Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 472.

Behind them was a hard, splintered barrier.

That's right, a splinter.

They would never forget the scene they had just seen.

Single-handedly taking down a group of policemen all by themselves.

During which a mysterious taijutsu could be seen.

It was so occult, that scene was more than special effects.

At first the crowd just thought it was a cosplay gone astray, but they didn't expect it to be a real big guy.

The holster wasn't fake either, carrying over bullets.

A fireman acted out a gulp, took a look at the others, and spoke, "Could it be that this world really has supernatural beasts?"

In the old days, he would have been laughed at for saying that ironically.

But now...

Everyone was silent.

"Fuck! That wouldn't still have Oxer and the Phantom Demon, would it!?" The fireman was directly confused.

"Do you think this fire could be the work of a supernatural beast?"

"Can't say."

"I suppose it's possible, or else a port that hasn't been in trouble for a hundred years would suddenly catch fire without the slightest change?"

"But if this is all true, with the Imperial Warrior here, then this fire is nothing. I remember watching Armor Warrior with my son, there's a sure-fire move called Water's Concealment, which seems to put ice on it."

"Putting ice on it is of no use, if it bursts the other crude oil tanks, wouldn't it be cool?"

A couple of firefighters were whispering.

A bunch of atheists become paranoid after what just happened.

Cops lying on the ground: ------

Brothers alas, do you really want to watch us roll around on the floor?

At least put us up against the wall and let's talk together.

You know it hurts when you don't ask questions?

The ground is not only lonely and cold but also painful.

Inside the harbor.

All the spewing flames quickly returned to the haze and closed back.

The commander-in-chief who saw this scene was stunned, then his pupils shrank suddenly.

Shouting to the firefighters who had fallen to the ground, "Retreat! Retreat!"

Saying that, he quickly pulled the city secretary and Chen Hongen towards the back.

The other firefighters also reacted quickly, holding up their brothers on the ground and running backwards as fast as they could.


The moment people fled, the concrete earth directly exploded in a big explosion oh.

The violent flames greedily engulfed the surrounding air, and the hot wind waves swept through, evaporating all the water stains on people's bodies.

"Oh no!"

One firefighter, carrying his teammates on his back, saw the flames coming after him and his pupils snapped shut.

Along for the ride was the endless stream of fire.

The kind that couldn't be put out once it got on.


Then his teammates who were being supported by him saw the situation and directly picked apart his hands, pushing him out violently with all their strength.

"Zhang Zhi!"

The firefighter who was pushed to the ground quickly turned his head and noticed the flames that Zhang Zhi's body was already covered in.

The fast flowing crude oil wrapped around him.

The flames were like a death sentence, refusing to let go of the slightest chance.

The two men were separated by the sea of fire.

"You wait, I'll come and save you now!"

I said, and tried to get the foam.

"Get out of here."

"Say hi to my mother for me, I don't want to even have someone to report back to."

But Zhang Zhi shook his head, looking at this former best friend and most trusted teammate with a smile on his dark face, his yellow teeth shining incomparably in the firelight.

The words weren't finished yet, with a rumble.

An explosion occurred in the bracket above Zhang Zhi's head, and in an instant, countless pieces stained with flames fell down.


The man's pupils shrank sharply and shouted loudly.

Seeing that Zhang Zhi was about to be buried alive, everyone turned their heads unbearably.

However, for a long time, the roar of a heavy object falling to the ground did not sound.

At that moment, the cold wind blew through, making the firefighters, who were already waterlogged, shiver.

"Ah cut!"

One suddenly sneezed.

"Why is it suddenly getting colder?"

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