Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 398

Even the sea breeze that cut through every now and then couldn't hide the confusion within people.

Suddenly, Ling Wei felt something stuffed into her mouth.

Mmm, sweet.

Before Ling Wei could think about the off-key voice, it had already sounded.

"Don't be so heavy, relax, the sky is falling and there's still a tall man to hold it over, there's no need for a little girl like you to charge into battle."

When Ling Wei turned her head slightly, she looked to the side in a fiery red evening gown Fang Wanxin swaying a wine glass containing wine in her hands leaning on the armrest, her gray pupils reflecting the azure sky.

"Have you already found out which world it is?" Re-turning her head to the sea, she took out the lollipop that Fang Wanxin had stuffed into her mouth.

At the mention of business, the smile on Fang Wanxin's face narrowed, swaying the wine glass in her hand, and spitting out two words in a heavy voice: "Fierce Beast!"

After hearing the word 'ferocious beast', Ling Wei's eyes were also reported.

"It really is that world? How's it going?"

"Not very optimistically, the top global leaders have decided that if they cannot be defeated they will have to rely on nukes to push them back."

"Nukes? It's also true that the only strongest weapon on Earth right now is a nuclear bomb." Ling Wei was slightly surprised.

'Already preparing for the defeat of the war in advance? It seems like the odds are slim.'' Ling Wei's heart was silent.

"Is the enemy strong this time? I know a little bit about nuclear bombs in this world, like they're already very powerful weapons, right?" Rem, who had been on the side, asked curiously.

Because Reim knew that Ling Yu would come all and took the initiative to follow, there was also Icarus and Ram, Moon and Nimph were down at home. The Red Country was fine, but the other countries were dangerous.

After all, if someone knew that there was an artificial angel that surpassed Earth's technology, people from other countries would be watching her.

We won't let her come for safety's sake.

Fang Wanxin nodded, "In our world there are one to twelve steps, but in other worlds it's not like that, their realm divisions are not equal to ours, like this time in the world of ferocious beasts, they are represented by the king emperor god."

"And their emperor represents the twelfth step in our world! And as far as we know they have more than one emperor, and even a god!" Fang Wanxin was also incredibly heavy.

These were all things she had just learned about at the meeting, and it was really bad for humanity!

After all, humans obviously didn't have a single twelfth-stage existence, but the Otherworld had more than one transcendent existence that even had a transcendent twelfth-stage existence, so this was an abuse any way you looked at it.

"What?! Wouldn't that mean that the odds of Earth winning are slim?" Rem screamed.

"The only thing that counts as a good thing even if the Emperor won't be able to do it easily, the divine is sleeping, so the strongest battle we'll face is the Imperial!"

"But the laws of each world are different, and it's not clear if the imperial level of the opposite world will explode with strength comparable to the emperor level."

Then and Air Lingwei thought of another thing: "The world is obviously the strongest is just the tenth rank, but they all need to guard the spatial rift to prevent foreign invasion, they can't spare a hand ah."

"That's why nuclear bombs are the best choice, although they're not as powerful as eighth-ranked strongmen, but the amount is huge." Fang Wanxin shrugged his shoulders and said somewhat helplessly.

"What an almighty nuke flat ah." Ling Wei laughed bitterly.

"Alright, let's not talk about this, Vivian, how are you communicating with the Ice Lanes in your body?"

"Now that the Reincarnation Seal is all liberated it can only temporarily increase its power to tenth rank, so it can barely defend itself."

"Fuck! Big Brother! Social Society. This sister, little sister is counting on you to take care of her." Fang Wanxin immediately revealed a smiling face and arched her hand towards Ling Wei as a sign of respect.

"Get lost, you dead old woman, I don't want to be your sister." Lynette said with extreme disgust.

Reim was offering a smile at the side.

"Yun ah, what do you think of this Ling family's little girl?" On the other fleet, Night Lingkong led his son Night Bat Cloud to point at the laughing Ling Wei and asked with a smile.

However, who knew that Night Bat Cloud immediately took a step back and looked at Night Lingkong with a wary face: "Dad? Am I really your son? You're hurting me you know that?!"

Night Lingkong instantly recalled the scene when Night Bat Cloud was fatally beaten, and smiled brightly, it seemed that Ling Yu's fat beating had left a shadow on his son.

"Son, you're now far stronger than before, don't you want to go and get back to the field?" Night Lingkong said in an encouraging tone.

However, Night Bat Cloud resolutely shook his head and looked solemnly at Night Lingkong, "Dad! I have a crush on someone, it's not like you don't know."

"A young girl from the torture family? Hahaha, well, then be quick ah, preferably tonight." Night Sky smiled and patted Night Bat Cloud's shoulder.

He left with a speechless expression on Night Bats Cloud's face.


All the Junction Clubs were confused.

They could say that they had communicated with all the hotels, even the 3-star hotels that couldn't get into their eyes had been booked, just waiting for Ling Yu and Voban to go ahead and dine.

But ------

The countless big shots of the Junction Society were all befuddled as they looked at Ling Yu who was taking Voban to eat dumplings on the screen.

That's right, you read it right, eat dumplings! And it was the kind of dumpling restaurant where the storefront wasn't too big.

The thoughts of everyone in the Junction Society: fuck, what's going on these days, has the taste of the Godslayer gone down, or is the food in the hotel unappetizing?

You're a god-killer taking another god-killer to a dumpling? By the way, there was a shivering Donnie next to them who was watching them eat.

But Ling Yu and Voban were eating with great relish.

"O Group Master, you're the first person who dared to bring me to such a small restaurant to eat." Woban also looked at Ling Yu somewhat cryptically.

Ling Yu rolled his eyes, "Isn't it right that you should come to a place like this when you bring your friends to eat?"

"And you don't get tired of going to those big hotels all the time."

Voban was stunned, and then he smiled as well.

Taking a light bite, for some reason, the taste was not as good as those top hotels, but it was satisfying to eat.

But the next sentence made all the warmth in Voban's heart disappear.

"I only have soft coins, I don't have any money here, so you'll pay for me then as my treat and you'll pay the bill."

Voban: "------"

As expected, you're still the same angry group leader who can't get enough of people.

Chapter 302 - Vibrations of a Spatial Rift

Outside the clear skies, fighter jets from various countries rode the azure skies, patrolling the surrounding waters.

Fleets of different national flags were building a mysterious line of protection on the sea.

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