Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 412.

Receiving Xiao Yu's answer, Ling Wei sealed her hands, the cold Qi fluctuating rapidly.

Endless lightning erupted from Xiao Yu's Lightning Strike Gun, forming a shield that protected Ling Wei inside Yes, all the ferocious beasts that touched the shield would be reduced to ashes in an instant.

"Ah! Ling is going to zoom out, Gates we'll help stall it." Changpan Shogo shouted when he saw the saving power Ling Wei.

"See, no need for you to remind me!"

Gates responded indifferently, pulling a Ghost driving watch head from his waist and placing it on the other end of the time drive, turning the drive.

"Rider Time!Kamen Rider Gazi!Armor Time!Open Eye!Ghost!"

Instantly, Gazi changed form, and two huge eyes appeared on his shoulders.

"Yoshi!" The King of Time also took out the Fourze driving watch head quickly after looking at it.

"Rider Time!Kamen Rider Zi-O!Armor Time!3-2-1!Fourze!"

It quickly transformed into a rocket possessed form.

"Universe! I'm coming!" After the standard verbiage was over, Tsuban Shogo and Gates picked up their weapons.

Placing the driving watch head on the weapon, they turned the time drive, and in an instant, certain death came.

[Finish Time!

Akira Yard Gates: "Ghost! Zakkuri Cutting!"

An imaginary shadow flashed, and Time Severe Axe sliced right through, instantly a huge flame destroyed a large number of ferocious beasts.

Changpan Zhuangwu: "Limit! Time Break!"

The whole thing turned to flame and flew away quickly, spinning and topping off a row of ferocious beasts.

A meteor hammer from Rem smashed one of the ferocious beasts into a meat pie and Ram quickly came to Ling Wei's side.

The other Transcendents were slightly surprised to see these two who normally hung out at the Central Reincarnation Headquarters.

It turned out that they had some power too ah.

"Alright." Suddenly, Ling Wei opened her eyes.

The cold Qi surged between her hands and said icily to the rest of them, "Get out of the way!"

The others also made their way out of the way, Ling Wei's eyes narrowed and she quickly raised her hand, the next moment the cold qi soared.

In an instant, endless cold qi was released.


The moisture that permeated the air quickly condensed, and for a time, the ice like barbs froze all the ferocious beasts in a straight line.


In an instant, the cold ice - along with the frozen ferocious beasts - all turned into ice sand and drifted into the air.

Looking down from the sky, the ferocious beasts over two hundred meters in diameter were instantly cleared away.

The powerful power and bone-chilling coldness made the Transcendents split their attention.

Ling Wei's move was like a signal, and for a moment, countless moves were blasted into the dark tide of ferocious beasts from distant ships, blowing over one after another.

The air units on the other side tried to make a move but were broken in a moment by the kings guarding them above.

Suddenly, a golden light swept across from the sky.


There was a miserable wailing sound, and all the crowd felt was something huge crashing into the sea.

Chapter 312 - Group Members Debut / Frozen Space Passage

"That, brother Ling Yu." On the edge of the ocean, Xi'er called out to Ling Yu somewhat timidly.

Ling Yu turned his head somewhat curiously.

"That... Hiei, Hiei wants a little Bronia-sama!" Xi'er's tone was first very weak at the end as if she was firm in her conviction.

In an instant, Ling knew what Hiel was talking about.

Bronia: "Hir, Bronia here, no need for a hand-me-down."

"No- no, I just want a collection." Said Hiel, and Hiel's tone weakened again.

"Of course you can, I still have my thanks to Sister Hielle for being willing to go with me to the 'earthquake relief'." Ling Yu smiled and stroked Hier's sea-blue hair, taking out a tally duck and handing it to Hier.

While Hiei was happy, it was not surprising that Bronia's face was slightly red: since he could make a hand-me-down, did that mean that he already knew everything about his body.

If he knew what Bronia was thinking Ling only wanted to calmly say, "Maiden, your brain is too powerful."

Queen of Ice: "@Ling Yu, Ling Yu, I'm going to go ahead with everyone else, you should hurry up too."

Ling Yu: "Okay, I'm on my way."

Turning off the chat, Ling Yu looked to the solemn-eyed girls, "Honestly, I don't really want you guys to go over there, I'm only here to find Walter."

Strawberry's mouth pouted, "Rem and Ram are in danger, as friends how can you not help? Besides, Meiko's all gone."

Ling Yu: They don't even consider you a friend, and that last sentence is the key, right?

"There's still too many of them, Source." Ling Wei casually froze a large portion of the ferocious beasts and quickly leapt up, a fireball hitting the original spot.

The Transcendent Ones on the side instantly blasted out a punch, knocking the sneaky ferocious beast to the ground.

"It's only a matter of time before we'll be consumed to death at this rate." Xuan Xinyu said.

"It still needs extensive damage, and it's too small for us to be able to spread to the entire battlefield, and all of the high-ranking warriors are being held back." Ling Wei frowned at the Transcendents who were fighting eight King-ranked ferocious beasts and a dozen eighth-ranked ferocious beasts high in the sky.

"Bottom line, the lower tier warriors don't have as many numbers as the other side and the higher tier warriors are scarce, this kind of battle is bad for us, the only thing we can do is to expect a breakthrough from Lord Dragon Emperor's side." Xiao Yu responded.

"Why don't I open the Reincarnation Seal." Ling Wei said with some hesitation.

The moment Vivian said it, Little Rain objected, "No, the Reincarnation Seal is the last card, and there's a time limit, so it can't be wasted on these low-grade ferocious beasts."

"But!" Ling Wei gazed gravely at the surrounding Transcendents and Reincarnators who were sometimes toppled or killed by the ferocious beasts.

"No buts, no means no." Xiao Yu leapt, suspended in mid-air, grabbed the Lightning Strike Gun with both hands, and at the tip blue lightning quickly gathered, turning into a bucket of lightning that electrocuted the row of ferocious beasts into ash, reducing the load of some Transcendents.

"Lord Lingwei, hold on a little longer, reinforcements will be here soon." Rem's loud words almost instantly made the others look at her.

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