Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 390

"I'm not that kind of person," Kevin explained, making Ling Yu even more confused.

What kind of person aren't you? How do I know what kind of person you are?

For a moment they fell silent.

Eventually, Kevin broke the silence and spoke huskily, "Have you seen May?"


"Then where did you get the hand-me-downs from before?"

"Oh, that's what I made according to the sprouts."

"Budsuit?" Kevin was a little curious.

"Someone who looks exactly like May Chang in this civilization."

"Yeah." Kevin sighed a little dismayed at the answer, having the same face, but not someone he knew.

"Are you still going to carry out the Stigmata Project?" Ling Yu took out two quick chocolates from the system space and handed one to Kevin.

Kevin took a deep look at Ling Yu, reached out and received it, tore open the package and directly bit into a piece in his mouth.

"I haven't had this taste for 50,000 years, no, I should say that after the Ninth Lawgiver, humans haven't eaten chocolate since."

Kevin said with some nostalgia.

In his mind, he couldn't help but recall that when he was still at Thousand Feathers Academy, he first gave out his chocolates on Valentine's Day.

Only now it was already a thing of the past.

"The Stigmata Project is the fastest and most effective way for humanity to completely eradicate the collapse."

"You're not trusting this civilization of humans." Ling Yu to.

Kevin looked at Ling Yu and spoke, "This has nothing to do with trust, too many people have died due to the collapse, and if I can save the fate of all of humanity with the sacrifice of a few, I'd rather it be that way."

"And what if I tell you that this time the final lawgiver is someone from your Caslana family?" Ling Yu looked at Kevin with interest.

And Kevin did not disappoint him, a slight change appeared on his face, but it quickly disappeared and was replaced by an indifferent posture, "Who?!"

Ling Yu didn't answer Kevin either, but said to himself, "In this civilization, there is no Moth of Fire Chasing, there are organizations called Destiny and Counter Entropy, Counter Entropy you already know, led by the Law of Reason that goes on the technology side, and Destiny I think you should be familiar with."

"Well the organization created by Apokalis." Apparently Kevin was aware of it too, but yes, the man who was recorded in the Bible had also encountered the world's largest marketing organization.

"If anti-entropy is destroying the collapse, then destiny is harnessing the collapse, and their purpose is to create lawgivers, but that was in the past, and now destiny is beginning to contribute to destroying the collapse."

Kevin's face finally looked a little better after hearing Ling Yu's words, Avalanches could only be destroyed for him, as for harnessing them? Not for Kevin.

"Why?" Kevin looked at Ling Yu.

Ling Yu replied, "Haven't you ever thought of relying on the dead lawgiver's ability to resurrect No May?"

Kevin's pupils narrowed and he looked deeply at Ling Yu once again.

It wasn't as if he hadn't thought about such things during the endless years, but it was clear that revenge and the promises he carried than the so-called childish love could not allow him to think in that direction.

He had survived to destroy the collapse!

And he's also afraid that if he does resurrect May, it will shake his heart to destroy the collapse.

What if the Crash disappeared, May would disappear too.

"Once upon a time, the reason Bishop Timmy wanted to harness the power of the collapse was to resurrect the woman he loved by its power, except now it won't, do you know why that is?"

"Because you resurrected her!" Kevin's voice was a little hoarse and his pupils were a little scarlet, and he believed it since he had seen Ling Yu's method of resurrecting Sakura.

Ling Yu shook his finger as if compelled to say, "What you have seen is only one of the most complicated methods. And the other one is even simpler."

"Only with a gene, you can pull the soul of a dead person back from the Underworld, and then use the power of reconstruction, what do you think will happen? And it's a method that doesn't rely on collapse at all and doesn't have any side effects."

Even after countless years of silence, Kevin's heart was not excited at this moment.

"What do you want to get?!" Kevin choked on his words.

He couldn't believe that Ling Yu was saying all this just to talk to him.

"Be my man." Ling Yu took out a contract and smiled.

"No way!" Kevin subconsciously refused to.

However, as if Ling Yu already knew, he shook his head and handed the demonic contract to Kevin, "Don't reject it so quickly yet, think about it."

"Don't you want to continue to fight alongside the woman you love and your former comrades once again?"

Like a demon's whisper of no pain rammed into Kevin's heart.

A man who didn't give hope might not have any thoughts of it, but once it was given, even if it was just the faintest spark, the deep darkness would do its best to grasp it.

"Think about it, you can go to the Chosen Bishop, Otto Apokalis." Said Ling Yu, walking towards the others.

Only Kevin was left in place staring at the contract in his hands.

When he reached Bronia and the others, Ling Yu spoke to, "Well, don't you guys find it creepy to be in a place as dark and black as the Quantum Sea? It's time to go home."

"Ciel, Bronia is taking you home now, Mama Kokoria, Rosalia and Lilia are waiting for you." Bronia said to Cielle.

"Well, all listen to Bronia-san, but Sakura-san ...... "Hielle did not forget that Sakura and Bell were both from the last civilization, so naturally there was no home to go to in the present world.

"This still need to think about it, now Suzu's God's key is mine, Sakura is naturally back with me." Ryuu to.

"Scum." Bronia looked at Ling Yu as if looking at maggots.

Ling Yu: "......"

It's not like I did anything to you, right? Why do you hate me so much?

"And will you take the bell into the God Key again?!" Sakura was a little nervous about the question.

Since Ling Yu was able to bring her back to life, her strength must be strong, and if Ling Yu forced Suzu into the God's Key she didn't have the slightest idea what to do.

Ling Yu looked at Suzu, who was being protected by Sakura, and then looked at the Dzogoku Imperial Soul stuck on the ground at the side, and smiled at Sakura, "The God's Key isn't very useful to me, so I'll leave it to you to use, and if I come with you, I can completely isolate the collapse, and then Suzu won't be controlled by the collapse."

"Thanks." Sakura saw Ling Yu's words and pulled the bell to her side. Even she was surprised that she had so easily agreed to take her sister and leave with a man she had met less than two hours before? And I don't mind going with a man!

Ling Yu is proud of himself: this is the power of 100% favorability!

The system is awesome!

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