Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 325.

"The following will be Minister He Lin Zhi speaking to you about the situation." The Third Elder spoke up.

At the Third Elder's signal, He Lin Zhi slowly walked out and took out a thumb drive and inserted it into the terminal.

In the next moment, it instantly projected a clear image of the sky over the Indian Ocean onto the screen.

Everyone could clearly see the crack hidden in the stormy windshield over the Indian Ocean in the image above.

Although the crack was small, they all knew that it was only the surface, and at the moment, the crack was like a piece of paper that would burst with a gentle poke.

After a long discussion, He Lin Zhi closed the image and opened his mouth with a deep exhale.

"According to all kinds of information indicating that as soon as the spatial rift opens this time, the aura overflowing from it will saturate the Earth's aura at this moment, thus completing a promotion."

"So everyone knows what this means this time, right."

He Lin Zhi's words were like a bomb that landed in the city, and everyone's faces were shaken.

Knowing, how could they not know that in the beginning, because of the emergence of aura and thus the birth of the Transcendent, and once the aura was promoted it meant that their would break through this moment's realm to arrive at a new level.

"So, we must win this time! Success, then the world map expands a hundred times, the aura concentration increases, gaining even more power and even destroying those guys across the spatial rift! And, there's no need for me to say anything more about defeat ------!" Number A's gaze swept over everyone present in a serious manner, and a heavy atmosphere pressed down on almost everyone's heart.

This was a disaster and a chance at the same time, except that the chance was based on victory.

This time, even Yuye was silent. Perhaps he was normally rather jumpy, but he was still very solemn when it came to such a matter of right and wrong.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Number A continued to speak, "The spatial rift over the Pacific Ocean has opened a few times, and we have all participated in many battles, but this time the enemy will be even stronger, and from the concentration of aura that is faintly revealed from the spatial rift, we can tell that this will be a fierce battle. However, we don't have any choice!"

The powerful words struck everyone's hearts and minds.

'No choice?' Henri murmured in silence.

Transcendence brought them power, but it also brought unimaginable cruelty. Being in a high position meant more responsibility.

Wars large and small had cost them too much.

Once how many of his comrades from the same period of time were left forever in a different land.

The most painful part of loss was not in that moment, but in the moments that would be recalled inadvertently for the rest of their lives.

Number A stood up, and at the same time, the three elders of the Red Country's high position also stood up.

"The survival of the entire world is at stake this time, and while the spatial rift is opening it is not certain that the seal over the Pacific Ocean will be affected, so this is a war shared by the entire world, and this time not only our Red Country, but also the Free Federation, the Central United, the Sunset Empire, etc. will all participate in the war as long as they are the only countries still left in the world!"

"With this meeting I'm not asking you to do anything, I just hope that you can withstand the onslaught and thus give the whole world a break!"

"I don't need you to go after some silly merit and glory for your country, those are in my eyes! In the future eyes of the entire Red State! All is vanity in this chaotic world, only life! The only thing that matters is preserving another war for the Red Kingdom! You also don't want to rely on the backs of those who haven't grown up yet to defend yourselves against invasion after dying in battle."

Chapter 242 - Uploading the memory copy again

"The main purpose of this meeting is to tell you! If you can't beat them, you can retreat! There is no shame in retreating, even if you retreat in front of other countries, living is the truth, you are all mid-stream pillars of the Red Country, as long as you carry through this time you are undoubtedly the foundation of the Red Country to ask for the chaos!"

"So I hope the post-war King's Council isn't too short on seating."

After saying that, Number A sat down, while the entire conference room was as silent as night.

The entire conference room was incomparably quiet, no one spoke, everyone was incomparably silent.

Ling Yu looked up at the person who was sitting on the first seat without any anger, and the corner of his mouth curled up into a smile.

Dying for the country may be an honor, but in the current time period where high level battle power is rare, every strong person is very precious, not to mention other countries, even a super power like the Red Country is only twenty kings, five town god pillars, not counting its ninth rank, high level battle power can also be said to be few.

The number of strong people accumulated was unimaginable, and the Earth, which had only received aura for a few decades, was really much weaker than it.

The other kings were not fools, even the strongest man in the Red Country said that this war was incredibly dangerous, they naturally did not dare to be careless.

They were also worried that their own descendants would not be able to hold on to the family business after their own death, so that the new generation of the Red Country had not yet grown up when they invaded again, then the human race would be finished, and they couldn't expect those of the first and second stages to take revenge.

After all, the bottom line is there, how can a few decades be compared to millions and millions of years of bottom line?

So all they could do was try to conserve as much of their high level battle power as possible, thus giving the next generation time to recuperate and wait for the Earth to truly catch its breath.

In the next moment, all the kings stood up together!

"Yes!" The eyes were incomparably serious and solemn, most of them were military born, and the first task of a soldier is to obey!

What's more, the survival of the country and its people is at stake!

Ling Yu closes his eyes and mind into the group chat

The Most Ancient of Villagers: "Fuck! I've been messing around with it for half a day and I still don't even know how to change the name!"

Suzaku Goku: "Alas, the intelligence of the ancients is worrying."

Human Determination: "------"

Han Yunxi: "------"

What did the ancients do to you? By the way, don't we all change our names? Only Gilgamesh, the odd man out, wouldn't be able to.

Lynx: "You guys look like you have a lot of time on your hands."

The Greatest Chief: "Ugh, a little."

Salamandini: "@Ling Yu, when are you going to come help us rescue Ori."

Lynx: "Don't worry, I'll help you when I'm done here, but I may need your help before that."

Queen of Ice: "Group Master, can you tell me what you can tell me what happened? Don't worry, I'll never help deal with you across the street."

Estes sat in the bedroom with a smile on her face, her hand gently rubbing her abdomen, and although she was a little uncomfortable, her upturned lips couldn't be seen to be unhappy in the slightest.

Ling Yu: "------ It's nothing really, it's just that the spatial rift I have here is about to open up as well, and I've heard it's a bit stronger."

Salamandini: "The spatial rift, is that the passage that opens in the sky?"

Now because of Ling Yu and the others, that spatial channel that was opened over the old world was also sealed by the Dragon Clan using special means, they didn't want any more stunted youths to go and die.

Lingyu: "Yes."

Ouyang Xiaofeng: "That's not simple, it's just a spatial rift, let's go and help you end the opposite world."

Ling Yu: "------"

Black Tiger: "Kaede don't be impulsive, the group master is afraid of what if he suddenly joins the group chat after crippling the opposite world again."

Salamandini: "------"

Can't talk, what do you mean crippled, we're just strategically retreating!

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