Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 340.

Weiya Cheji was stunned, and Alice Fell was also incredulous with one hand covering her mouth.

The legendary Knight King was a girl?

"Ah, yes, Cheshire is your MASTER," Alice Fell quickly responded, pushing a hand in front of her to the dull-haired king.

With that, Alice Fair's words, the saber nodded at the spellmark on Cheji Eiya's hand.

"So, my MASTER, is that man outside one of yours as well?"

SABER's words made Eguchiya cut his teeth, and Alice Fell was shocked.

The people outside? They could be the only two people who came here, where else could there be anyone else.

And the only person who can keep them from finding out is probably Yingling!

That means they're exposed!

"Not one of your own?" SABER noticed the two's looks and murmured softly.

In the next moment, an incomparably terrifying breath shook the space.

"Come out! I can already feel your breath, there's no point in hiding!"

a short while after a word has been said

"Pop, pop,"

A soft clap sounded and a white figure appeared at the entrance of the auditorium. The two cute little ears were still moving one at a time.

"Nice perception, it seems you have a high application of the wind." The words of praise came out of the visitor's mouth, but Saber's face was very heavy.

Although the man didn't hide his actions, instincts told her that this man was dangerous.

Eguchiya looked at everything with an expressionless face, but many options were being concocted in his mind.

"Saber, hold him back, I'll take Alice Fields away first." Finally, Emiya Cheji ordered to.

Now that he didn't know the other side's background, there was no plan to deal with it, Alice Phil didn't have the slightest fighting ability, and he was only proficient in assassination, so a head-on fight wouldn't account for the slightest advantage.

"Yes, MASTER," Saber agreed, and his figure quickly appeared in front of the man, raising the Sword of Oath covered by the Wind King's Boundary.

"Good idea, but unfortunately, Alice Fair is my main target this time." The man revealed a smile.

Taking a slight step backwards, the Sword of Oath Victory cut the air, causing Saber's pupils to shrink.

"You can see the length of my sword?!"

"Can't see it, but the wind told me." The man laughed and held out a white jade finger to his ear.

"You are clever to hide the holy sword through the Wind King's boundary, but the wind also flows, and while the Wind King's boundary covers it, the sound of the flowing wind reveals everything. Which do you think is more suspicious than the smooth air or the slow flowing air at the moment?"

"Scary man!" SABER was stunned and came to a conclusion.

He was the first to be able to break her Wind King Boundary so easily!

"Well, I don't have time to play with the little girl, so just stay away for a while. Maybe you'll have to thank me afterwards." The man smiled mysteriously.


The clear voice echoed in the silent auditorium.

The man slowly skirted his head, the smile on his face turning into a flat color.

However, SABER looked incredulous as his holy sword was caught between two fingers.

"Are you thinking I'm joking? Little girl."


A crisp sound shook the hearts of everyone present.

The Wind King's boundary quickly disappeared, revealing a sword of gold and silver, but cracks appeared at the head of the sword, where the man's two fingers were clamped.

With a gentle bend of the two fingers, 'pang', the blade of the legendary King Chosen Sword, the Holy Sword of Gold that symbolized Great Britain's supreme honor, was actually snapped off directly under those two white jade-like fingers, and a fragment fell to the ground.

"Don't challenge my boundaries." Saying that, he gently stepped forward, ignoring the stunned saber and walked straight past her.

"Can't you even stop the legendary Knight King?"

Alice Fields, who was being protected by Kheiya Kheiji, looked at the remnants of the Sword of Oath Victory that fell to the ground with her red eyes narrowed.

Emiya Cheji was even more convinced of the late assassination plan after seeing how easily Saber was subdued.

But that would be only after the current problem was solved.

"Who the hell are you?! Why did you take a shot at Ally?!" With a handful of Magic Strong in his hand, Kamiya cut his face as the silver-haired man slowly approached.

"Me? You can call me the Time Destroyer, or call me Fox Gothic Words."

The man smiled mysteriously and spoke out his name.

Chapter 256 - Substitute for the Small Holy Grail, World Correction Power

The entire auditorium was incomparably quiet.

Wei Gong Cheji kept searching for the name Fox Gotham Words in his mind, but he found nothing.

"Don't worry, I'm not someone who likes to kill people, so you don't need to worry too much." With a smiling glance at the wary Wei Gong Chehei, Fox Gotham Words stepped forward.

The invisible force pushed aside the Wei Gong Cheji and stood in front of the nervous looking Alice Fell.

"What exactly do you want?" Sweat slid down Alice Fell's forehead, the closer she got, the more she could feel the invisible pressure of the fox's words.

Looking at this doll-like beautiful woman in front of him, he softly spoke, "It's fine, it'll be fine soon."

After saying that, he prodded his hand.


A spark of clashing metal appeared from the back of Fox Gotham's white jade-like hand, stopping the half-extended hand in mid-air.

Turning his head slightly, he saw Eiya Kheiji sitting on the ground, one hand on the ground, the other pointing the blackened muzzle at him.

Pupils slightly shaken, the silver ripples spread slightly, and reflected in the fox's eyes, Kheiya Kheiji only felt his heart constrict, the space around him began to squeeze him, and his breathing became difficult.

"Chehei!" Alice Fell's pupils snapped shut.

"Well?" Suddenly, Fox Gotham's eyes set off a ripple and looked to the sky.

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