Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 317.

'Well, forget it, let's just give the clown a chance, my king won't take out those fantastic foods, save for the time when the group members will be tasteless with normal food.'

"I do think it should be related to the new group members." The merchant king who was an ancient man felt like he was in heaven all of a sudden as he ate what was in his mouth.

Gosh, what kind of earth dog ingredients did I used to eat.

"That Salamandini? Rather, the group leader did go into a death spiral when that man joined." Voban elegantly took a sip of tea from his cup.

"Well, it's a shame the person isn't online, or we could have asked."

Hino-san's head broke out in cold sweat, "Fortunately, watch your image in front of others! At least finish what's in your mouth before you speak."

Hoshikazuki: "Mmm~ But it's really good, you don't eat these things often oh try it."

Saying that Hoshikazuki picked up a piece of beef jerky and stuffed it directly into Hinosi's mouth.

In the mouth, Hino-san's pupils lit up.

'Like, it's really good ugh.'

"It is indeed not easy to eat." Although the others couldn't see it, but Aoki Rika, who was the eldest sister, saw at once the preciousness of its beef.

Gently picking up a piece and placing it in her mouth, her pupils shrank slightly.

Both the workmanship and the materials were the best in the world.

Those who could afford to eat such ingredients were either non-rich or rich, and from the steel armor just now, it seemed like it should be a very powerful and wealthy businessman, after all, how could someone who could create an exoskeleton armor not have money?

The money for the experimental materials alone was an astronomical sum that ordinary people couldn't afford.

Right at this moment, Salamantini's avatar lit up.

In an instant, all the groups present were in a group chat.

Suzaku Goku: "@Salamantini, welcome new group member."

Lord of the Air: "@Salamantini, female or pampered please choose."

The Greatest Chief: "@Salamantini, being on or resistant to cao, can only choose one."

Nanyun Begin: "------"

Most Ancient Village Chief: "What filth, my king does not care to be with you @ Greatest Chief"

Ouyang Xiaofeng: "It means he's still a child and can't understand it."

Lord of the Air: "Showing that you are still a child and can't understand."

Eroica: "Showing that you are still a child and can't understand it."

Great Chief: "------ You guys pretend again, can't we all just be honest as adults? Look at me, I don't stick to the small stuff."

Toshinori Yagi: "Tony Stark Smash!"

The Greatest Chief: "------### @ Yagi Toshinori, believe it or not if you weren't here I'd give you a laser cannon right now."

One-Pass: "Pfft! Please allow me to laugh at the sound of a pig."

The Great Chief: "Do you believe I'll beat you into a pig? And then you don't even have to learn to just scream."


One-Pass sat right up on the stool. A punch was thrown at Tony.

But in the next moment.


One party passed only to feel a spinning sky and then inexplicably fell to the ground.

Who am I? Where am I? What's happening? ------ befuddled triple question.

Tony slapped his hand in disdain: "Small sample, with your scrawny little body, you're a piece of trash in front of my son without vector control."

Ling Yu: "------"

Salamantini: "Is this group really leading to the heavens and the earth?"

Lord of the Air: "Yeah right oh."

Salamantini: "So if I need you guys to help me kill someone, what would it take, a body?"

The moment Salamantini's words fell, the original group that had come to make noise immediately quieted down.

Suzuki Goh: "Uh, we're just talking off the cuff, you don't have to take it seriously."

Suzuki Goh: "@Salamantini, we're not going to randomly go kill someone for you, but since we're in the group we're family, and as family, we won't do anything regardless when you're in danger."

Salamantini: "Because that man and his partner left my people dead and injured by the thousands."

The Great Chief: "Fuck! Who are the men so vile, let the great Chief Executive give them a head-start!"

Ling Yu: "......"

If I wasn't unable to say I'd like to give you a stick right now.

Ding! Salamantini uploads a photo.

Salamantini: "Here's a picture of those people."

At one point so everyone downloaded it.

Ding! The group owner withdrew the picture.

But even though Ling Yu quickly withdrew it, it was still seen by the group members.

The atmosphere was a bit silent for a while.

Suzaku Goku: "......"

Suzuki Goh's look was complicated, he seemed to understand a bit why Ling Yu was so sullen, he felt that the people that people were talking about killing were them!

Ding! Salamandini was banned for an hour.

Ling Yu: "You guys don't say anything, I'm going to talk to her."

At Ling Yu's words, the entire group chat fell silent.

Han Yunxi: "We, it seems like we've done something unimaginable."

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