Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 265.

Celine: "------"

You didn't lie to me, but you made me do hard labor for a long time.

Little Celine stood there dumbfounded, unable to stop the tears from leaving. Happiness had come so suddenly, great joy and great sorrow all on the same day, that her spirit couldn't hold her up at once.


Suddenly, a roaring sound was heard as the gigantic Bellenus flew up from the ground and swallowed Ling Yu and little Celine in one gulp.

It flew straight towards the moon while everyone was stunned.

The will to collapse was calling it!

Chapter 194 - The Four Paragons

"Ling Yu!" Celine was shocked and started to make a move but her hand stopped.

It was Bella! How she was willing to do it.

And you could tell by its purple pupils that it had been controlled.

"Is it a collapse?"

"Wait, but I have a reply card, what are you afraid of?" In the next moment, Celine suddenly remembered that she was the one with the points, and that she shouldn't be wimping out on such a small thing as an injury when others would be wimping out!

Golden as a sniper lens eyes blinked, locking Bella's body in the pupils.

The right hand gently lifted backwards and three boxes made of four crystalline prisms of collapsing energy were arranged in the order of smaller and wider as they approached the body.

The penultimate piece of geometry before the right hand appears as two straight four prisms twisted into a spiral, and the penultimate piece is a positive polyhedron.

With a wave of the left hand, eight imaginary spaces open from eight directions. Eight subspace spears locked the surrounding space!

The golden energy rapidly expanded and wrapped around Belenus, causing a time lag zone to form around it.

Under everyone's gaze, Celine's hand lightly loosened.


A straight prism of disintegrating energy came out like an arrow and ran through Berenus.


A screaming dragon roared.

A gust of wind slashed behind Celine.

Icarus, who was in Queen of the Air mode, instantly arrived behind Belenus, and his golden armor emerged from the void and blasted him with a handful of blows.


The wailing sounded. The huge body of Belenus fell from the sky.

"Give it back! Return the MASTER and little Celine!" Icarus was agitated, a pair of red eyes constantly shaking.

The pair of jade hands that seemed to break lightly were constantly bombarding Belenus from the air.

For every meter that Belenas dropped due to the bombardment, Icarus would reach behind it faster than it could and continue the bombardment.

Ten punches in a row in a matter of seconds! Each time, it drives the wind pressure that blows away the clouds! Each time, blue flesh and white scales spilled from the sky.

It chilled the hearts of the few onlookers watching.

Even Fu Hua had to admit that even she was a bit weak with such strange power.

If her power could wrestle with a Judgement Grade Crash Beast, then Icarus could be said to be crushing ah!

Icarus' eloquent eyes turned, and the wings behind his back directly slapped the huge dragon's body away.


A huge roar rang out as Bellerinus blasted straight into the snow, soaking the immaculate white snow in blue.


A mouthful of backstabbing blood was coughed up from the mouth of the Belenus dragon, and Ling also came out of Belenus' mouth holding Celine under the shield.

As soon as she came out, she was tackled by Icarus who landed from the sky.

It's just poor little Celine being crushed to a pulp.

Shedding bawdy tears.

Ryuu looked at Icarus' hair that was gradually becoming softer after exuberance and touched it gently.

Icarus was also enjoying the rubbing.

The only pity was that her watermelon didn't bring it.

"I can't believe it's not dead?" Celine fell down from the sky and 'surprised'.

Ling Yu looked black in the face, "Do you want me to die very much? That would kill little Celine, too, wouldn't it."

Celine: "I don't believe that Crash will kill Celine, at best it will take her to the moon to receive power."

Ling Yu gets angry and glares at Celine: "Then you're still shooting me down? Do you think that with my strength District's crumbling wrecked soul and Bella can hurt me?"

Celine blushed a little at that, "Lo-lo-lo-lo-lo! Isn't that saving the day?"

Ling Yu was disdainful: "Che, normally I hear you Gryphon shout more than anyone else, you would save people's hearts? It's a lie."

"I-I don't care about you, huh?" Aubrey Lin decided to ignore Ling Yu for now.

Ling Yu showed dead fish eyes: "------ Are you a child?"

"What a terrible and strange power, and such a strange creature as an angel." Otto looked at Icarus and smacked his lips to it.

But while curious as to why there were angels, it was no longer something he wanted to understand.

Five hundred years of both research technology and human experimentation had only been for one person.

So if Calen really could be resurrected, he would not want anything else, he would be willing to go live with Calen in a place where there was no one else.

"Looks like the plan needs to be cancelled again." Walter left in silence.

It wasn't as simple as the Second Lawgiver anymore.

The white-haired woman could also use imaginary spaces, and was even more powerful than the Second Lawgiver, and his silver bullets were completely useless now.

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