Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 466

The young man was slightly surprised when he heard the name.

The name was a bit familiar, had he heard it somewhere before?

"When did you become my girlfriend?" Ling Yu looked at Celine in surprise.

"You deserve a single life like this." Celine said softly.

"Sorry, there's no need for you to worry about such things, the world is a big place, there's a place to stay."

"Sayu, why is Siren talking? Quickly go and bring a glass of water over." Fang Shuo frowned.

I haven't seen you for a day, and you're already so ignorant?

Ling Yu: "------"


I'll be damned. Do you know him that well?

Motherhood was hard to come by, and Ling-woo handed her a glass of water as Celine looked on proudly.

"Good job, little Lingzi."

Ling Yu: "------"

Ling Yu frowned slightly, how did that sound so much like shouting at a eunuch?

"Mom, I'm going out, I'll be back later."

Suddenly, Ling Yu frowned and said something to Fang Shuo.

"Well, you can go, just don't get lost." Fang Shuo waved her hand casually.

She was currently chatting with Xilin about Ling Yu at the moment.

Ling Yu: "------"

A grudging glance at Celine.

Was he disgraced?

Walking out of the ward, Ling Yu casually snapped his fingers.

In the distance, because of the eruption of the crude oil tank, a manhole cover was rapidly smashing towards here.

It looked like this hit just where Ling Yu's parents were in the room.

However, the moment the manhole cover was about to hit, a pitch-black void opened and swallowed the cover, before disappearing.

The man who was smoking on the balcony next door saw this scene and directly paralyzed on the floor.

But when he got up, he found nothing around him.

Inarge, what the hell?

Of course he wasn't the only one who saw the scene, but when they rubbed their eyes they still saw the same scenery as before.

All of them subconsciously thought that they were seeing things wrong.

At the moment, the distant docks are on fire, because of the crude oil flowing into the big river, for a time the water sprayed out by the firefighters not only did not play a role in extinguishing the fire, but increased the momentum of the flowing fire.

And Jiang Liwei has been entering the fire to close the valve arrived for half an hour.

But this valve has not been closed.

The more fierce the fire, the valve did not close, crude oil continued to flow out, under the burning of the large crowd A01 tank has almost reached the limit, about to explode.

And once it explodes, it will chain other tank areas, and the consequences will be unthinkable.

Chapter 7 The moment I was saved by the Emperor Man, I was confused

"Bastard, let go! My boyfriend is a cop!"

"Oh, the police? Then I'll have to love you even more, maybe your boyfriend was the one who wanted me for half a year."

"The police don't work now that everyone's in trouble themselves, but you still look like a pure, I think?"

"Before you die brother will show you how to live in the clouds."

"No, no! Woo~"

"Bastard, let go of my sister!"

"Where's the little brat, get out of my way for Rao."

Ling Yu who was walking on the street was slightly stunned and turned his head slightly.

Just saw that in the dark alley, several outlaws were clamping down on a woman's limbs.

A man pushed a small child who was crying and holding a toy in his hand to the ground, smiling evilly at the woman being controlled.

The movement of his hands was unrelenting, tearing rapidly.

"EMM, is that so exciting?"

Hearing the sound of that sabre tearing, Ling Yu couldn't help but subconsciously touch his chin.

The legendary 5v1?

Society now, my brother.

"You bastards, Yatales will destroy you!"

The little kid got up from the ground, holding the Atarax toy tightly in his hand, and shouted loudly.

The next moment, the man tugging at the girl's clothes froze and turned his head ghostly.

After a strange silence, everyone laughed.

"Hahaha, what did I hear? So I'm Ochsel? You know what, boss? Actually, I'm Oxer."

"Fuck off, I'm still the boss of the Shadow Realm."

The boss pushed the man away.

"Mum, what if I'm suddenly so scared?"

"And you're threatened by a little kid? Kam." Boss spat.

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