Dimensional Fantasy Group

Dimensional Illusion Group Chapter 436

Well~ People are gone and don't care.

Ling Yu continued to sink into the group chat.

It was discovered that King Power Boy was also thinking about earning points.

Ling Yu: "@King Power Young Master King Powerboy, what do you want points for so much le."

The Greatest Chief: "To enhance strength, what else can I do."

Young Lord Royalty: "I want to unmask the world!"

Ouyang Xiaofeng: "------"

I'm no expert: "------"

Suzuki Goh: "Nakanishi! It's a stroke of genius! Fuck, I suddenly realized this kid is still late."

Lord of the Air: "Is the world playing conspiracy theories these days?"

Ling Yu: "Shut up, you're not just playing yourself."

Lord of the Air: "------"

All right, I admit it.

War Law Witch: "Is it just like the Eastern novels to cut down the sky and then go against the world?"

Ling Yu: "------"

What strange knowledge you have here.

Royalty Young Lord: "Against all odds? Why should I go against the world, am I not afraid of being struck by lightning? Or is there something to be gained by going against the grain? If you go against the sky, the sky will be the couch, right? Why would I do such a thing that destroys my home."

Suzaku Goh: "That's - that makes so much sense."

War Law Witch: "Hey? It's not like the oriental novels I know."

Ling Yu: "Stories? each have their own merits, just look at them, don't take them seriously."

Lingyu: "But, royaltyboy, I advise you not to think of unmasking that world of yours."

Wang Quan Young Master: "Is it true that you know the true nature of our world, Group Master?!"

Eroica: "Brother Ling Yu has the ability to know the future. It's very powerful."

Suzaku Goh: "Yes, yes, the old bull of the group leader."

Sister-sama: "Really? And do you know what my future looks like? @Ling Yu "

Ling Yu: "You better be able to work with several women gun men @ Sister Lord."

Sister Lord: "------"

Lord Sister: "No way! Those disgusting men, how could I go gun man, you're turning black and white!"

In her heart men are disgusting maggots.

She who has a mental fetish and misogynistic disorder will never admit it.

Lingyu: "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, it's the truth anyway."

The Greatest Chief: "@Suzuki Goh, hey, why do I get the feeling that the man the group leader is talking about is himself?"

Ding! The great richest man was banned for an hour.

Lingyu: "Don't come out and interrupt."

Suzaku Goku: "Great Chief Young Master, I can't afford to mess with you."

Lingyu: "Back to the point, @King Power Young Master, if you don't care about the lives of all the members of the mask you can choose to unmask that world of yours."

As soon as Ling Yu said this, the group instantly quieted down.

The body of the royal power tyrant standing at the shrine fiercely stiffened.

Chapter 328 - No Title Mother.

Royalty Young Lord: "Group Master! What's outside the circle? The strength of my masked brothers is by all accounts the best of the younger generation, so how could they be wiped out?"

The royal hegemony clearly did not believe Ling Yu's words.

Which of the members in the mask were not famous existences in their families, but also the future heirs of various families.

Strength and talent were all on display there.

Ling Yu: "I don't think you believe it either, let me show you something."

When he saw the first sentence the king exhaled a sigh of relief, he said how could it be, it must be the group master who was fooling him.

But when he saw the second sentence his heart lifted again and had a very bad feeling about it.

After organizing the information in his mind, Ling Yu uploaded this memory.

Sometimes Ling Yu had to marvel at this ability to clearly remember having seen the anime plot in his last life was really a golden touch.

Eroica: "Wow, so handsome."

Man Settling: "Especially that line about how to scare the king's power over you! It's so compelling ah I've decided to say that in the future too."

However, the painting suddenly changed to a rainy dark night.

The atmosphere in the group was also a bit heavy.

Broken magic, a longsword segmented into two halves.

"Little sister!" The royal power tyrant couldn't help but shout when he saw the person lying in his arms in the picture.

The roaring voice echoed in the shrine.

"Brother, what happened to you?!" Wang Quan Drunk who was playing on the side quickly came to Wang Quan Tyrant's side and assisted him.

Looking at the king who was covering his chest and breathing heavily, he couldn't help but get worried, "Brother, what happened."

The other masked members were also drawn in.

The royal tyrant didn't say anything and quickly hugged each one, feeling the reality of the surrounding area before he was slightly relieved.

The men were confused, but the women were red in the face.

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