Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 487.

"It's not that I'm blowing, now that even the Emperor Man and the Western Dragon have appeared, it's not impossible for the aura inside the fantasy world to appear again."

"Yes yes yes." Ling Yu perfunctorily said.

When he reached the door of the class, Ling Yu was suddenly stopped by a voice.

"Ling Yu, come here for a moment."

Ling Yu turned around and found that it was his class teacher, also known as the English teacher.

Behind him were two middle-aged people, a man and a woman.

At the moment their brows were furrowed, and on their bodies Ling Yu felt a sense of anger.

Ling Yu's eyebrows were slightly furrowed, looking for trouble?

Handing the bag to Han to take with him, Ling Yu walked towards the trio.

In the imaginary number space, the few women dressed as Bella also stopped.

Ling Yu walked up to the class teacher and asked.

"Teacher? What's the matter with shouting at me?"

The class teacher rubbed his temples and spoke, "It's like this, these two are the parents of fellow student Xu Rong."

Ling Yu looked at the two of them with a sudden glance.

"Did something happen?"

The class teacher continued to, "Student Xu Rong did not go home last night, according to the students, Xu Rong has been missing since yesterday afternoon's gym class."

"According to your classmates, you and fellow student Xu Rong were the last to come out of the classroom, I wanted to ask if you know anything."

"There's surveillance in the school, right?" Ling Yu's eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Pointing to the surveillance on the far wall.

"Then you should know that I didn't know anything about her when I left after simply talking to her." Ling Yu shook his head.

"But Xu Rong did disappear after talking to you after English class!" Xu Rong's mother stepped forward and looked angrily at Ling Yu.

"Then what does this have to do with me?" Ling Yu gave her a disdainful glance.

"It must have been something you said to her! Otherwise a child as good as Rong Rong couldn't have gone missing!"

"Good boy?" Ling Yu sneered.

Looking at Xu Rong's mother's eyes was like looking at a fool.

"What's that look in your eyes?! Rong Rong must have disappeared because of you!" Xu Rong's mother spoke up.

The unidentified students from the other classes couldn't help but turn their heads.

The class teacher couldn't help but push her glasses when she saw this scene.

"Mother Xu Rong, you are too excited, speaking with evidence, I gave you permission to find Ling Yu and just find out what happened, not that I allowed to slander my students at will without any evidence!"

"As you saw from the surveillance, Ling Yu left before Xu Rong, but after that Xu Rong entered the classroom."

The class teacher was very serious.

"Then may I ask the teacher, how did Rong Rong disappear in the classroom for no reason?" Xu Rong's father opened his mouth.

The class teacher was also frowning.

This was indeed a mystery.

But Xu Rong was indeed missing from the school, and both the school and her had an unshirkable responsibility.

"Maybe she couldn't stand your oppression and secretly jumped out of the window and ran away from home." Ling Yu suddenly interjected.

"What did you say?!"

A sentence that directly made Xu Rong's mother blow up.

Chapter 18 - The Girl Before the Shrine


A young woman was startled to see the familiar aviary.

Unbelievably, she murmured to herself, "I ...... am back?"

"Grandpa! Mom! Straw too!"

The young girl looked happy, tears slipping from her eyes as she looked at the familiar shrine tree above.

Eyes filled with joy, she ran against the falling petals and rushed to the shrine above.

At the shrine, a woman in a red and white witch's uniform was sweeping the floor.

Seeing the young girl running up in a hurry, she was slightly stunned and then walked over.

"This guest, are you here to worship?"

The girl who walked up to the bird house froze slightly.

"Excuse me, and you are?"

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Higurashi Junko, and I am the wife of the current Higurashi Shrine Master." Higurashi Junko smiled lightly and said elegantly.

"What?" The young woman was slightly stunned.

Higurashi Junko?

Who's this? Shouldn't the next head of the Higurashi family be Kusota?

"Guest, please follow me if you wish to worship." Higurashi Junko didn't say anything even though she saw the girl staring at her, smiled lightly, made a gesture of invitation, and turned to the shrine.

"No, I wanted to ask if you know Kusama Higurashi?"

Higurashi Junko's footsteps suddenly faltered.

Turning to the girl, she couldn't help but look at her and ask with some curiosity, "Are you here to see Kusota?"

"Well, do you know where he is now?!" The young woman asked anxiously.

Higurashi Junko covered her mouth with a light laugh, "Of course I know, Higurashi Kusota is my husband."

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