Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 380

"Kevin?" Walter froze.

"It's the 'snake' as you call him, his real name is Kevin Caslana." Lynx continued to speak.

"Wait, Caslana!" Bronia's small face was shocked, and the face of a certain crawdad came to mind.

"That's right, Kasrana, Kevin Kasrana is actually the ancestor of Kiana Kasrana, and he's also the same as Fuwah, the super soldier who existed in the last generation to fight the mid-collapse to stop the moth that follows the fire."

"The same as Squad Leader (Fuuka)!" Walter and Bronia were clearly shocked.

They could not have imagined that the 'snake' they had guarded against in a thousand ways was a former forerunner of civilization against the collapse.

"Then why did he suddenly attack me." Walter asked.

You know he was somehow attacked when he first encountered the snake in the Quantum Sea.

So there was the aspect of loving and misunderstanding each other afterwards.

"Because you are a Lawgiver, and in the last civilization, the collapse exterminated the human race, and the Lawgiver was the voice of the collapse, it makes sense that Kevin would attack you because you are the Lawgiver of Rationality, but not anymore, Kevin who has seen the memories in the world bubble has no intention of making an enemy of you." Ryo explained.

"After all, it does seem a little unbelievable that the Lawgiver would take the side of the humans."

"Exterminating humans." Bronia's pupils shrank.

It was the first time she had heard of the last civilization.

Walter's pupils also shrank, although he knew of the existence of the last civilization, it was clear that the extermination of the human race was something he had never expected in a million years.

Suddenly, he understood why Kevin would choose to just do it when he saw him.

"What about Hier?! Why did he take Hiram!" As it turned out, Bronia's main concern was Hir.

"It's to see Walter."

"To see me?" Walter was confused.

"Kevin wants to recruit you, and the Lawgiver's power is a big part of the fight against the Crash. Especially knowing that you as a Lawgiver even fought for humanity was admirable."

"It's because Kevin learned that you were the one who helped the humans that Kevin saved Hiel. Through Heer he can bring you to him."

"Is that why you didn't save Hiel before, Ling Yu?" Bronia blurted out.

"Half of it, the other half is to find Kevin's exact location, otherwise the Quantum Sea is so big that searching without knowing the location would undoubtedly be a needle in a haystack."

"So I was wrong to insist on that before?" Walter was in deep thought.

If, according to Ling, Kevin was out of the Quantum Sea to deal with Crash, and he had sealed him as evil in the Quantum Sea.

Ling Yu shook his head and didn't explain further.

Although Kevin's purpose was to deal with the collapse, the means were excessively cruel.

The others didn't know, didn't Ling Yu? Kevin is a guy who was completely sealed into the Quantum Sea by the other Forerunners.

It's good to fight against the collapse, but the ideology is too extreme, and the sacrifices made by the Stigmata Project are too great for the other Heralds to agree with.

Ling Yu spoke to Bronia, "Bronia, let's go find the power that Zivart scattered in the World Bubble, then we'll go to Shire and bring her out of the Quantum Sea."

"No, I've already gathered that power." Suddenly a female voice sounded, and Celine's figure emerged, with a blue ball of light in its hand.

If you sense it carefully, you'll find that these are the same power as Bronia's body.

Chapter 287 - Arrogant Ritsuka Na, Author of I Ying

"The Second Lawgiver!" Walter's pupils constricted, and he quickly appeared in front of Bronia, reaching behind her to shield her, wary of the void where the ripples appeared.

"You who are not yet dead cannot defeat me, let alone the consciousness of the dead."

As Walter's words fell, there was a fluctuation in space, and a young girl stepped out of the imaginary number space with her long, silver hair half floating in the void. Revealing that beautiful and indifferent face.

"Why did you appear here! The Quantum Sea should have been blocked by the maze I set up." Walter asked somewhat curtly.

"Heh, even you want to stop me with that little trick of yours? I, the Lawgiver of the Air, have never had a space I couldn't go to. The barrier of the Quantum Sea is just enough to fool children." Celine scowled, she didn't have any good words for Walter, even if the world had changed because of Ling Yu, it wouldn't change her memory of how Walter had let her escape to the moon in a mess.

Bella had even almost died during that time.

"Ahem." Ling Yu coughed beside him, his face a little dark, what was the point of lying to a child, he was also blocked alright.

Celine looked at Ling Yu and continued to speak, "And this guy Ling Yu came all the way from my Bella to show me the way, why can't I come."

Although his pupils were not rippling, Ling Yu clearly felt a look of contempt.

"Uh." Walter stalled for a moment in the face of Celine's question, he was a Law of Reason yes, he might be good at building planes and cannons, but he really didn't understand space as well as Celine.

"Heh." With a disdainful smile towards Walter, Celine handed the blue ball of light in her hand to Bronia.

"Kid, this is the energy of the Rational Ruler scattered in the World Bubble, I've already collected it for you, absorb it yourself."

"This ------"

Bronia looked at the blue energy ball in front of her some hesitation, although the lawmaker core in her body can real these energy is real, but Celine this kind of their former enemy to take out something or not dare to easily absorb.

"Bronia, you just take it, otherwise you still have to go to a world bubble to look for it, and when Kevin there, maybe your body is exhausted, thus the intention can not keep up with the body but will unlock the lawgiver state at any time."

"Bronia doesn't want Hir to wait too long either."

Ling Yu's words shattered the last shred of Bronia's insistence, as long as she could save Shier quickly, she was willing to do so even if the other party was really tampering with the energy.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to do the same little tricks as some people yet." Celine's flat voice sounded, and she inadvertently even looked at Ling Yu.

Ling Yu: "------"

Is it my imagination? It always felt as if Celine was constantly targeting me today.

"Are you coming with us next?" Ling Yu said with some curiosity.

"No, you guys can go by yourselves, I still need to check on little Celine, after all, it's dangerous if that thing is sealed in the body and not refined in time."

"Yeah? See you then."

Celine nodded her head, her jade finger stretched out in the void with a slight tap, the void rippled and the imaginary number space opened up, Celine took a step and entered the imaginary number space.

Immediately after, Bella turned her head to speak to Ling Yu after a slight silence, "Have time to go see little Celine, she is calling out to her brother Ling Yu every day."

However, in the next moment after Bella finished speaking, several bands of imaginary numbers instantly flew out from the imaginary number space and wrapped Bella to pull this Bebe Dragon with big, watery eyes into the imaginary number space.

Ling Yu was a bit startled as he looked at the closed imaginary number space, a touch of playfulness appearing at the corner of his mouth, "Saying you're dead arrogant and still not admitting it."

"I didn't expect the Lawgiver of the Air to be so close to you." Walter said, slightly surprised.

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