Dimensional Fantasy Group

Dimensional Illusion Group Chapter 438

Ling Yu: "@Wangquan Young Lord, treat her well, Dongfang Huaizhu is a girl I like very much."

"It's a pity, but I also have to admit that it's better for Dongfang Huaizhu to follow you than me."

For the pair of cp, Dongfang Huaizhu and Wangquan Hegemony, Ling Yu's heart but filled with sadness and regret, when he first watched it, it abused him to death, now he has the opportunity to certainly want to change this ending.

Doesn't the happy ending smell good? Had to come to tragedy.

With curiosity, the King's Tyranny also downloaded the memory copy.

Chapter 329 - The Extermination of the Hegemony is here.

The Greatest Chief: "O Group Leader, I just got some very bad news, do you want to hear it?"

Ling Yu: "Huh? You tell me."

The Greatest Chief: "The extermination - it's coming!!!"

Lord of the Air: "Voorhees!"

Suzuki Goh: "Grass!"

Ouyang Xiaofeng: "Fuck!"

Motherhood Saves the World: "It's Awful!"


Ling Yu was a bit confused, why was the exterminator making an early entrance when this Chirrita hadn't even arrived yet?

Ling Yu: "What's your situation there."

Nanotori: "This timeline is totally off."

Sister Lord: "This is a cameo?"

The Greatest Richest Man: "Ahem, a cameo from God damn it."

The Greatest Richest Man: "I was in a daze when I heard the news, Captain Surprise Danvers just came back and said that the Exterminator is coming and told Earth to get ready."

Salamandini: "I have a feeling Earth won't last."

The strongest man on the ocean: "The world of Manga is a scary place, and the water is really deep."

When Ling Yu looked at the system he saw a quest.

"Why are all my quests from other worlds."

Mission type: slaying reincarnates

Mission Summary: The Chosen One has shown the Avengers series to Exterminator.

The reincarnation of the Chosen One showed the Avengers series to Zai Ba, who sensed the danger of the Earth and set out to destroy it and obtain the Space and Time Gems.

Mission Goal: To kill the Chosen One.

Mission Reward: 300,000 points

Task limit: Only five group members are allowed to participate.

The corner of Ling Yu's mouth twitched, "This group of Chosen Reincarnators really have nothing to do, showing the Women's Union to the Exterminator? Thanks to them for thinking of it."

"There's still a limit on the number of people in this mission?300,000 points equally divided among 60,000 a person, emmm, that's a huge expense compared to a huge expense."

Ling Yu intercepted a picture and casually threw it into the group chat.

After a brief silence, the group was in an uproar.

Estes: "I remember this so called Chosen Reincarnator my group lord your world, right?"

Mother Love Saves the World: "Does everyone think this exterminator is similar to Maelstrom Nagato."

I'm No Master: "Is the exterminator also resistant to rice?"

One-Way Access: "------"

Greento: "Let people feel pain, and then understand peace through pain. What wise words. Remember, @ Destiny's First Valkyrie, it will be tested later."

Divine Destiny First Valkyrie: "Bishop, why are you so unorthodox."

Ling Wei: "Ugh, they really can't be idle."

Ling Wei in the plane covered her face, not wanting to speak.

The Great Chief: "If the exterminator can also be solved through the mouth, I'll go straight to Naruto in Naruto's world."

Hero King: "Am I the only one concerned that there can only be five people on this mission? Excluding one of the group leaders and one of me, there are three left, take your pick."

Suzaku Goh: "Why should you take up one? It's not like Labor's warfare is any worse than yours."

Mother Love Saves the World: "Ladies first, I'm flattered by one spot, ladies."

Queen Crash: "Sorry, 60,000 points, even I'm tempted."

Lynx: "I was wondering something, since the Chosen Reincarnate showed the Women's Union to the Exterminator, does that mean that the Exterminator has acquired all the Infinity Gems except Earth?"

The Great First Man: "The Space Gem is still in the hands of Fury, the Time Gem is in the hands of Master Ancient One, wait, fuck!"

The Greatest Chief: "Fury called to say that the Space Gem has been taken by Loki! In other words, the exterminator has obtained all the gems except for the Time Gems?!"

War Law Witch: "Not good. It's greatly not good."

Ling Yu: "That's - that's really saying something."

Xigong Whistle: "Well - my strength is too weak."

Ling Wei: "Is this Exterminator strong? It's amazing that even you guys are so scrupulous."

Lord of the Empty: "Please note that we are not afraid of the Exterminator, we are just afraid of the Infinity Gem."

Lord of Emptiness: "A mere Titan's body, my Lord's Emptiness Sword Box will easily cut him in half."

Ordinary Alchemist: "The Exterminator with the Infinite Gem is indeed a bug, going from Heavenly Father to Multiverse all of a sudden."

Ling Wei: "What's a multiverse level?"

The Great First Man: "The level that can easily erase several universes."

Tony is trying to explain.

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