Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 277.

Ximing looked at Ling Yu with a complicated face, this man really gave too big of a miracle.

"Hey! , Mr. Ling Yu, Miss Ritsuka Na and Miss Icarus why are you here, are you really dead?" Ximing was shocked when he turned around and saw Ling Yu.

"Uh, no, we're just pulling you back from God."

"Actually, we didn't die, and besides, did you really just leave Cillin alone?"

Ling Yu's words caused Xi Ming's pupils to shrink, "Right! My Celine! I have Celine! I can't die like this!"

Icarus stayed the little Cillin in his arms in front of Ximing, and Ximing carefully embraced Cillin into his arms, seeing this familiar face once again, tears couldn't even stop flowing.

The corners of Xilin's mouth couldn't help but quirk a smile as she looked at the scene of her once self in her mother's arms.

Gently stepped forward and stroked little Xilin's purple hair, softly to: "You really are so much happier than me, sometimes I'm even jealous."

Ximing looked at Rulhuana and smiled, "If you don't mind, can I hug you?"

Rifaena's eyes narrowed, displaying a smile, "Of course I don't mind."

For a moment, Celine, Ximing, and little Celine hugged each other.

Seeing Lingyu a little jealous, he directly hugged the side of Icarus, head on top of Icarus' head, and a pink dull hair in front of it bobbed back and forth.

Chapter 203 - Murong Xi, Unsealing Memories

After going through some nonsense, Fox Gotham Words also entered the island of this Midgar Academy.

He didn't resort to any drastic measures in the process because he knew that these people were all good friends of Xi in this world.

The two of them had already grieved each other too much, so no matter what, Fox Gotham Words would not let her shed tears again.

Murong Xi, one of the Ancient Goddesses, the High Priestess of the clan of the Heavenly Cang Abyss, was also his Fox Gotham Words' wife.

But Murong Xi is a human and he is a demon, and the union in this life is against the taboos of the human and demon races.

Since ancient times, humans and demons could not be opposed to each other, yet two people of high status combined with each other shocked each other imaginably how great the shock was!

So, the end result was that Murong Xi died, and so did he, dying together at the hands of the Heavenly Spokesman, Cang Lie!

In fact, Fox Gotham's strength was not weak, and in its original world it had already reached the realm of Heavenly Dao (because the world was different, it was actually at the level of the Taiyi Golden Immortal), and Murong Xi was naturally the first person under Heavenly Dao to become a Divine High Priestess.

The combination of these two said to make the clans dissatisfied but also because of its two too powerful to say anything. After all, in countless worlds, fists were the root of power!

But even if the others didn't say anything, there was one person, Cang Lie, who had been secretly in love with Murong Xi.

Upon learning that Murong Xi was united with a demon, he didn't care if he was a fox demon or not, he just did it!

Damn, a fox stole my cabbage? Thinking about Kurou Lie was angry, but it was not good to take a frontal action due to his strength.

So he made a deal with Heavenly Dao, as to what kind of deal Fox Gotham didn't know, he only knew that Kurou Lie used Heavenly Dao's power to separate his Fox Gotham Murong Xi couple.

But Fox Gotham Words wasn't easy to mess with, and with the Heavenly Dao's battle power, Kurou Lie eventually lost and was beaten to death by Fox Gotham Words, but before he died he also imprisoned Fox Gotham Words through the Heavenly Dao's secret technique, which was also known as the Lord's Space.

Seeing the trapped Fox Gothayan, the two clans who had already disagreed with the marriage of the two finally took action, locking Murong Xi, who was already covered with wounds, to the Burning Heaven Volcano with the Intercepting Heaven Xuan Chain, allowing the Nine Heavens Xuan Thunder to strike on Murong Xi's body, while Fox Gothayan could only watch all this in pain in the Lord God Light Sphere, and even though they begged for mercy, the two clans still refused.

Watching his beloved's body and soul being split apart one by one by thunder yet he could only stand there unable to do anything!

He hates it! Hate this broken world! Hate this uneducated heaven!

A moment's memory flashed through the pupils and slowly closed her eyes, which had changed back to those beautiful silver eyes when she opened them again.

"Ten thousand years have passed, and I've taken care of Kurile, now my only wish is to find you and leave this world together."

Feeling the throbbing of his heart, he was actually a little scared at this moment.

"What's wrong with you?" Materia Fukatsuki looked at the stopped fox Gotham Words and couldn't help but ask curiously.

Fox Gotham shook his head to reveal a smile, "It's fine, just a little incredulous, I didn't think I'd actually find her, missing her three times and finding her again."

"Yeah?" Although Materia Fukatsuki didn't understand the meaning of Fox's words, she could sense from his pupils that this man must be a very gentle person.

Finally, under the guidance of Materia Fukatsuki, they arrived at the living room.

As soon as he entered, Fox Gotham's eyes locked onto the white figure, which was still a little young, but it was a face he would never remember wrong!

"Well?" Elise looked at Fox Gotham's words curiously, why, even though it was a strange figure, it felt incomparably familiar.

"That, I wanted to ask if we've met before? Why do you call me wife?" Elise spoke up, only this time she clutched her chest.

She shrank her pupils slightly, why! Why is my chest so tight, as if what I just said hurt me inside. What the hell is wrong with me!

Fox Gotham laughed and reached out with his white palm, stroking it on its head.

"You're still so handicapped by your height."

"Mmm!" For some reason, hearing the remnants, Elise felt like she was about to explode, and a never-before-seen anger appeared in her chest, angrily slapping away the fox's hand and pointing at the fox to, "Shut up! You're the remnant!"

After saying that Elise was shocked and apologized to Fox Gotham, "Hey hey hey! I'm sorry, I'm really very sorry, I don't know what's going on, obviously I've never been very angry about it."

"Hahaha, never mind, it's the only way to let you know that you actually know me." Fox Gotham's tone was light and his eyes were soft.

Gently rubbing his hand that was slapped open, although it didn't hurt, but Zeng Xi was also very concerned about his height.

"Ahem, this gentleman, can you stop teasing Elise-san for a moment? We let you in on one condition as well." Also in the living room were Shinomiya Haruka and Materia Yoru, who couldn't help but feel awkward being ignored by Gorgeous, and Shinomiya Haruka said with a fake cough.

"Hey? Flirting? Was that it? But why is it different from the book? I have a feeling Fox Gotham Words is friendly." Elise said stupidly.

It made everyone cover their brains, what a silly thing to say.

"Wait, what did you just say? Fox Gotham Words? He hasn't told us his name yet. How would you know? Could it be that you're really his wife?" Shinomiya Yao said seriously.

"! Right. I haven't asked your name yet, can you tell me your name?"

Fox Gothic Words: "------"

Shinomiya Yao: "------"

Fukuyuki Ioabe: "------"

Yo Mobe: "-------"

Xi's IQ is a bit poor this reincarnation.

Looking at the instantly awkward scene, Fox Gotham couldn't help but wonder if he had reincarnated too much and was stupid in the head.

"Regarding what happens next, you'll understand after reading this."

In the next moment, the nine tails behind Fox Gotham's words revealed themselves. The ears on his head jumped out as well.

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