Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 375.

In the next moment, a scarlet light blossomed on the Star of Eden, and gravity grabbed towards Bronia like a large hand.

Chapter 283 - The Sudden Appearance of Tlaloc

However Eden Star didn't respond to his call, and it fell down as if it had lost control.

Seeing this scene, Ling Yu's pupils flashed with joy, and he knew that Bronia had been acknowledged by Joachim's little pup.

In the next moment, as if the Star of Eden was attracted by the young girl's hands, it landed in front of Bronia.

At the same time, a young, clear voice sounded in Bronia's ears.

"Bronia, you have found the answer."

"How is that possible!" Walter's incredulous words rang out.

"Star of Eden 1st Rated Power ------ Liberation!"

As Bronia's clear words rang out, a scarlet light enveloped the entire tower.

On the far side of the Babylon tower, Ciel's clear blue pupils were replaced by a pair of scarlet in the next moment.

"You've succeeded, sister Bronia -----"

Ling Yu watched in silence as the Star of Eden collapsed the world, and the next moment, the two appeared in an azure world.

"The labyrinth disappeared? The core of the Lawgiver of Reason is right there."

"Great, you're okay too Hiei." Bronia was surprised to find that Hiei was beside her right now, and a smile appeared on Sansou's face.

Hearing Bronia's words Ling Yu was stunned and turned his head to see once again this Valkyrie who had been on his ship.

Black bluish shoulder length short hair, bloodshot pupils, and snow white skin.

Unlike the weakness of an outsider's personality, at the moment, Xi'er emitted maturity and femininity all the time.

There was a red stigmata mark on her chest, a white blouse, a blue vest, a dark and light blue skirt, and stockings with blue stripes.

Very broad love indeed!

Such a soft and cute girl should be held in her arms!

But Ling Yu quickly came back to his senses and pulled over Bronia who had changed into an increase suit.

From an alien nuclear erosion into an increase suit in an instant, this second change of clothes really felt quite awesome.

"Ling Yu, what are you doing?"

Soon Shire answered Bronia's question.

"Oh my, it's too much, the most beloved sister Bronia who loves Hielle has a man." Shire said in a ridiculing tone.

Bronia, who was still a little stunned, instantly reacted and looked at the girl in front of her vigilantly, "------ You're not Shier!"

"Who are you and what have you done to Hiram?!"

"Oh, it's so sad that my sister doesn't even recognize me? But yes, this should be our first meeting."

"Then introduce yourself - I'm the one boarding inside Hiel, the other her."

Rhysel put her hand to her chest, obviously a little sad at Bronia's indifference.

"The other her?"

"I don't care who you are, give Shire back to Bronia!" After a brief silence, Bronia held out her short hand to Rhysel.

"Oh. I understand how my sister feels about wanting to protect Rhiel. Rest assured, we were born as one, and I will not harm her. On the contrary, I also know the way to save Hiei-chan."

"Please, Sister, give me the core of the Lawgiver of Reason, so that both Hiei and I can return to reality."

Rei Yu: "------"

Ling Yu watched in silence as the two adorable lollies conversed, were these two lilies? Talking gloomy.

But it's like Shire is half a head taller than Bronia.

Poor Bronia, she's not even as tall as her own sister.

Ling Yu couldn't help but laugh out loud at the most adorable height difference.

As soon as Ling Yu laughed, he attracted the attention of both of them.

"Oh. I wonder what brother-in-law is laughing at. Can you share it with Hiram?" Rhysel smiled a sweet smile.

"Nothing, here, the core is for you." Saying that, Ling Yu took out a crystal from the imaginary number space that was exactly the same as the Lawgiver Core and handed it to Rishir.

Rishir: "------"

Bronia: "------"

Grasping the core in her hand, Rishil's brow furrowed, pulling out a smile, "Does brother-in-law think I'm a fool?"

"This looks like a shoddy product."

"Yo, how dare you say it's a shoddy product? You pinch it and see." Lingyu was unconvinced, it was never my surpassing the original, who dared to say that mine was a pirated version?

Rhysel just squeezed harder, unlike how she'd imagined the core would be crushed like glass.

"Well?" Feeling the sturdiness of the core in her hands, Rhysel froze.

Was it hard to believe it was real?

"Okay, no need to pinch it, it's fake." Seeing that Rissier was a bit confused, Ling Yu didn't want to continue fooling this cute little girl. Going up and directly taking out the crystal made by generating magic from Rishir's hand, he gently squeezed it to turn it into a dot of stars.

Rishir: "------"

Bronia was silent for a moment, but decided to finish what she had said before, "Bronia will take Shire away through the Sea of Quantum."

A hand blade went down, "Do you think that makes sense now?"

"It hurts~"

Bronia ate the pain and covered her small head with both hands, her small eyes staring angrily at Ling Yu.

Couldn't understand why he would suddenly make a move.

"The trial that Walter gave you is over, next you just need to go and take over the core of the Lawgiver of Reason."

After saying that, Ling Yu's gaze looked towards Xi'er, "That voice is male, right?"

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