Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 255.

Queen Crash: "SO?and then what?"

Lynne: "I'm in the world of 1991 Crashdown. That means, Celine, I'm in your world oh."

For a moment, Celine didn't speak.

Suzaku Goku: "666, the group master is a bit of a 6."

The Greatest Chief: "Group Master is now in the timeline before Celine's world?"

The strongest man on the ocean: "It's incredible, the greatness of group chat!"

Conversations across time, this is unbelievable!

Ling Yu: "Yes."

Lord of the Air: "Oh shit, what are you waiting for then, Group Master, I want to see Celine as a child!"

Suzaku Goh: "Yes, yes, yes, pinch her face for me by the way, help me see if her temper is as crazy as it is now."

Queen Crash: "------"

Celine on the moon blackened her face and gritted her teeth.

"These guys!"

Yagi Toshienori: "That's a crazy test on the edge of death, huh."

Ling Yu laughed and closed the group chat.

Don't worry, the face will definitely be pinched, but it will never be shown to you guys, how cute is little Celine, how could she show it to you grown-ups?

Thinking about it, Ling Yu wanted to visit Siberia, but in an instant the red space opened in front of him and the card of the red vortex appeared from the void.

It became as tall as a person.

"Icarus? What are you doing here?!"

Ling Yu was surprised to see the pink-winged girl coming out of the card.

"MASTER ------" in Icarus's eyes endless flow of tenderness, all of a sudden detached from the card and fell into Ling Yu's arms.

Slowly closing her eyes, Icarus with words full of attachment to, "Finally found you."

"Ew." Although it was a bit surprising how Icarus had found this place, it obviously shouldn't matter now, okay?

Gently stroking the girl's back.


When I clicked on the group, I saw a message from Reim.

Reim: "Lord Ling Yu, Icarus is missing!"

Lynx: "I have it here."

Reimu: "? I don't know how Icarus got over there, but there's no need to worry if she's with Lord Ling Yu."

Ling Yu: "Okay, I'll find a way to watch her."

(onom.) ding dong

"There are quite a few people looking for me today." Ling Yu clicked on another private message.

It turned out to be from Ritsuka Na.

Queen Crash: "Group Master, if it's possible, can I see my mother's side again?"

Ling Yu's eyes narrowed upon seeing this.

Ling Yu: "Of course no problem, the timeline is not a problem for the group chat, just as long as you buy a crossing card."

Celine's lips pursed and she revealed a smile.

Queen Crash: "Ling Yu, thank you."

Ling Yu was stunned, it seemed like this was the first time Celine had said thank you to herself.

Ling Yu: "It's okay, I'm especially curious what your face would look like if you saw me pinching your face when you were a child."

Celine's smile suddenly withdrew: "Ling Yu, you're really bad."

Lingyu: "Overkill."

Closing the message.

According to the information in his mind, Ling Yu began to fly towards Siberia, and in the starting chest was Icarus.

Icarus was a little too specific to this world, and although this was a collapsed world, creatures like angels were not without description.

In order to stay out of trouble for the time being, Ling Yu thought it would be best to hold it in his arms.

He would never admit that it was because of the comfort!

Suddenly Ling Yu's footsteps paused and looked to the east, "The memories of Fu Hua at this time haven't disappeared yet, right? Dan Zhu, Cang Xuan, it's a pity that it's all so beautiful."

After sighing a little, Ling Yu continued to fly towards Siberia.

Let's go to fulfill Celine's wish first.

As for Shang Xian ...... all he could do was to save that memory.

Mt. Taixu.

Fu Hua, who was cultivating, similarly raised his head and stood up after gazing at Ling Yu's bearing for a moment: "Counting the time, it's about time for Lixue to return. It's time to leave."

"Otto, I hope you won't disappoint me. Guard Shinju for me ......"

Chapter 187 - Celine's Mother

The golden shield enveloped the two.

Outside of the shield was a sky of flying snow.

"The weather in Siberia is really harsh." Looking at the howling wind outside, Ling Yu couldn't help but exclaim.

"Master, there's someone ahead." Icarus, who had been turning on the probe, suddenly said.


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