Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 357.

"Why am I suddenly feeling a little sympathetic to Night Bat Cloud?" Some of the spectators looked at the Night Bat Cloud who was beaten up and vomited blood with a sympathetic expression.

"This should be the fictional way of pretending to be fucked instead of being fucked. Night Bat Cloud never thought to death that the White Dragon Emperor was a tougher man than him. I bet if Night Bat Cloud knew Ling Yu's strength to death, he wouldn't have challenged him. Look at him now, getting fatally beaten in front of the whole world. The swollen flesh underneath the armor is probably able to crack the armor." A man laughed to.

As the saying goes, her daughter was his former lover, but her daughter didn't even go to worship his father instead of this little white guy? What other fanclub did you join, shouting every day that you want to have a baby for Night Bat Cloud?

I went, I could have almost pissed him off at the time, but now it's good to see this pretend criminal getting a fat beating, not to mention how happy I feel.

"That's right, more beaten and less pretentious." To be able to mix together, naturally they were like-minded people, and there were many middle-aged men in the surrounding area suddenly agreeing.

These, undoubtedly, were a group of old boys who had no status at home.

"The Super Beast and the Night Bat Cloud have even lost."

The soldiers' hearts trembled as they watched the platform holding the three of them, Night Bat Cloud, slowly arrive on the warship.

Although they knew that the black dragon was strong, there was no standard to measure it against.

"Just a dragon, what is the picture of the Dragon and Phoenix Cataclysm described in mythology?"

"Finally, I don't have to read the novel myselfyyy anymore." One person teased.

"Suddenly it feels a bit miserable for Night Bat Cloud, not only is the name of the strongest in the new generation untenable, but he was also injured by a punch that looks like he'll be in bed for half a month."

"Can you call this a fight? It's clearly just that the Night Bat Cloud was unilaterally abused."

Some soldiers whispered.

Red Country Conference Room

"Number A." Sitting next to Number A, Night Lingkong finally couldn't help it.

Seeing his child beaten to death he, the father, couldn't ignore it.

"Well, don't worry, this kid still knows how to hit him. It looks serious, but it doesn't go up to the internal organs. Ling Kong, take this, and let's call it a day." Past Ling Yu on the screen, Number A waved his hand and took out a jade bottle from his spatial ring and tossed it to Night Sky.

"Here!" Night Sky quickly caught it, and his face changed dramatically after taking a look at it.

"I hope that the next time we meet, the Red Country will have an additional tenth-ranked strongman."

"Yes! Number A!" Night Sky replied with some excitement.

"Then I'll go save Yun'er first." Despite his excitement, he didn't forget about his child.



"Older brother, how strong are you really." Ling Wei turned her head in shock.

"Keep it a secret for now." Ling Yu smiled and lightly patted Ling Wei's small head.

"Alright." Although she was very curious, but as a good sister she shouldn't make her brother feel irritated.

And Ling Yu also said that he would tell himself after the exotic war.

"Ling Yu, you're really ready to tell this little girl?" Celine's voice suddenly sounded next to Ling Yu's ear.

"What? No?" Ling Yu secretly transmitted the message.

"It is reasonable to say that you are a traveler, being a traveler that means that the people who exist in this world are two kinds of unrelated people, even if originally in this world Ling Yu has a sister, but how did you, the traveler Ling Yu, manage to treat her truly as your sister? Two strangers get together and you don't have an ounce of defense? It's really curious."

Ling Yu's face stiffened, "How did you come up with such a thing?"

Celine's delicate voice came out, "Just pure curiosity."

"I feel so strange myself when you say that. Could it be that it really is your sister my adopted?"

Celine rolled her eyes in imaginary number space, "I see you're just refining copper. No, refining coal."

Ling Yu: "Oooh, how can you say that about me? Your handsome brother Ling Yu's heart is breaking, no, next time I'm going to go to little Celine for warmth."

"Don't you dare!" Big Celine blew up at the mention of Little Celine. It almost didn't shatter her throne.

When Bella raised her faucet in fright, she found her own queen lord growling into the air.

'Is it all right, Lord Queen? I've heard from humans that there is a disease in humans called love affliction, now is the queen missing that heartbreaker with all her anger? "

Thinking about it, Bella couldn't help but think of Ling Yu, the man who dared to bind himself in chains!

Ling Yu: "Alright, the worst that can happen is I'll bring Vivian into the group too. Won't it be fine if there's a group chat tie-up?"

Celine: "What if she knows the situation from the inside?"

Ling Yu: "That doesn't add up?"

Celine: "And no, if you tell her about the group chat and don't let her join, your heart will inevitably get a little lost then make some little plans."

Ling Yu: "Hey, hey, hey, you're too much, you're basing all of this on the premise that Vivian is a bad guy, right, according to my understanding of Vivian she can't be a bad guy."

Celine: "Then what are you basing this on? Inheritance is not a false memory that you personally experience? Or is it that manly intuition of yours?"

Ling Yu: "......"

Celine: "You know group chat isn't just your group chat now, it's a group chat for all group members, and you need to be careful about adding people."

Ling Yu rolled his dead fish eyes, wasn't it just a heartbeat when I added you in the first place?

In order to make up for the regret, they didn't care whether you agreed or not, they just dragged you in, and over time you, the villain who wants to destroy mankind every day, were assimilated.

Ling Yu: "Huh? No. Why are you being so cautious? This isn't like you, is it a fever?"

Suddenly, Ling Yu was surprised, this silly rich white woman could use her brain? It's not going to be taken away!

Celine: "...... You're the one with the fever, I usually just don't want to use my brain. Why use your brain when you can solve things by strength."

Ling Yu: "......"

Is this an admission that you were stupid?

Ling Yu ended the conversation with Celine, although he was joking with Celine, he did believe too much in his previous memories.

He wasn't a soul wearer, he was a physical crossover, but he inherited everything from this world Ling Yu, including the memories, but he never doubted the falsity of the memories.

"System, do a scan for me, the whole body, especially the brain."

System: "...... Host, you weren't injured in the previous battle."

Chapter 270 - New Group Member Joins

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