Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 409

Wind-kun: "See, you're the one who was beaten up by me until you called for your brother."

Rain Emperor: "-You! Fuck!"

Xuan Yu: "Old gee, it's time to hand over the burden of guarding the world to the young."

Xuan Yu sat down on a chair and gazed at the blinding sun in the sky.

"Ah! No, I have trachoma!"

One Xuan Lan and Xuan Mo Cheng were speechless, Old Master you are so humorous.

The twenty kings were assigned to different ships, their task was both simple and difficult, to ensure everyone's safety.

The white ape was sweeping wildly, and it was as tall as a hundred-story building, which was almost desperate to see.

The four humans were as small as dust in front of the giant ape, but there was an incomparably terrifying power within such a tiny four.

"I'll go first." Night Sky looked at the fleet that was being swept away, a haze flashing in his eyes.

The right hand slammed towards the chest.

"Cloud Bat Super Beast!"

"Cloud Bat Shield!"

The moment the huge Cloud Bat Super Beast was summoned, the Night Sky's hands boxed up, indifferent voices echoing through the space.

In the next moment, the white ape stopped attacking with its hands, looked at the purple energy shield that wrapped itself around it, and let out a roar of discontent.

Immediately, it threw a punch at the shield.


The force as if a meteorite had fallen to the ground instantly made the boundary released by the Cloud Bat Shield crumble, and the sea surface even set off huge waves through the aftershocks, devouring the wreckage of the surrounding ships mercilessly, but only with the help of some Transcendents and the timely evacuation of the fleet did it not cause any damage.

"Where there is light, the holy sword will pierce your chest!"

The words of the incomparable Zhongdian rang out, only to see Mack holding a glowing sword with both hands in a knight's posture, his hands turned, the blade pointed at the white ape below, and under the sunlight, the holy sword in Mack's hands emitted an incomparably divine glow.

Half of the Holy Sword made half of his strength thanks to the holy sword.

"Cleave it! Sky Flash!"

Mike shouted, and the Heavenly Flashing Holy Sword in his hand emitted a dazzling white light that gradually stretched in people's eyes, until it extended to a giant kilometer before stopping.

The group was shocked to see the kilometer-long energy sword.

People decided to win: "If this sword fights hard, a large group of people will die if it's casually thrown."

Emissary of Link Fantasy: "Suddenly I realized that my sword doesn't even smell good."

Suzaku Goku: "Under my thousand-meter machete, I'll allow you to run 999 meters first."

The power contained in it could easily split an island in two, and with that power Mike chopped down on the white ape without saying a word.

Night Sky also opened an opening in the shield, and the rest of the power was all used to imprison the white ape's body to pave the way for Mack.


Looking at the gigantic light saber that was coming at him, the white ape roared in anger, and its two huge hands lifted up and grabbed at the light saber that was splitting down.

Seemingly seeing the white ape's purpose, Mack snorted, "A beast is a beast, and you presume to resist the power of the holy sword with flesh and blood alone?"

"Well? No!" Suddenly, Yu Yedian's eyes flickered.

In that moment just now, he actually saw a hint of disdain and playfulness in that white ape's eyes.

This was definitely not the wisdom that a beast possessed!

"Stop!" After realizing that things didn't seem to be that simple, Yuye Ting shouted.

"What?" The others were stunned at Yuyeting's words, but it was too late at the moment.

The lightsaber landed completely on the giant ape's body. The white light flooded the surface of the sea in an instant, and even the tens of thousands of ferocious beasts were also submerged by the light.


In the next moment, the ice on the surface of the sea shattered, and the Great Heck was split in two, as countless seawater parted and retreated, leaving behind a trench that was several kilometers long.

"Yedin, what's wrong?" Night Sky quickly flew over and asked.

Looking at the deep depression of the sea Yuye Ting's brow furrowed, "I'm glad I was wrong, I guess."

However the next moment a sudden change occurred.

A vortex suddenly appeared in the ocean.

"Tsk, unlike our power, it's a very strange system." A playful voice sounded from the ocean floor.

Instantly, everyone's expressions changed abruptly.

In the vortex, a half-naked man covered in white fur was playing with a small lightsaber.

Mike stared at the small white light saber in the man's hand with a deadly stare.

If he had sensed it correctly, it was the scent belonging to the Saint Sword of Heavenly Flash.

Chapter 310 - Scuffle Begins.

The man seemed not to notice the increasingly condensed atmosphere around him and said to himself, "We are refining fury into our flesh so that we can achieve the power to shatter heaven and earth, but this world is different, it's surprisingly able to seal energy into weapons. There are also these strange patterns, simply unheard of."

Saying that, the man couldn't help but look at the phalanx that encased the human fleet, and was amused again.

The atmosphere was indeed bizarre to the extreme.

"This guy! It was able to transform into a human form?!" There were transcendents who were horrified to.

"Can you measure strength?" A Transcendent asked.

"It's hard, the crystal ball that tested the aura has just exploded, and the highest force the crystal ball can withstand is at the tenth rank, so that means ------"

"This guy is royalty?!" All of the Transcendents cast horrified gazes at the man standing in the vortex.

"In other words, this guy has been teasing us before?!" Mike in the sky was a little annoyed at what the people below were saying.

"Calm down first, the Royal Class is beyond our imagination, this is definitely a big guy!" Night Lingkong's voice sank.

Yu Ye Ting's brow furrowed slightly, "I had always thought it was a peak royal level, but I didn't expect the opposite side to really be willing, sending out royal level all of a sudden, the opposite side is trying to force a wave to take us away ah."

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