Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 319.

Try the original where Angie killed countless flying dragons, but became best friends with Salamantini because she killed Emberio and saved Ola as usual.

Ori and Emberio are totally the heart of the entire dragon race. As long as you lean on those two points, nothing else matters.

Ling Yu: "Me? As the group master my job is to make the members of the group live in harmony, and now this accident is obviously not what I as the group master want to see. So my request is simple, I don't want you to be friendly with each other, but you must stick together and help each other in critical times."

Salamantini: "Just go back to Ori if you can help us, and everything else is fine."

With her intelligence, it was naturally not hard for her to guess that the members of the group were probably from other different worlds as well.

And the mutual help that Ling Yu was talking about now would be crossing into the same world to defend against foreign enemies together, I guess.

Salamantini: "But, Ling Yu, oh no, group master, I seem to be a little curious about you, since you know about us dragons, then you should also know that we dragons are the pinnacle product of technology, so I am very interested in the secrets you have."

Ling Yu: "------"

Lynx: "I think you can give it up, I have enough women and I want to hold off."

Salamandini: "......"

Salamantini: "Heh, just wait until you guys actually save Ola. Maybe I can think about what to do with you guys then."

Lynx: "Well then, pull out first, I haven't eaten yet."

After saying that, he ignored Salamandini's speechlessness and directly exited the group chat.

Old World.

Salamantini opened her eyes, opened the cabin of the Flame Dragon, and eased down.

"How?" Suddenly, a young voice sounded in front of us.

Sara's eyes narrowed as she looked at the little girl in front of her and said in a deep voice, "It's not clear yet, but the danger index is enough to be on par with Embrio."

The little girl nodded, "Yeah? Keep going along with what he says, and let us know if you can get any valid information out of him."

"Being able to break the Convergence Time Cannon, even that man doesn't have that ability."

"But there is one thing you need to know," Salamandini suddenly said.

"What?" The little girl asked.

Salamantini: "He said he could help us save Ola."

As soon as the words were spoken, all the people present had their pupils shrink.

The little girl's pupils slowed down slightly, opened the fan in her hand and shook it gently, a smile curling her lips, "Suddenly, the concubine is somewhat interested."

Chapter 236 - Stark Brand.

Ling Yu withdrew from the group chat and looked at the crowd present.

Seeing that everyone was sullenly opening their mouths, he said, "Alright, let's stop being so miserable, as Voban said, we didn't do anything wrong, we're just standing on different positions."

"It's normal for the opposite side to see a sudden spatial rift in the sky and come in, just like Estes would gather an army to guard the spatial rift, everyone will have their guard up to the highest when facing the unknown."

"So there's no need to worry anymore, just get along with this new group member."

"Gulla la la, the group leader is right, besides we didn't mean to do it until we were enemies before dealing with joining the group chat." Whitebeard said cheerfully though, his huge body sitting on the grass outside.

Suzaku Goku nodded cautiously, "We should push for it, we can't indulge her just because we beat a dragon out of her."

"But why did the other party join the group chat only after we fought them off? Are there any hidden conditions?" Yagi Toshien rubbed his chin in contemplation.

After hearing Yagi Jun Dian's words, Ling Yu sighed helplessly, "Actually, I don't really understand this matter myself, why didn't you add it earlier in preference to after you've done it, doesn't this make me as the group master very helpless?"

The merchant asked, "What if the other party specifically takes up the matter in the group chat?"

Voban snorted, "I don't care what she does, if I give her face and shame my husband doesn't mind teaching her how to behave!"

Ling Yu: "EMM, Big Brother can't be provoked."

Ouyang Xiaofeng: "Old Marquis is mighty!"

Phae also spoke up, "I'd like to see how many Earth-bursting celestial stars her world can withstand."

"It just so happens that the King wants to see if Ea can actually cut through the world or not." Gilgamesh said playfully as he played with a finely crafted golden key.

Estes: "I can't deal with that armor, but I can still ice a few dragons."

"Exterminate the world? I like it." Celine licked her red lips evilly.

Ling Yu sweated for a moment, well, they were all restless masters.

But this was normal, after all, Salamantini was not an ordinary group member joining the group chat, back when the group members had killed the dragons there had been friction between the two sides that couldn't be ignored, and it was indeed unlikely that they wanted to be as friendly as ordinary group members. However, the task of the group master was to regulate the conflicts between the group members.

This was a headache for Ling Yu.

The people who joined the group chat were all existences standing at the top of the world, with their own pride, and it was almost impossible for them to admit their mistakes to others, yet in fact Ling Yu wouldn't have them to admit their mistakes to others.

The only difference is that it's just a Salamantini, just a world, and now it's only for the sake of the same group members that I'll talk to her properly, but if the other party is really ungrateful then don't blame Ling Yu for kicking the other party out of the group chat directly after remembering the spatial coordinates.

But it's still all unknown right now.

Ling Yu clapped his hands to, "Alright, let's not talk about these horrible things, we just need to do her a favor to defuse the awkward atmosphere right now."

"What kind of favor?" Voban was the first to ask.

Despite the cruel words on the surface, Voban was very fond of group chats, he would like it if the group members could get along well with each other, and he didn't want to strain the atmosphere of the group, after all, this was arguably the only place in the world where he could reveal his true feelings.

"Help her save one person and kill one."

"Tell her we promise." Voban said directly.

"Marquis, isn't that too arbitrary, if Salamandini wants us to kill some good person. Wouldn't that be wrong to kill an innocent?"

Voban took a look at Yagi Toshinori without speaking, knowing that he was completely different in thought from someone like Yami Toshinori who was absolutely righteous.

As the Demon King of Godslayer, the existence at the apex of the King's Landing, he never considered the thoughts of others in what he did.

Doing whatever he wanted, following his own desires without the control of others, that was Voban! A wolf-like man.

On the contrary, what Toshinori Yagi does is all for others. Just like his personality generally one for all (I for everyone).

"Ahem, well, I actually know the world of Salamandini, after that I'll send a copy of that world to the group, and I'll make sure that the people I'm going to kill don't think it's a good person."

Yagi Junen exhaled after hearing this, he still had a lot of trust in Ling Yu.

"Group Master, I'm going back first, Sardinia has been a bit unsettled lately. I need to head over there immediately."

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