Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 383.

"Sister Bronia, my family, my most important family, is just like you, she's amazing and gentle, will stand up for Shire and will always be concerned for Shire's well-being. As long as she's there, the unhappiness seems to go away." Hiel placed a hand on her chest, and a smile finally appeared on the young girl's face as she spoke of Bronia.

Looking at the smile startled Sakura, it was as if she saw the same bell she had seen in the beginning, and every time she returned home after completing her mission, only that smile could make her feel again that the sun was also warm in this crumbling world.

Sakura asked subconsciously, "Where is she now?"

Hearing Sakura's words, Hiei showed a lost expression, "We're separated, and Bronia-san is outside. I'm sure Sister is worried about Hiei now too. That's why Hiel can't just wait, Hiel has to get away from here and return to her sister as well."

"She's been the one protecting Hiel all along,"

Hiel said a little self-conscious, "Hiel, I don't want to cause any more trouble for my sister."

"No, she wouldn't think so. You will never be a problem for her!"

Sakura hung the pendant back on her chest at Hiei's words and looked at Hiei again, asking softly, "Have you ever seen a cherry blossom, Hiei?"

"Sakura ------? Shire has only read about it in books."

"There's a square near our house with several cherry trees growing in it. In the spring, they would bloom together and the whole square would be filled with flying petals." Sakura's eyes flowed with memories, "In a world full of disasters, it's hard to see a view that warming."

"Cherry blossoms are Suzu's favorite thing to change. I'm sure you'll like it, too. So let's get out of here together, shall we?"

They were talking as they walked, but in the next moment, Sakura's face changed abruptly, her smile disappearing and being replaced by a heavy face.

And Hiei, too, thought she had sensed something and stopped, looking intensely at the dark passage ahead.

A flame suddenly rose, and a white-haired man with a burning greatsword slowly emerged from the darkness, looking past Shire to Sakura, and spoke with a complex face to, "Sakura, stop."

"Kevin!" Sakura spoke the man's name.

"Stop, Sakura, Suzu has detected a special collapse energy response in her body, and there is no doubt that she is the 12th Lawgiver." Kevin peered into Sakura's eyes, trying to do what he could to talk the stubborn girl down.

Shire's eyes were surprised, she now knew why Sakura's sister had invaded this base.

"What does it mean to have a collapse energy reaction! You and I both have the factor of the Avalanche Beast in us, but we are fusion warriors guarding humanity!"

"Bell doesn't have any symptoms, she can control that power, she won't hurt anyone! You can't take her life away from her!"

"Sakura, I understand how you feel. But the 11th Lawgiver is capable of more than anyone could have imagined, and no one could have imagined that disaster would strike in that form."

"We can't afford another loss like that anymore. Bell's situation is unique, but she must be supervised. Please trust Dr. May to make wise judgments." Kevin spread his hands, he was helpless, he knew Bell too, and as the sister of his comrade he naturally didn't want to see that happen, but the humans ------ couldn't afford the power that the Lawgiver brought to the table.

"I don't doubt Dr. May's character, but I can't trust the fire-chasing moth."

Sakura closed her eyes and exhaled deeply, "Kevin, you know how those people have been looking at us all this time. I don't care what happens to me, but now that the bell is in their hands, I'm not going to sit idly by!"

Sakura placed her hand on the hilt of the blue blade, her attitude unusually resolute.

In this pitch-black tunnel, the fiery red greatsword was burning, and the ice-blue taijutsu emitted that chilling aura that froze everything.

In the Sea of Quantum

Ling Yu, who was moving towards Hierarchy coordinates together with Bronia, suddenly froze.

Looking towards the dark red taijutsu in his hand. Only a red light was emitted and the blade was pulsating.

"Is it feeling the scent of your own sister?"

Inside the Earth's Imperial Soul.

Amidst the endless blankness, the pitch-black box fell quietly in the center.

Inside the pitch-black box, the long-sleeping silhouette slowly opened her pink eyes.

But in the next moment, those pinks disappeared and turned into a sky-like pale blue.

"Where am I ------ at?" The ethereal female voice voiced confusion and saw her gently clutching her chest with both hands.

"Why am I feeling a very familiar scent, like ------ déjà vu ------ also like ----- hate? But can't hate it, what's wrong with me -----?"

Intriguingly, she also shared the same pair of fox ears as Sakura.

Feeling the re-solidified Dizashi Mikoto, Ling Yu also gave up on the idea of walking slowly.

"Now that Sakura has appeared, it won't be long until the Ruler's storm is over. Looks like we'll have to speed up, or Sakura will disappear."

"Bronia, we're going to have to speed it up."

"Now is the time for Bronia to go as fast as she can." Bronia glanced at the '999' on the locomotive and whispered to Ling Yu.

Ling Yu: "------"

"Never mind, I'll take you."

"Bronia doesn't want to touch the salty hands."

Lynx: "------"

Do you mean it like that? Thanks to me for coming over so quickly to save you.

Ling Yu helplessly took out the 'Ling Yu Number' that was placed in the system space.

"It's always okay for you to open this, right?"

Bronia's eyes rippled with desire as she watched the flat waves of the dragon artifact that appeared, "Where did this ----- come from!"

Naturally, she who played games all year round especially yearned for those armors inside the games, and now after obtaining the power of Rational Lawgiver's construct, she immediately modified her heavy bunny to be a thief and handsome.

Chapter 290 - Dead Bell, Desperate Sakura.

Ling Yu looked at Bronia very seriously as she spoke, "I built it myself."

Bronia was stunned after hearing that and silently lifted her head up to Ling Yu's serious eyes and said in a very serious tone, "That joke isn't funny at all."

Ling Yu: "------"

It turns out no one believes me even if I'm serious.

Wait, why did I say "originally"? Is my falsehood really that false?

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't believe it, you can just open this for now, hurry up." As soon as Ling Yu fed the operating method into Bronia's mind, he saw that it stopped paying attention to Ling Yu and started to familiarize itself with the Dragon Goddess Tool.

"Uh-huh." Bronia replied without raising her head, the light named 'interest' shining in her large grey eyes.

With a wordless glance, she looked at the heavy bunny that was left out in the cold and reached out to touch it.

Wait! Nope.

Ling Yu looked at the reloading bunny in front of him and finally remembered what he had forgotten, "The reloading bunny is here, so where did my motorcycle go?"

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