Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 470.


I'm one of the Five Good Young Men. How can I have such a filthy mind?

Ling Yu instantly cursed himself: so damn handsome.

"Sister, I'll be honest with you, I'm not from this world, I'll have to leave here sooner or later, and I don't only have one girlfriend."

"Huh?" The young girl was stunned.

But when she looked up Ling Yu had already disappeared.

"By the way, to remind you of one thing, it might not be peaceful these days, if you want to keep safe, you better go to Yanghe City next door."

"I haven't asked your name yet, my name is Xie Yutong!" Xie Yu Tong shouted loudly.

However, only Echo answered her in the vacant alleyway.

"Sister, isn't he the Emperor's Man?"

Prism pulled Xie Yutong's skirt and said in confusion.

Xie Yutong: "------"

I Emperor your head.

Knocked his brother's head hard.

"That hurts." Prickly crouched with his head in defense.

There were tears in his eyes.

Xie Yutong slightly covered her forehead, she decided not to show her brother any more special dramas in the future.

It would be idiotic to watch any more.

The next moment, Xie Yutong saw those five lined up asses.

"Go, go with your sister and kick each one."


The poor five just tore their clothes before they could touch them and were smashed into the wall.

"Where are we going next, sister?"

"Go home, pack your bags, and get ready to go to Young River City."


"Command Center, we've been shut down for forty-five minutes, why are the valves still open?" Jiang Liwei in the sea of fire reported into the intercom.

The commander-in-chief who heard the report was stunned and looked to the side at Li Hongen: "Didn't you say it would be shut down in ten minutes? What's going on?"

Li Hong En looked at the commander in chief with a guilty conscience and gritted his teeth, "I don't know, I've never manually turned it off before."

"All I know is that eighty turns is one button, and a valve is one hundred buttons!" Li Hong En trembled and extended an index finger.

The commander-in-chief's pupils shrank sharply upon hearing it.

Directly lifting Li Hong En's muzzle, he growled, "Why have you lied to us again and again?!"

"I didn't lie to you, I didn't leave either! This is a centuries-old port, it can't be destroyed by my hands."

"So many people here are depending on this port for their livelihood, if I'm honest with you, which one of you would dare to go in and put out the fire!"

Li Hong En shook off the Commander-in-Chief's hand and spoke out.

The Commander-in-Chief didn't dare to look at him, not expecting him to say such shameless words.

The Commander-in-Chief felt that his honor as a firefighter had been completely insulted, and his anger rubbed off on him.


A crisp slap was thrown across Li Hong En's face.

"You really don't know much about firefighters!"

Exhaling deeply, the commander-in-chief picked up the intercom to Jiang Liwei and said bitterly, "A valve to close 8,000 revolutions ------"

The opposite side of the river silently squared the radio down.

Take a deep look at the sea of fire wrapped around him.

Looking at the runner in front of him, his gaze was firm.


The commander-in-chief threw the radio right after he finished speaking, closed his eyes unbearably, and turned his head.

Outside the Marina.

The area was cordoned off, but it didn't stop Ling Yu from seeing what was going on inside.

There were several manhole covers spewing up into the sky from the ground at the moment, and fire dragons roared out of the ground, blasting one firefighter mercilessly away.

The firefighters were rolling on the ground in pain covering their thighs, blood, crude oil and water mixed in, doubling the pain.

At the moment, there was even a wailing-like sound emanating from the surroundings.

Ling Yu knew that this was the sound produced when the crude oil tank couldn't withstand the fire and would explode.

It sounded like a death sentence.

"Is it about to explode?" Ling Yu's eyebrows furrowed slightly.

At the moment, the media from all over the world were paying attention to this matter.

Fang Shuo, who was sitting in the hospital, was nervously watching the images on the television.

If this exploded, everyone in this city would disappear from the face of the earth.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine." Celine reassured.

Celine wasn't worried at all because she had set up imaginary number spaces within the surrounding walls.

In the event of a real explosion would understand transferring the people in this room into the imaginary number space.

No longer in the same dimension could not create any harm at all.

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