Dimensional Fantasy Group

Dimensional Illusion Group Chapter 415

A bright red palm print landed on his face.


Man: Who have I messed with.

Icarus swatted a king beast away with a sharp turn and flew quickly to the side of the ship.

"What's this?" Her lips pursed and her eyes showed her confusion, this was the first time she had seen a ship similar to her own Uranus system.

"Otto this guy is so powerful, he's even willing to take out a cosmic battleship." Suzaku Goh couldn't help but smack her lips at Otto's generosity.

A cosmic battleship ah, this kind of thing that should have been thought of was another thing to think about when it actually appeared in front of him.

"Eh? Don't you think this is too cumbersome? It looks powerful but once the defenses are breached it's just a piece of scrap metal, during which an explosive chain reaction will also occur inside due to the destruction, and huge tow bottles like this one are only used to transport dragon artifacts at our place." Salamantini's somewhat curious and puzzled voice sounded.

Otto, who had just come out of the skylight of the battleship, heard Salamantini's words with a smack in the corner of his mouth.

Look, is that human language?

Not everyone had a sub-dimensional weapon of mass destruction like the Convergence Time Cannon.

"That's right, take an Ea from me if you can," and then Gilgamesh jumped in to join in the fun.

"Uh, I'd rather not, I still have that self-awareness." Otto waved his hands helplessly, pretending to be a pussy, why tear down the stage.

The other members of the group were all mouths agape, wanting to laugh but not daring to.

The Transcendents on the surface of the sea looked at each other, and some of the scientists who were developing their own ships were blacking out, wanting to pull Salamantini's collar by the collar if they didn't now have something so metaphysical as aura.

"Why did you bring a woman here?" One Side Pass turned his head and frowned at the three Valkyries who were following behind Otto.

Women, in the eyes of One-Pass, were basically symbols of cumbersomeness except for those powerful women.

"Yo? It's a lively conversation." Only before Otto could reply, a voice that was incredibly familiar to the members of the group came out.

"That voice!" Cecilia, who was behind Otto, raised her head in an instant, looking somewhat incredulously at the figure that slowly walked out of the space tunnel, the figure that made her think about it day and night.



But just the next moment, it was broken by two even more horrified voices.

Otto and Vanyuri looked in shock at Delisa and Kiana who came out of the spatial rift.

One party passed with a black face, just said don't bring women over, and the group leader has brought a bunch of them. That's a fast face punch.

Oh yeah, there's a guy too.

"The group leader's a lucky guy." Minos shook his head.

"I don't look envious at all, really." The Empty Prince said calmly.

'I'll have to tell Brother Ling Yu my intentions soon! Well, right after this battle is over!'' Nanotori made up her mind quietly.

"I just want Earnest." Pride flashed online to speak.

"Uh, Grandpa." Delissa stiffened on her feet and smiled an incredibly ugly smile at the familiar figure.

"That, Mama Manjuri ------" Kiana gave a smile that looked like she was crying, when she tried to run back to the space tunnel she was yanked out by Manjuri.

"Kiana! You're not allowed to run out on your own next time, okay?!"

"I- I know." Kiana whispered, just like a child who had made a mistake.

It had also been a long time since he had seen Wan Yuri, but this look hadn't changed much, but the temperament had changed dramatically. From the previous only little girl metamorphosis into the current big sister.

"Don't run around next time, okay? Don't let me worry." Vanyuri rubbed Kiana's head hard as a warning.

"Hehehe, got it." Kiana instantly smiled her aunt's smile.

Wan Yuri: "------ I have a feeling you're not even listening."

K423, though Kiana's experimental body, was born from an accidental experiment, but for some unknown reason, Otto gave it to Man Yuri to raise, while the original Kiana was taken away by Otto.

Even Cecilia, the head of Sarnath's family, is not sure what the reason was, and her cousin, the real Kiana's birth mother passed away along with Ziegfeld during a collapse crusade, and from that day onwards Kiana, who was originally taken away by Otto, was never seen again, and the only thing that appeared in front of people was the experimental body k423.

On the other side.

Otto used both fists to death to abuse Delisa's temples: "Heh, pretty bold ah, taking Hubrian as well as four A-class Valkyries straight away from home, and also running to the counter entropy, bull boom ah."

Due to history being altered, Delissa and Otto's relationship not only didn't break down but became even closer with the help of having Caryn.

"Ah! Grandpa, loosen up and let go, you're going to lose your brain!" Delissa cried out loudly.

"Let go? You really don't know what I'm capable of unless you're taught a lesson? Don't you dare run away from home again!" Otto directly lifted Delissa's young body bringing her even to a height with himself.

Suddenly, Delissa's eyes lit up and threatened, "Grandpa, you'll suffer if you don't let go of me."

Otto was pissed off and laughed, "I'll take a loss, you'll show me a loss?"

"Oh? Right?"

However, the crisp girl made Otto's entire body stiffen, and Otto was thrown out of the sky by a Judas before he could turn back, thus throwing Delissa into the air.

Caryn gracefully stretched out her arms and caught Delissa in a princess hug, looking in Otto's direction with a sprinkling of dreadlocks.

"Grandma's awesome! One hit and it flew off grandpa." Delissa hugged Caryn's neck happily, scented Caryn's face, and turned to make a face at Otto who was slowly climbing up.

"Delissa! You bastard!" Getting up from the ground, Otto saw Delissa's grimace fire scuffling up.

The group members looked oddly pale, Otto was such a low man in the family.

"Well?" Ling Yu suddenly froze and looked at Cecilia who came over.

"Long time no see." Rinoa greeted with a smile.

"Well, long time no see." Looking at Ling Yu's outstretched hand, Cecilia froze and quickly shook it.

It was the first time he shook his hand!

"What's wrong? The soul is distracted." Ling Yu withdrew his hand and looked at Cecilia, who looked like she had a lot on her mind, and asked.

"Can I follow you? I love you and I don't want to miss it anymore!"

Ling Yu's smile stiffened, clearly confused by this sudden confession.

Ling Yu wasn't the only one who was frozen at the moment, the others (beasts) were as well.

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