Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 267.

It was like the sun shining.

A warm glow suddenly appeared on the blade at the front of the longsword's hilt.

Gradually covering the blade, Ling Yu slowly raised the sword.

Fu Hua's pupils shrank, startled as he looked at the melting snow around him.

The scorching heat was already enough to melt this Siberian snowfield where the snow was still accumulating!

Even Fu Hua who often played with fire had to marvel at the strength of the power contained in the sword.

It was already even more powerful than Featherdust's First Rated Power Taixu Sword God.

This Rotational Victory Sword was still the same trophy that had been stirred up with the Oath of Victory Sword, but the Oath of Victory was just too awesome for this Rotational Victory Sword to even make an appearance.

"Excalibur Gallatin!"

Like a rainbow, the light streaked straight across the sky, sweeping away the four anthropomorphic lawgivers that had just landed.

The Siberian sky was split in two, and the powerful impact swept away the meteorite belt outside the planet.

Brilliant fireworks continued to explode in the sky.

Otto suddenly realized that his Void Manzo was a bit low.

The wish he wanted to achieve was not available in his Void Manzo, and it couldn't compare to the other God's Keys in terms of power, let alone to Ling Yu's sword.

For the first time, Otto had the impulse to curse his mother.


It's been a few days since Lynx left, and on this day Tony delivered a major speech!

The Great First Man: "Ahem, after many times of my Jarvis parsing the group chat, my humble self has discovered something."

Lord of the Air: "Cut the dilly-dallying here and speak quickly."

The Great Chieftain: "Shut up, traitor! Who do you think you are? How dare you say such things to the great Chief Tony!"

Suzuki Goh: "------"

Oldest Devil: "It's been a few days, Tony's fur is growing more, and his skin is itching, isn't it."

Mightiest Man on the Sea: "Be careful what you wish for, son, or you'll die a horrible death."

The great richest man on the sea: "------"

Tony rolled his dead fish eyes.

Empty Dude: "So what did you research?"

The Greatest Chief: "Ahem, I'm going to tell you all for the record! I haven't researched anything!"


Everybody down!

Oldest Demon King: "Are you kiddies making fun of me?"

The Greatest Chief: "No! Not you! It's you guys. Hahahaha!"

Woban had been a little relieved when he read the previous sentence, at least the kid still respected himself, but he seemed to have forgotten that he, Tony Shitty, had never wimped out since he'd entered the group?

Toshinori Yagi: "Tony, you're dead! Because of you, I killed a criminal! If I go to jail you won't be able to do anything about it!"

Tony looked at the message sent by Toshinori Yagi without any inner turmoil, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Meiko Honma: "Uncle Tony, you're being naughty again."

Who the hell am I: "Calmly indicating that the burning silence in your hands is hungry and thirsty to drink the stupid blood."

Queen of Ice: "------ Tony, I have a new set of torture tools here, want to try some?"

The Greatest Chief: "Screw your tasting? I'm not afraid of Tony! I tell you, I've managed to transfer some of the power of the Space Gem onto my Mark armor! Trying to catch me? Whimsical!"

Only the next Woban quote makes a smug Tony look silly.

Oldest Demon King: "Look: nose picking. Why grab you and just shoot the planet down? It's just right to turn all of your ancestors' ashes graveyard into space trash."

Ouyang Xiaofeng: "This- Hiss! That's tough! But I like it!"

Ouyang Xiao Feng said that Tony dares to bully children?

Queen of Ice: "I think it can. It can't hurt Tony in the first place, I think the original mentioned that Tony almost hung points in space because there was no oxygen, I think. I think the Marquis' method is good."

The Great Chieftain: "You! You guys! Woo~ I'm going to tell the group leader!"

Lord of the Air: "That's disgusting."

The Greatest Chief: "Shut up, traitor!"

Lord of the Air: "------ I fucking"

196 Chapter 196 - Nine-tailed Pillar Power

Into the eye, a huge planet exploded.

The bombardment of debris cracked the countless meteorites around it.


An endowment of silver longswords passed through the perimeter, blocking out the countless debris, and silver figures quietly appeared.

One pulled off the red lance on its body. Blood spilled into the void.

The two cute little ears on the figure's head trembled, and with a face that looked as miserable as a woman's, it was like a little sufferer.

"Isn't it still me who triumphs in the end?" Holding the bottle in his chest, Fox Gotham cracked a smile.

"Success or failure is at stake, as long as he manages to break the barriers of the world, then I can travel to that world! All I have to do next is wait."

Fox Gotham Words slowly gazed forward.

The beautiful river of stars was long gone, the fragments of swords and the wreckage of planets spilling into the void.

The entire universe was filled with raging spatial turbulence. Powerful currents of air flowed out from the pierced space.

Beneath it was a giant black hole like a chaos tornado, and countless pieces of planets were absorbed by the black hole's powerful suction force.

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