Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 314

The calmest of the two was also the one who could feel the difference between the two, and this level of power had completely surpassed their knowledge.

"And how strong is that for them that can walk on thin ice in front of this kind of power?!" Will stared incredulously at the crowd standing with Estes with wide pupils, and in their eyes Will saw only a hint of surprise then it disappeared.

"Gravity?" After a moment of contemplation, Phae emitted a terrifying repulsive force around his body, directly compressing the black dragon's gravity into a semicircle a hundred meters in diameter.


The furious dragon roar sounded and the scarlet dragon eyes flashed, at this moment he only wanted to push back the repulsive force around him.

However ......


With a cracking sound, the ice beneath his feet couldn't withstand the increasingly powerful gravity breaking apart, and the black dragon's entire body sank into the sea.

At the same time

On a turquoise lawn, countless grasses shivered slightly in the breeze, and a lush tree in the distance slightly shifted its branches and leaves.

The warm sunlight fell from the sky, sprinkling warm colors among the clinging white clouds.


Suddenly a cracking sound rang out in the green meadow.

A crack suddenly opened in the space above the lawn, that crack was like the source of the shattering, then more and more cracks extended outwards from the initial one.


The space seemed to shatter as if it couldn't withstand the powerful force, and a nice female voice also came out from the cracked space.

"Is this another world!?"

"It looks like it's just a green plain not much different from a normal grassland ah." A young girl with long black hair, her black eyes reflecting a green grassland that couldn't be seen at a glance.

"You two also don't get bored together all day long, come out and take a look." Breathing in the fresh air the black haired girl beckoned to the space.

"Words, I wonder if we're here in this world?"

"I need one of the most pure flames of this world to concoct a potion to restore your strength."

The voices of a man and a woman appeared at the same time, a white-haired fox-eared man holding a silver-haired baby-faced girl slowly walked out of the broken space.

The sunlight fell on their silver hair, looking like a picture scroll, causing Materia Fukatsuki to stare at them.

"Actually, you don't have to do that, crossing the world is very draining, right, and it's only a matter of time before my memory has regained its strength now."

Fox Gotham Words shook his head, "Just think of it as giving me a chance to atone for my sins."

Looking at such Fox Gotham Words Murong Xi opened her mouth long to say something, but seeing Fox Gotham Words' earnestly handsome face then revealed a helpless smile, "Then, Words, do you know where that Fire Inferno is?"

Fox Gotham smiled lightly and spoke out a name: "Divine Fire Mountain Resort."

Chapter 232 - Ding! Salamandini joins the group chat

The sound of armor clashing echoed endlessly in midair.

The duel between the converging time bubbles ended in a draw, followed by a melee.

The Lingyu armor was completely just shedding its defense, two white laser sword arms extended.


The sound of metal burning and cracking rang out, and the arm of one of the Bi-Dragon's armor had been cut in half, but the Ling Yu armor had also lost an arm in an instant.


Ling Yu, who was stunned over the broken arm, felt a heavy weight behind him, and the entire armor flew backwards.

The jets erupted behind it, and the upside-down Ling Yu was barely able to stand still in mid-air.

The Flame Dragon in the distance didn't have a care in the world, the fire behind it erupted into a red arc, and the figure disappeared in front of Ling Yu's eyes in an instant.

"Here?" The mastery of the imaginary number of space quickly felt the difference in space, Ling Yu quickly turned his body and punched out at the space behind him.


The two fists clashed against each other, setting off a terrifying wind pressure.

"Give it to me to go down!" The Salamantini inside the Flame Dragon shouted out.

Only to see the Flame Dragon's eyes flashing red, along Ling Yu's shoulder the entire body sideways to avoid, the arm a dazzling golden yellow, using the hand as a knife to slash down at Ling Yu that arm.

Inside the armor, Ling Yu brow frowned, fiercely opened his eyes, the external armor because no one to control the blue eyes quickly dimmed, but inside the armor Ling Yu meaning to return, the black eyes disappeared replaced by blue like starlight eyes.

Transmutation Eyes - Repulsion!

The violent repulsion caused the Flame Dragon's arm to swing right open.

"Bounced off?"

Salamantini was amazed, and the next moment the entire Flame Dragon slammed backwards uncontrollably, even though the jets were erupting without any effect in the slightest.

Salamantini didn't feel the disappearance of this resistance until he was thousands of meters back.

"Strange, what kind of strange power is this?"

"Captain, are you okay?"


"Captain look, he's automatically disarmed the Dragon Goddess." A member of the team shouted out.

Sara was immediately awakened, but after looking at it she was lost, what was the point of disarming it or not?

"Captain, what's next?" Kaname asked.

"From the looks of things we don't have any chance of winning." Sara's heavy words were accompanied by a grin.

What do you think can be done?

The Dragon Clan's strongest weapon, the Convergence Time Cannon, couldn't do any good, and now the Dragon Divine Weapon couldn't even get within a thousand meters of the opposite side, so long-range melee combat was completely restricted.

"Everyone! Retreat!" Salamantini took a deep breath and shouted through the Dragon Goddess.

"All hands converge time cannon ready!"

The six pale dragons below received orders to retreat to the surface with all their flocks.

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