Dimensional Fantasy Group

Dimensional Illusion Group Chapter 419

It was also fortunate that the perimeter was shrouded by Avalon, or the sea would have broken through at least one big hole.

Gilgamesh's mouth was agape, did he really dress so ostentatiously that his golden nickname was more prestigious than the title of Hero King.

Chapter 317 ------

"Why do you look so pale, Koji?" Kasumi, who was at the side, looked at Koji and asked.

"Ah, oh, it's fine, I guess Kong's food was too good to eat all at once."

Koji turned around and smiled with a bloodless face.

"I'll see where the nearest elf center is, it would be better to have Miss Joey check you out as soon as possible." The spotting-skillful Kong clearly noticed Koji's look.

In his mind, he was also wondering that this little Chi, who normally did things with a big grin and no brains at all, was now hiding something from them.

"Um, good."

Little Wisdom did not refuse.

All of his spirit at the moment was gathered on the images in his mind.

The scarlet blood and wrecked limbs struck him deeply.

When had Xiao Ji, as a ten year old who had just left his parents for less than a month, ever seen such bloody images.

Although most of them were of ferocious beasts, they couldn't avoid the death of humans, and it was a good thing he didn't vomit it up on the spot.

Of course, some of the other members of the group obviously just couldn't take it anymore, such as Avery Akatsuki who was currently lying on the toilet and vomiting non-stop.

Nan Yun始's face was also unusually pale, and his will was even worse without having been baptized in the original blood.

Nishimiya Niko directly exited the group chat and vomited in the toilet for half an hour in the confused eyes of her family.

Sister Nishimiya Nitro even almost thought she was pregnant.

The entire group chat was silent, even the usual always like to belittle the night Meijiu was dry heaving.

In the end she was also a young girl.

The bloody images made the group members who were not at the battlefield uncomfortable.

Black Tigers: "What an incredibly chilling scene, I'm sure it's a scene where I found out that the previous casualties were only minor."

I'm no expert: "I'm glad I wasn't there, or I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to stand up."

Hiccup's face was also a little pale and his hands became cold from petting Toothless.

Little retard: "Is that a spatial rift?! It's horrible."

Scarlet: "It's just one side of the slaughter."

Motherhood Saves the World: "------ Words @BlackTiger, Scarlet, don't you two look twisted?"

Mother Love Saves the World: "We're slaughtering but animal forms alas, you two a tiger and a cat."

Said Phaeton, his own face turning oddly pale.

Scarlet: "Please don't compare noble elemental elves with irrational beasts! Meow~!"

Black Little Tiger: "This Young Master Jade Tree, that group of trash can't compare."

Autumn Moon Ally: "Don't they feel any guilt for killing so many?"

Suzuki Goh: "It's just a beast, just kill it."

Suzuki Goh, who had turned into an immortal, was now as indifferent as his heart was going to be.

Nothing could cause his heart to ripple.

Han Yunxi: "If we don't kill them, they'll kill us."

Autumn Moon Ally: "Although, that's true, but isn't that too much killing."

Greatest Chief: "Then if you have the power to keep them from continuing to die, you better be glad you won't be bitten straight to death."

After the group returned, the plasma cannon in his hand blasted a vicious beast again.

Manipulating the massive anti-killer armor, Tony's entire body transformed into a killing armor, red blood staining back the otherwise worn red paint.

Hero King: "@All members of the group make way for the King, I'm about to open Ea."

Instantly, all the group members and a host of humanoids quickly disengaged from the battle zone and ducked into the defensive phalanx.

"How can I be left out of the amplification move?" Suzaku Goh recalled the guardians of all levels.

The grand magical circle rose quickly.

The exuberant white supernatural magic looked stunned at the group of wizards, so magic wasn't just a single plane ah, it could be so dazzling!

The magicians were so excited that watching Suzuki Goh's supernatural magic was like opening some kind of shackles throughout.

From then on, the magicians of Earth took a magnificent performance path.

The sky was enveloped in red abrupt winds, and the crowd could hear the sound of something being torn apart from time to time.

Under Gilgamesh's wave, the abrupt wind whistled like a tornado towards the group of ferocious beasts.

Under the horrified gaze of countless people, it left only a blood stain everywhere it passed, and the powerful strangling face did not leave any pieces of flesh on the opposite side.

The sea was even rolled out into a huge vortex, which rolled countless pieces of ice and the corpses of the ferocious beasts into the deep sea.

Suzuki Goh's sky fall was followed by a white beam of light that ran through the sea from the clouds, calming the spinning vortex.

The white pillar of light disappeared, and the ocean was calm, except for five imperial-level beasts, none of them were missing.

Icarus linked Pluto's system, along with Otto's ship, Salamantini's convergence time cannon was a laser cannon to the sky, dead a piece of flying beasts plus many dragons.


"Really, there's only one left?!"

"True - the bodies are gone."

"I suddenly realized we're just redundant."

"You just found out, I knew it from the very beginning of Lord Ling Yu's arrival."

"You're lying, aren't you trying to play X?"

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