Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 353.

But these were nothing to the Transcendent, as long as they gathered aura on their eyes, they could make them see other things in the night.

Not to mention the dazzling white light emanating from the sixteen swords blockading the sea.

The image of Ling Yu and the Night Bat Cloud confronting each other was also spread throughout the Red Country through the army's live broadcast for a while.

No. A intended to let the people know, then no one in the Red Kingdom could stop it.

Some people had asked Number A if it was really good to just expose their country's strength to other countries, but Number A just smiled and said, "Once in a while, it's no big deal."

"Besides, even if they expose their strength, do they dare do anything?"

Number A was said to still be smiling as he said this, but the domineering and unquestionable tone of his voice was deeply convincing.

On the other side, Criminal Mengqi and Little Bean were gradually detaching themselves from the Cloud Bat Super Beast.

"Yunyun, you can't be big-hearted oh." Torturing Mengqi spoke softly to Night Bat Cloud.

"Brother Criminal, be careful in all things, the fact that the other party can become a king means that it is not weak." Little Bean also spoke up, his gaze heavy.

Although he didn't think that his big brother would lose, but being careful could lead to a ten thousand year old boat. It was hard to guarantee that the opposite side had a yin man's move.

"Don't worry, a lion fighting a rabbit is also full strength." The corner of Night Bat Cloud's mouth curled up into a smile and patted the shoulders of the two.

When the two left, Night Bat Cloud restrained the smile on his face and exhaled a deep breath.

With both brows furrowed, the purple helmet instantly appeared from the void and enveloped it.

"This is really identical, if I didn't know you were from the Red Country, I almost thought you were the Night Lynx Cloud from the Super Beast Armed." Lingyu gabbed.

"Group Master, don't panic, fuck him, beat him to death." Minos looked like he didn't mind, pushing madly in the group.

Ling Yu's face darkened, and he directly blocked the voices of the group members, the group of guys who didn't mind.

Can you fuck to death? The other party is just looking for a cut and dried, death is fine, half-death is fine.

Thinking of Ling Yu's face revealed a 'sinister' smile.

Night Bat Cloud suddenly felt a chill in his heart, inexplicably uneasy.

But before he could be brought to react, the intense chill instantly erupted, making him subconsciously dodge sideways.

A golden spear directly pierced through the void, eliminating a corner of Night Bat Cloud's armor.

"Oh? Nice reaction." Ling Yu spoke with some surprise.

"The alertness I've developed from years of fighting on the border is more than that." Night Bat Cloud's heart was pounding, but he didn't know why.

There was an emotion called excitement that truly kept rising.

As soon as the words fell, Night Bat Cloud's figure disappeared from the Cloud Bat Super Beast's head.

A purple fist blasted out from the side of Ling Yu's head as he slightly skimmed his head, blowing the air directly in front of Ling Yu.

With lightning speed, a bland hand probed towards the purple wrist.

But in the next moment, the Night Bat Cloud behind Ling Yu instantly disappeared.

"The Night Clan is known for its speed, I heard that every Night Clan member is born as a top assassin, and now it seems that it is not true." Rao Wei also shrank slightly the moment she saw that speed.

If this were myself, I'm afraid I would have been blown away in an instant.

During Ling Wei's commentary, Night Bat Cloud had tried to launch attacks in dozens of directions, but each time he was dodged by Ling Yu, during which he almost got caught himself several times.

It was also fortunate that he was fast enough, otherwise he would have been thrown into the sea by Ling Yu.

"Familiar." Ling Yu suddenly blurted out, confusing everyone.

Familiar, familiar with what?

The Night Bat Cloud was stunned, but in the next moment, it only felt a spiral, and its body turned into a cannonball.

What had happened?

Night Bat Cloud was still confused, but then endless coolness gathered from his side, and he was swallowed up by the whirling Hella with a huge impact that he couldn't react to.

"What happened? How did the night bat cloud disappear?"

Both the army and the television viewers looked confused and too fast for them to be in the period of what was happening.

But in the next moment, the loud bang on the sea let them know what had happened.

"No way? In just one look, Night Bat Cloud is no match for Lord White Dragon Emperor?"

"Is that killed?"

"Cloud!" To be the first one to sit still, it was Night Bat Cloud's father, Night Lingkong.

He watched in shock as his child was easily thrown into the ocean floor.

How could he as a father not know how fast Night Bat Cloud was, but it was really because he knew that he was shocked.

Even the white-haired old man who was secretly watching the battle and A Number were also stunned, not expecting Ling Yu to be so strong.

"Pah." Ling Yu didn't give anyone time to be shocked, a crisp ringing finger opened.

Numerous pitch-black halos opened from the sky, and golden spears peeked out from the imaginary number space.

"Hiss" densely spread all over the sky, one couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air, even if one didn't die from being shot by this thing, one would turn into a sieve, right?

"Night Bat Cloud, if you don't come out, you'll die." Ling Yu lightly laughed and waved his hand under the shocked gazes of countless people.

As if it was raining gold, countless divine spears exploded into this sea.

"Cloud Bat Shield!"

Chapter 267 - Ling Yu is glowing green?

The purple cloud bat suspended in mid-air closed its huge mechanical wings and quickly formed a huge shield.

It disappeared in the instant that the roaming divine spears poured down, reappearing already ten meters above the sea in mid-air.

"Every single golden spear here is enough to rival a mid-grade transcendent weapon!" The white-haired old man was somewhat incredulous, and the others were even crazier.

In particular, some of the strongest people from other countries suppressing the spatial rift were also incomparably impressed at the moment.

They naturally wouldn't be able to see it if it was just an ordinary medium Transcendent Weapon.

But it couldn't be helped that there were so many of them! It would be nice to arm the army.

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