesting, really interesting." A silver-haired man slowly emerged from the broken space, clapping in his hands and saying with a smiling face.

"That's right, Son of the Lord God!" Ling Wei looked at the person staring at her pupils, she also knew this one from the file.

"Why is he here, is it possible that this temporal rift is!" A very unpleasant thought suddenly appeared in Wu Nan's mind.

"I'm really envious." The silver-haired man revealed a look of envy, only to immediately disappear in an instant and resume his smile.

Soon, I'll be coming for you too.

"Ling Yu, eh? That was a nice sword you just had, trophy."

Pupils shrank, feeling the inability to move around, to, "So, you're the one behind that group of dimensional battlefields?"

"Yes oh. But I have a name, my name: Fox Gothic Words." At one time behind its back nine soft silver tails peeked out, and two furry fox ears peeked out on its head.

Coupled with a stunningly beautiful pupil, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that it was a female, but unfortunately it seemed to be a male.

Chapter 184 - Second Collapse.

"So you're here for the group that came over to get revenge? Or have you come to recover the spoils?"

"No, no, no, it's surprisingly a trophy I can't take back." Fox Gotham Words waved his snow-white fingers and shook his head.

With her index finger resting on her chin, Fox Gotham contemplated slightly.

"But well, I can't keep you just yet, I've sent so many travelers to other worlds all destroyed by you, but I've lost a lot."

Vivian's pupils shrank upon hearing this, immediately blocking Ling Yu's front, her hair instantly replaced by ice blue, and looked at Fox Gothic with vigilance, "You're not allowed to hurt old brother!"

"Well, don't worry, I won't hurt him, except in this world then I'd be in trouble too say."

Fox contemplated for a moment and then blossomed back into a smile.

"So what do you want to do? Kill me?" Ling Yu looked at the man with great interest.

Even though his current strength was far from the man in front of him, he still had a card to play.

"Just kidding, how could I how could I kill you, or wouldn't she become a person ------"

Fox Gotham said with a smile, but the last half of the sentence was said in his heart.

I'm so jealous.

However, even I'll be able to see her after this is all done, right?

For a moment, Fox Gotham Words' face became determined.

In any case, space-time must be dislocated!

"Nah, how does it feel to be protected, to be missed?" Fox Gotham spoke looking at Ling Yu and suddenly asked a question.

Before Ling Yu even spoke, a temporal turbulence opened up behind him and swallowed Ling Yu in one fell swoop.

"It must be nice."

Ling Yu, who was caught in the turbulence, didn't know why the voice of Fox Gotham's words came from beside his ears.

High above the sky, Fox Gotham Words' silver hair fluttered in the wind, murmured softly, and also opened the space to leave.

The moment Fox Gotham Words left, the power that had restrained them dissipated as well.

Startled by the sudden scene, the two of them had already disappeared when they regained consciousness again.

"Old brother!" Ling Wei looked incredulously behind the empty space.

"Group Master!" Whitebeard was also shocked to see the empty space disappearing next to him.

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