Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 403

Celine glanced at it and said, "Save up your collapse energy and strive to break through the Planetary Star Collapse Beast."

"Yes, my Queen!"

Words fell, and the world once again returned to silence.

Temporary Anti-Entropy Base

All of the original Hubrian Valkyries were gathered together, and even Fuhua had his body reconstructed by Walter, but it was no longer an immortal physique.

Because the energy that was originally hidden in Fuhua's body even Walter couldn't resolve it.

The waiting people who were playing on the beach.

Delissa, Himeko, Meiko, Bronia, Kiana, Shire, Fuhua, Rosaria and Lilia were all stunned.

Because they saw the black hole that opened on the beach.

A familiar silhouette gradually zoomed in their eyes.

Seeing someone familiar from the past, Ling Yu greeted them with a smile as he loosened his hold on Sakura's hand.

"Yo hello, guys, long time no see, care to accompany me to save the world?"

305 Chapter 305 - Ready to Go, Protected by Holy Light

Meiko was a little curious, "Mr. Ling Yu? Why are you here?"

Kiana: "Wow! Have you come to play with me again, Ling Yu? But why haven't you seen Lem and Ram?"

Kiana, the grass tracker, was probably used to being dislike by Ram and Lem, and was often ignored here, leaving Kiana's young mind feeling a bit bored.

Kiko smiled playfully, "Yo, little man, you even have time to come to our world to play?"

Rosaria was surprised, "Ah! You're the one who sent Bronia and Ciel out earlier!"

Lilia was confused as she had fallen into a deep sleep and didn't know that it was Ling Yu who had sent Shire and Bronia back, "Rosalia, what are you talking about?"

Delissa rubbed her fists, "Finally, I get to meet this negative man again. I must beat him up and then tie him up at Cecilia's sister's place."

Shire's shy face: "Brother Ling Yu~"

Bronia looked at Ling Yu with three nothing.

Fu Hua, on the other hand, gave a normal nod as a greeting and shouted, "Ling Yu."

Ling Yu also greeted everyone: "Hello, did the Hubrian Four miss me."

Kiana grinned directly and greatly, "I missed Rem's food! Although budgie's are great, you'll always get tired of eating too much, so it's important to change the taste!"

Meiko smiled a harmless smile, "Kiana, you can eat grass tonight."

"Ugh! No, Meiko! Meiko, your cooking is the best in the world! You're the best, Meiko, you can't bear to let me eat grass, right?" As soon as she heard that there was no dinner tonight, Kiana hugged Budgie's light little waist at the speed of light, and rubbed against Budgie's pretty face to keep spilling her guts.

Ling Yu looked at Kiana with a dark and envious face, and for some reason, now had an urge to give Kiana a fat beating.

"Ling Yu, thank you earlier for sending Bronia and Hiei back." Hiko opened her mouth to thank to, how she was considered to be Bronia's guardian.

"Do me a favor if you really want to thank me." Ling Yu directly opened his mouth.

"Huh?" Himeko was stunned, apparently not expecting Ling Yu to just admit it, so she was just going to be rude?

"Oi Oi! Is it going to your world?" Seemingly thinking of something, Kiana quickly let go of the buds, her big blue eyes shining brightly.

Needless to say, she must have thought of what Rem had made to eat.

With a helpless smile, she looked towards Bronia who was wearing a blue one-piece swimsuit and spoke, "I need the power of the Law of Reason, so the Law Core will have to borrow it for a while."

As for the swimsuit? We were all at the beach, so naturally we came to play in the water. I have to say, everyone is still the same version, but the number of plates seems to have increased.

Delissa, Rosaria, Lilia, Bronia, and Fuhua. Well, five is better than four, and it's still the Shenzhou brand computer, if you want to buy a tablet, choose Shenzhou!

Who knew that Bronia shook her head, "The core is Mr. Walter's, I don't own it, you don't need to come and ask my opinion."

But Ling Yu smiled mysteriously, "I don't think that's what Walter thinks, well, you guys play, I'll go talk to Walter."

"Sakura and Celine, you guys just play with your big sisters for a while." Rinoa said lowering herself to the two cuties.

"Brother Lingyu will be back early." The two little cuties waved their hands.

Ling Yu smiled and got up and walked towards the temporary base of Counter Entropy.

After coming over for some time, at the entrance of the base, Ling Yu saw Walter standing at the door.

At this moment, Walter was wiping his lenses, staying his glasses back on the bridge of his nose as Ling Yu approached and looked at Ling Yu: "I didn't expect you to have a day where you need help."

Ling Yu smiled slightly, "How does it feel to converge the power of the Time Cannon?"

Walter, stunned, nodded and silently spat out two words, "Very strong!"

Walter's former consciousness was hidden in his core, and the power that Ling had given Bronia in her motorcycle was already in its grasp.

"As a price for doing me a favor."

After a moment of silence, Walter looked at Ling Yu's ever-present smile, "You said."

Looking at the situation, Walter had already acknowledged this power.

"In my world, humans are facing an invasion by this group of otherworldly monsters, I'm strong, but I'm still a human." Walter looked up at his own face in Ling's dark eyes.

"Humans are inherently weak, and although we have awakened the power called Transcendence because of the otherworld, there is a gap after all."

Walter understood Ling Yu's meaning at once and nodded, "I see."

"The Core of the Lawgiver of Reason is truly a magical thing, isn't it something that even a god can create as long as it is fully understood." Ling Yu said jokingly.

Walter's eyes flickered and didn't answer Ling Yu's question.

"Then get ready, the war is probably about to start." Ling Yu chimed in.

"Good!" Walter nodded.


Otto summoned the three S-class Valkyries of Destiny.

Cecilia, Ulundel, and Man Yuri.

"Lord Bishop!" The three shouted to Otto Apokaris, who was sitting in his seat under the Apokaris family crest.

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