Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 444.

Tony was silent, staring at Thor dead in the face.

Dr. Strange and Captain Marvel were speechless, what time is it to joke around.

"Phantom, let's go." Phae said, and the whole thing exploded out.

"Little Phantom?" As Tony froze, he realized that the Altair beside him had disappeared, too.

"Wait, Phantasm wouldn't be talking about Altaïr, would he, Emmm?"

"Come on, let's go help Natasha and the others."

"The exterminator doesn't care?" Captain Surprise frowned.

"Don't worry about it already, you see."

Captain Marvel looked in passing and saw an incredibly shocking scene.

Terra Nova had unloaded the exterminator's power through a soft fist, and the transmutation eyes opened, poking at the exterminator.

The Titan's body was powerful, but it depended on who it was directed at.

A layer of blue light was attached to Terra Nova's hand, and it was this pair of lights that easily broke through the thick titan body.

Altaïr flew into the air and took a look at the numerous alien fleets.

The saber and PPSh-41 submachine gun surfaced in his hands, and in a violin-playing manner, the saber was held to the submachine gun's trailing handle over his shoulder.

"Morrowind - Chapter 9 - 'Karma Returning Yuan'!"


Forces powerful enough to affect the rules spread in sonic waves.

In a matter of seconds, a large fleet of Chirrita bizarrely disappeared.

The entire world was suddenly quiet.

Chapter 333 - Women's Union Chapter (2)


The Avengers and the others were very quiet as they looked at the large expanse of land that had been vacated around them, a bizarre scene that even the wizards of Kamataji didn't know how to explain.

"So don't worry about it."

Tony's mouth twitched, even though he knew Altaïr was awesome, this was almost as awesome as the exterminator snapping his fingers.

It was a small range, but it was enough to be proud of.

Captain Marvel listened to Tony's words out of the corner of his eye as well, and when he did, he proved everything with his actions.

Finding a battleship, his entire body turned into light and rose into the sky.

But in the next moment, a longsword that changed into ten thousand meters descended from the sky and directly split the battleship in two.

Captain Surprise who was floating in the air: "------"

"What's this about again." Thor turned to Tony.

"Ah, another one of our comrades arrives on the battlefield." Tony said without turning his head.

There was only one who came to his world and could play with swords.

As expected, fairy swords flew in the sky, arranged as neatly as a procession of geese, and amidst the explosions, the ships suspended in the sky were penetrated and exploded one by one by fairy swords.

Dr. Strange, Team Rice: "------"

Can we have them all at once, please?

"For victory, come to my heels! O immortal sun, grant to the shining steed. O divine and miraculous steed, bring your master's wheel of light to me!"

The solemn and ethereal voice suddenly echoed throughout the battlefield.

Dr. Strange and Team Mee froze in unison, and what a thing to say.

Tony's face was happy.

The Group Master had come too!

The dark clouds that had been attracted by the thunder pushed away, and the sun that emitted a dazzling white light suddenly appeared high in the sky.

The sun was shining down, and the entire people of Mizoram couldn't help but look up at the sky.

The sun and the moon were in the same sky, and it was the fullest moment.

A completely unlikely scene just surfaced in the pupils of countless people.


The high horse's cry rang out in the sky.

Under the gaze of countless people, a divine white horse, constructed entirely of flames, gracefully ran out of the sun, and wherever it passed, fire swept across the sky, drawing a path constructed of flames.

It ran towards the wasteland with a sturdy pace, treading as if it wasn't air, but the most ordinary of roads.

"No good, there's an extremely terrifying energy hidden in its body, with a destructive range comparable to that of a nuclear bomb!" After testing the white horse, Su Rui shouted towards the periphery in fear.


The minds of the others were in shock, and the mages and soldiers of Kamataji and Wakanda immediately tried to prepare their defense when Tony's voice broke the silence.

"It's okay, this white horse is friendly, it won't hurt us!"

"Friendlies?!" Natasha looked in awe at the white horse in the sky and then at Tony.

"All Avengers, continue against the Dark Legion."


Sorei shouted anxiously.

"I trust my teammates!"

Natasha replied firmly.

"Hulk believes in friends!"

Hulk said and continued to rush towards the Dark Legion.

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