Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 393.

"Hi, I'm Sakura, and this is my sister, Suzu."

Sakura extended her hand as well, but why did she feel like Otto's smile was a grin.

"I say, did you guys forget about me." Celine took the opportunity to brush up her existence.

However Ling Yu continued to look at Otto as if he didn't hear her to, "What are you doing here? No more honeymoon with Karyn?"

"That's not true, Voban sent me here."

Ling Yu was confused, "Voban? You two aren't even from the same world, are you, and what did he send you here for?"

Then Ling Yu heard Otto's slightly grumbling voice: "It's not because of the group owner you, Ait won't, the phone doesn't answer, so let me come over and ask me."

Ling Yu: "......"

"Okay." Ling Yu silently, recently too high, the phone to get blocked, I'll go to a group call to ask.

However, just as Ling Yu took out the phone given by Long Ao Tian to open the software named Penguin, just as Woban's call came.

Ling Yu raised his eyebrows, it seems quite urgent.


"Hello? Group Master You ------"

"Sorry, the subscriber you are calling is temporarily unavailable, please redial later, Sorry!The------"

As Ling Yu finished speaking standard Mandarin and English, it was clear that the crowd heard a sudden lull in the impatient speech from the other side.

Then Voban very decisively hung up the phone.

Otto: "------"

Celine (Bebelon): "------"

The two of them and one dragon were very confused at the moment, as if they were seeing Ling Yu for the first time.

Fuck, people couldn't wait to find you, and you ended up playing him like this? Doesn't your conscience hurt? And what a time is it now, shouldn't the voiceover be female?

At the moment Voban was also a bit confused and startled with his phone, when did the group call turn on the phone dubbing mode?

Wait! Group call?

Voban looked down at the phone in his hand again.

Ding ding ding ding!

Wait for the phone to ring again.

"The other party cannot answer at the moment, please dial again later." Ling Yu's words rang out once again

"Phew, that's right, I told you how group calls are now dominated by mobile too."

At the familiar dubbing, Voban, however, breathed a sigh of relief, and hung up again.

Otto: "------"

Celine (Bebelon): "------"

The two of them, a dragon, looked at each other, I'm afraid Voban wasn't so stupid that he couldn't even hear the voice of the group leader? And you're calling again just to make sure it's a group call?

Celine and Otto spoke at the same time, "Shirochi, right, this guy."

But the other party seemed to have noticed this as well, and the phone rang again.

Before Ling Yu could speak, Voban's words came, "Group Master, the Sardinian God has appeared, in a word, to cut or not to cut? Chop it back."

Ling Yu was silent for a moment at Voban's words and spat out one word, "Chop!"

Voban: "------"

Voban was silent for a moment and said in a serious voice, "Group Master, you'll get cut like that you know?"

Ling Yu nodded in a fury, "So I'm going to be peachy."

Voban: "------ okay, you're awesome."

"Group Master then hurry up, I've just got Melka here with Veleslana, and as for that brat Kusakari Protectorate, he's already been forcibly repatriated by me, now it's just up to you, Group Master, to close the net."

"Ding! Mission released, killing the god Veruslana reward points: 2000"

"Only two thousand? Isn't that a little low?"

"Ding! This system doesn't like abuse."

"Really, but the points have to be saved, to complete the physical breakthrough of the Huan Yuan realm as soon as possible, so that I reach the passing line of breaking through the Heng Yu realm, by the way I'm now 19,800 points, deducting the crossing card, plus the points for killing Vereslana, so that I'm only 21,700 ah, the 30,000 points for the physical breakthrough is still a long way to go. " Thinking about it, Ling Yu landed a face.

According to the flood realm he was a Personal Immortal, and Heng Yu was only an Earth Immortal.

The task was heavy and far away.

"Xilin, do me a favor and help Sakura and Bell settle down, I'll come back and receive them to my place." Ling Yu said to Celine.

Xilin's forehead showed a '#', "Are you using my place as a harem for your hidden lover! Stuff everything at me!"

Ling Yu did reveal a shocked expression, "Huh! You know it!"

"You're going to die!" An endowment of the Spear of Aerial was grabbed by Celine and hurled directly towards Ling Yu's direction.

But Ling Yu had already disappeared, heading to the world of the Godslayer, and the Spear of Aerial went to blow the ground where Ling Yu had been standing apart.

Otto just laughed.

People's husbands and wives quarreled, so the honest ones stayed out of it.

"You guys, come with me."

As if she couldn't see someone's face, the anger subsided a little, and Ritsuka-na stood up from her throne, golden eyes looking over at Sakura and Suzu to speak.

Otto: Mmm, that smells good!

Chapter 298 - Elf Scarlet

The world of the god-killer.

The island of Sardinia, known as a tourist destination, is currently crumbling, and two incomparably terrifying forces are colliding on the island, as if they could sink the island at any moment.

Mysterious forces hidden beneath the city are now sending images of the island to various mysterious sides.

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