Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 425.

But the hand didn't stop either, slender hands waved in the air, and a heart-rending scream rang out in the nothing-at-all midair.

For a long time, a few drops of scarlet blood suddenly dripped in midair.

Needless to say, this blood came from the person who was screaming.

"I hate being interrupted while I'm talking."

Ling Yu glanced at the blood on the ice.


T'so-and-so was about to pee when he saw this.

This was a bad lord to serve.

Chapter 321 - A Rare Group Chat Mission

"Tell me, how do you want to compensate me?" Ling Yu casually created a chair and sat down, cocking his legs to say to T'ao.

"And how would you like to be compensated?" Special Mister said carefully.

Ling Yu's eyebrows were raised, this was asking him to price it ah.

"Oh, look at you, since you've asked me to price it, it's not good for me to lionize it, is it? Otherwise how much of a disgrace to Warsaw."

"Yes extremely." Special Mou smiled in compensation, but in his heart he was cursing his mother.

You fucking don't mention this matter is not finished.

"I heard that these days Transcendent Weapons and Spirit Crystals are the most valuable ah, that what heavenly Transcendent Weapons give me a hundred and eighty pieces, top quality Spirit Crystals casually mean a few tons on the line."

The Dragon Emperor strangely looked at Ling Yu.

You really dare to say that.

The amount of top grade spirit crystals Red Country has developed in recent years is only two tons, and the number of heavenly grade transcendent weapons is even less, and the whole world has only enough to make up around eighty pieces.

"Huh?" T'so-and-so is confused.

Is this what you call not being able to lionize?

I feel like you're just deliberately making things difficult for me Oldt.

The others are also mouth twitching, this but the top quality spirit crystals will have to make m country these years for nothing.

What's more, there are still so many high-ranking transcendents that need to be raised, laying in and out ah.

"This, can we change a condition." Special Mou looked at Ling Yu carefully.

The condition was too scary, there was no strength to let go, not to mention how aggrieved Old Special was in his heart.

"Oh? Want to change the terms? Yes, just show some sincerity."

"And this so-called sincerity?" T'so-and-so looked at Ling Yu.

"Why do you ask me everything? Go talk to the Dragon Emperor yourself, just agree to whatever the Dragon Emperor says, and if you try to argue with me, I'll have Icarus put a shot of Apollo in your immaculate palace."

"Well, Apollo you know, right? It's the weapon that can destroy the island in an instant." Ling Yu smiled and patted T'so-and-so's old face.

"Well, that's oil."

I said, drying the oil on my hands on T's body.

Te: "------"

I swear to you, Old Ted, no one has ever dared to insult me like that!

But face.

"Fine, fine, I'll agree to whatever the Dragon Emperor asks." Special Mou smiled as brightly as an old daisy.

Not to mention how happy he was.

The Knight King and Thunder God were also relieved, if they really followed what Ling Yu said, then the Red Country's resources could be the resources of two countries.

Although humans were united now, they did not want any country to be too far ahead of the curve and thus gain a leadership position.

Being used to high positions, naturally they don't want anyone to be on top of them.

"On behalf of the Red Country, I would like to thank you for your help!"

The Dragon Emperor was slightly shaken by Ling Yu's words, and thanked Ling Yu heavily for a long time.

"It's nothing, just consider it my contribution to the country, and once I wasn't able to do anything for the country." Ling Yu waved his hand, his eyes couldn't help but be out of focus.

Which person didn't have dreams of reporting to the country when they were young, but unfortunately after entering society, the life of a social animal had worn out the will.

Now that he has the ability and opportunity, Ling Yu is helping his country while also fulfilling his childhood regrets.

"Ten thousand thanks for everything you've done for the Red Country!" The Dragon Emperor bowed deeply to Ling Yu.

Powerful strength and patriotic qualities were worthy of respect no matter that.

"May I ask, when will the Great Change of Heaven and Earth begin?"

Suddenly, Ling Yu asked.

"It will take about a few days, during which we have to completely master the fierce beast world, and only when we completely master the other side's world will the world will devour the fierce beast world to complete its own metamorphosis."

"Then how can we completely master it?"

"The will of the beings is enough to slaughter the opposing beings to a certain extent, thus weakening the will of the murderer's world itself." Special Mister wanted to win Ling Yu's favor and preemptively explained.

"So ah." Ling Yu nodded his head.

"Ding! Group quests are released, every ten ferocious beasts hunted and killed increases by one point. Mission limit: None."

Instantly, all the group members' minds rang with the system's icy cold tone.

Ling Yu was shocked.

The system was this good? It's surprisingly giving out perks.

Isn't this handing out benefits, the strongest boss on the opposite side has been tamed, a bunch of scum that can be crushed at will, a few random moves points up a whole lot of it.

The eyes of the group members were also bright.

"Are you all listening clearly?"

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