Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 306.


"So hard!" The black pupil's hand trembled, but he didn't dare to stop for a moment and quickly disengaged.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the surrounding land sank with a bang.

Will, who was holding the black dragon in check, only felt his legs sink. The surrounding space began to tremble.

"This is?! Gravity!" Flying in the sky Lan's pupils shrank and quickly disengaged from the battlefield, something as buggy as gravity was an absolute nemesis to a flying empath like them.

"So heavy!"

"Will! Quickly use the emperor's tool!" Far away, Lan shouted.

Hearing Lan's words, Will instantly reacted and roared, "Noble Chariot!"


A great blue light erupted from beneath Will's feet, and the blue figure was also quick to disengage from the battlefield, taking Bruce and Fashion with it on the way out.

"Will, thanks!" Fashion and Bruce thanked him, their hearts still throbbing a bit.

With an ability like gravity, unless there was enough power to crush it, they all had to lie down.

Will scratched his head, "It's okay, we're all partners."

"My eight chambers won't break, the shell is too hard." Coming to everyone's attention, the black pupil frowned at the roaring black dragon in the distance, discontent written all over his small face.

"The only thing we can count on now is Will's noble chariot." Ran who acted as a military advisor said calmly.

"But we can't even get close enough to get around it."

"Our mission's to contain and not kill! Just buy enough time for the captain."

"Black Hitomi you manipulate the corpse through the eight rooms to pave the way for Will, I'll disrupt the line of sight in the sky, Bruce will unleash the maximum power of the empire as soon as Will gets his hands on it, and Fashion you're in charge of late support and rescue!" Lan said.

"Good!" The others promised to leave in an instant.

On the other side, Nadezhdaan was also acting as a military advisor.


Lightly exhaled a puff of smoke.

"The other side's armor is tough, Hill, Red Eyes, you must kill them in one blow! Maine and Rayonai will be in charge of backup and cover!"

Unlike the Hunters there, Hill's emperor has maximum defense breaking, and Red Hitomi Murayu's blade has a spell poison that is known to kill with a single strike.

As long as Hill broke through the defense, Akitomi could rely on Murayu's spell poison to take advantage of the opportunity to have a slash.

And although the black dragon they faced had no gravity, it held the power of both lightning and fire, and its defense was even stronger!

"Yes! Boss!"

The crowd of night attackers also replied.

"I can't wait!" Rayonai said with a fist rubbing.

Maine, who was sniping from the far side of the mountain, couldn't help but strike over the intercom, "Don't ever get killed for your stupidity, stupid cow."

"I'll try!"

Ciel's eyes were firm, but her tone was very soft.

Red Hitomi didn't say anything, but her determined eyes showed her determination.

"Five super-dangerous species appearing at once, what else is hidden behind this passage." Najetan said curtly, feeling vaguely uneasy.

Five of them was all the empyrean had to give, but Najethian didn't believe that these five were the main force, there were definitely stronger existences behind them!

Chapter 226 - Wheel Dance of Man and Dragon

group chat

War Law Witch: "It's a fight! The other side seems so strong. Those so-called emperor tools make it seem like they've been crushed."

Yagi Toshinori: "Is the gap still too big? It takes five people to deal with one."

The strongest man on the ocean: "I heard Estes say that this dragon is equivalent to the super dangerous species in their world, you know that the founding emperor of the empire had to raise the whole country to kill the super dangerous species and create the emperor's tools, although these emperors now have the emperor's tools but after all they can't compare to the real super dangerous species."

Most Ancient Demon King: "It takes time to adapt, the Super Dangerous Species are too early for them now."

Most Ancient Villager: "Just a bunch of mongrels, just crush them straight away."

Ordinary Alchemist: "------"

Nanun begins by stating that all I need to do is dive, I can't get in on the big brother's conversation.

Eroica: "Estes-san isn't in any danger, is she?"

The kind-hearted Eroica couldn't help but worry.

Suzuki Goh: "Don't worry, I'm afraid this woman is secretly happy in her heart right now."

Suzuki Goku but clearly knew how perverted Estes was, often looking for him to PK. if it wasn't for those kryptonite items it really wasn't certain that he could win against her.

Estes's battle sense was just too scary.

One Way Pass: "My hands are itching already."

Prince of Emptiness: "Seeing so many evil seeds plaguing the world, this Prince can't help but to rid the people of evil."

Ling Yu: "I don't know if it's my illusion, but why do I look familiar to these dragons, as if I've seen them somewhere before."

The great richest man: "Could it be that which group master knows the world?"

Ling Yu: "Probably, but it's been too long, and with the new fang, some things are getting forgotten."

Oldest Demon King: "I hope there's a god, my husband only wants to slay gods."

Black Tigers: "@Ling Yu, Group Master, is there a limit on the number of people going to Estes' world this time?"

Ling Yu: "No."

I'm no expert: "I want to go to the other world."

Hiccup said with courage.

I'm no expert: "And I'd like to see what the difference is between the dragons of other worlds and our own."

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