Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 452.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from the exterminator's mouth, spilling onto the golden armor.

Ling Yu smoothly hand-formed a taiji, directly removing both pairs of arms of the exterminator, and blasted out both fists with a powerful force that directly blew the exterminator to the ground.

The Sword of Vowed Victory and the Holy Sword of the Wheel of Turning appeared abruptly in Ling Yu's two hands.

Inserting the Holy Sword of the Wheel into the ground.

Ling Yu held the Sword of Vowed Victory high in both hands.


The sky thundered and flickered.

Tired of playing with light, let's play with electricity.

Yellow thunder, under the power of the Lynx Goat, keeps splitting the blade between the Pledge of Victory.

The white sword blade was wrapped in yellow light at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Silken arcs of electricity flashed in the void.

"Fuck, another thunder god!" Thor was depressed looking at Ling Yu who manipulated lightning just like playing.

Heart is very uncomfortable, obviously he is the recognized Thunder God.

How come now one popped up to play with thunder more than him six?

Feeling the threat to his life, the exterminator's eyes finally regained a trace of clarity.

Manipulating the Mind Gem temporarily suppressed the Berserk Medicine.

In the next moment, the blue Space Gem and the purple Power Gem flashed at the same time.

The exterminator covered his chest with one hand and raised the other.

"Trying to run?"

Ling Yu's eyes narrowed as he immediately knew what the exterminator was thinking.

The exterminator who hadn't gotten the Time Gem to complete his wish didn't want to give up so easily.

"Shoot him, Divine Lance!"

"Bah, wrong word, Wheel of Victory Sword!"

In the next moment, the Wheel of Victory Sword that was stuck in the ground by Ling Yu quickly flew up, and colored light flew out from the blade.


The exterminator cried out in pain and dropped to one knee, his left hand trembling as he covered his right hand.

Blood was flowing.

A huge purple arm with a golden glove fell in front of him.

On the glove the color of the original stone dissipated.

"Pledge the Sword of Victory!"

Ling Yu immediately just waved his hand and chopped down.


Amidst the loud shouts of the exterminator, the Sword of Oath of Victory with lightning drowned the exterminator in a sea of thunder.

The endless light caused everyone to cover their hands.

The bad thing about this VIP chapter is that you can't change the title, and you need to go to the editor-in-charge to change it, but now that so much has happened to the reading - alas...

Chapter 338 - Emptiness Retreats

Royalty Young Lord: "That's awesome! That's the way of the sword! Compared to the two of you, Group Master Da Da and Hollow, my sword heart is just too worthless!"

The King's Tyranny is totally like a little fanboy jumping on the window opening.

I pounced on the window like a hungry man on bread - Royalty Tyranny

Lord of the Air: "A giao oh ri giao."

Starry Sky Sachi: "Isn't this ...... simply cutting with a sword?"

Starry Girl was a bit confused, she didn't see which mystery was missing at all.

I guess the realm was too low.

Starry Sky Lucky said silently.

Emptiness Prince: "@ Young Master Wangquan, Junior has good eyesight, he was able to see the mysteries in my swordplay, I wonder how far Junior has comprehended the Dao of the Sword."

Young Master Wang Quan: "Senior has discounted me, the boy is not talented enough to comprehend the heart of the sword."

Emptiness Prince: "......"

Han Yunxi: "......"

People are determined to win: "What's wrong with you guys? Sudden silence."

Hint: The Empty Prince has quit the group chat.

Hero King: "??"

Lord Sister: "Can this group originally be withdrawn?"

Southern Bird: "Why is Uncle Void all right to withdraw from the group?"

Mother's love saves the world: "I guess it's a kidney deficiency, a void hand shakes, subconsciously ordered the wrong one."

The emptiness holding the melon stiffened, and the corner of his mouth twitched as he looked at Teruyuki next to him.

I have an MMP in my heart that I don't know whether to say.

Han Yunxi: "Let me explain it to you all."

Han Yunxi: "A sword heart is something that requires an extremely profound comprehension of the Dao of the Sword to comprehend, and a cultivator with a sword heart will increase his or her combat power by several times, and only my master, the real Zi Yin, has a sword heart in the entire Tianzhu City."

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