Dimensional Fantasy Group

Dimensional Illusion Group Chapter 463

Oh, shit. Where is everybody?

"Another big sister! So pretty, silver hair ugh!"

Peeping little girls full of adoration.

One look at all the dolls in the house and throw them all in the trash!

Chapter 5 - Ling Yu's Girlfriend

Through the imaginary number of spaces, Ling Yu soon appeared on the river, watching the distant docks getting brighter and brighter under the dim sky, and his face became ugly.

With a fierce shake of the light wings behind him, the seawater on both sides automatically lined up.

It exploded out like a bullet.

Thirty minutes ago.

"Commander-in-Chief, all the valves in tank block one are open and very dangerous."

In a makeshift tent not far from the original storage area, the port's general manager, Li Hongen, was looking bitter to the man in the firefighting uniform.

The man known as the commander-in-chief, looking very angry at the man in front of him, pointed a walkie-talkie at his nose and shouted, "Why didn't you say anything when I asked you!"

The fact that all the valves in tank area one are open means that the oil in all the tanks is now flowing into tank A01 and then spewing out down the pipeline.

And how much crude oil is going to be in the entire crude oil storage area-.

"I--I think you'll put the fire out soon enough! But-" Li Hong En was also very anxious.

He then pointed to an area on the map.

"The most terrifying thing now is no longer the A01 tank."

The Commander-in-Chief immediately turned back and looked at Li Hongen with a deadly stare, what could be more terrifying than now?!

How many other things are you hiding, you bastard!

"With the leaking crude oil threatening to explode the adjacent tanks at any moment, the fire escalated, and a series of explosions eventually reached the chemical tank area, where large amounts of xylene and cyanide were stored."

Li Hong En looked at the eyes that commanded as if to eat people, subconsciously took a step back, but still pointed at the big screen and said with difficulty.

"Benzene is a Class A fire hazard chemical that can paralyze a person's central nervous system, and once cyanide is inhaled in large quantities, a person will pass out without warning within a few minutes and stop breathing within fifteen minutes." As a fire inspector, Wang Lu found the information about the two items at once.

The information was read out in a condensed manner.

"That means that it threatens the lives of everyone in this city." A man in a suit suddenly stepped out.

"Secretary." The Commander-in-Chief took a look at the visitor.

The Commander-in-Chief stared hard at Li Hongen.

Quickly ran out to understand the situation.

When the commander returned, he hurriedly took the wireless radio and pointed at a red area on the screen.

"The only way now is that the two valves to the other tanks in tank A01 must be turned off to further stop the flowing fire from spreading to the chemical tank area."

The city clerk looked to the next man, Lee Honn, "How do we turn it off."

"The power generators and equipment have been delivered."

"But our technician doesn't want to go, not even if he's offered two hundred thousand dollars!" Li Hongen was bitter.

Seeing no results for the time being, the secretary uttered another question: "The consequences of the explosion, is it like he said?"

"It's worse than that, we've done projections."

Wang Lu's sudden voice drew everyone's attention.

Wang Lu's look was very grave: "The amount of chemical explosions in the entire port is equivalent to twenty atomic bombs. If the toxic chemicals are superimposed - if the crude oil in the tank area flows into the sea - if the flowing fire at sea cannot be controlled -"

Wang Lu's voice was getting quieter and quieter, but every word she said struck the hearts of everyone present.


Suddenly a loud, startling sound made everyone almost stand still.

There was another red area on the display.

"It's over, it's completely over." Li Hong En looked at the newly appeared area, his face pale.

"What was sent what?!"

The commander-in-chief lifted Li Hongen's muzzle at once.

"There's been an explosion in Area B. The entrance to the closing valve is now wrapped in flames, so even if the power generator comes, it's already useless."

"Is there any way out then?" The commander-in-chief asked quickly.

"The only way to do that now is to close the valve manually, but that's never been tried before."

"I don't want to hear this, just tell me approximately how long it will take." The commander-in-chief waved his hand to stop Lee Horn's sellout.

"About ten minutes." Li Hong En looked at the city clerk and said with a guilty look.

"We're the only ones between me and the people, we can't stand up to it!" The city clerk is very determined.

He'll be here to take the danger with all the firefighters.

The chief commander took a deep breath.

"Gather all commanders."

He would form a death squad to manually close the valve.


"I really didn't expect there to be so many dangerous things existing in the next city."

Ling Yu who had landed inside the city muttered to himself after taking a glance at the sight of the fire in the distance.

Outside of the alley, there were countless people running around.

They were all running towards the airport after getting news of their friends and family, wanting to leave this place of wrongdoing as soon as possible.

"When one's own life is at stake, the human heart really isn't worth consideration."

Ling Yu disdainfully took a glance at the scene where footsteps occurred from time to time.

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