Dimensional Fantasy Group

Dimensional Illusion Group Chapter 509

"Not good!"

Sixteen Nights' pupils shrank slightly, and his entire body exploded in front of Govi's.

Killshotaru also gripped the Exploding Shattered Tooth, the emerald green demon dragon wrapped around the blade of the tooth.

The two of them powered up, barely blocking the light of the Sword of Oath Victory.

Sesshomaru's mouth was silent, but his heart approved of his sibling, and if she died, Suzu would be sad.

Anything that would hurt Suzu, he would block it!

Reverse Sixteen Nights has a simple mind that doesn't want to see innocent people die.

Govi froze and looked at the figure in front of him.


Couldn't help but murmur.

Quickly, she reacted and took out her bow and arrow.

The pink Demon Breaking Arrow fired, offsetting a little pressure for the two.

But still, it was a dime a dozen.

Higurashi Govi's appearance drew another round of applause.

Was this really a normal special shoot?! It's an anime smorgasbord!

Watching people's hearts race.

There was no expectation that Inuyasha would also make an appearance.

Ling Yu was surprised by this, but this time, although he didn't use his planet destroying power, he also had the power of the anime to cross the great river.

But even so, it wasn't so easy to block.


It was as it should be.

They erased a trail beneath their feet, their bodies slowly retreating under the light of the oath.

The only thing they could do was to delay the time for the Vow of Victory Sword to strike.

Of course, if Ling Yu really pushed hard, then they would have no hint of the

distant place

The humanoid monster that had been killed by the Ten Thousand Dragons I had killed earlier actually emitted a light from its pupils.

It was as if it was transmitting something.

"Found it!"

Suddenly, a surprised voice interrupted the thoughts.

Only the civet cat that was constantly looking for something in its pocket before actually took out a cloak.

"That's, Doraemon?!"

Everyone was confused.

As a memory of people's childhood, who doesn't know about Doraemon?

Even some older people knew of his existence while watching anime with their own grandchildren.

Others might be fine, but the students and teachers in the playground were truly confused.

If Doraemon existed, wouldn't that be those props!

for a moment

People looked at the props that Doraemon had casually thrown on the ground before, and their pupils flashed with fire!

'If I give any of these inventions to the state, won't I not have to struggle for the rest of my life?!'

'I want to create planets! When the Messiah, I want Pegasus and Griffin and the Dragon?!''

'I want to build a house at the bottom of the sea!'

'Geez, I haven't missed any time travel novels, if only I had a time machine I could travel back in time and pretend to be ancient?! Right! I want to marry Princess Changle! Goes down in history with modern verse!'


People's thoughts flew.

I can't help it, who let Doraemon make a lasting impression on them when they were young.

Everyone fantasizes about a wonderful journey.

But only when you grow up to find out, the childhood longing can only be summed up in two words.


But not now, the opportunity, the way, is before us!

If it wasn't for Icarus's absolute shield that covered people, someone would have gone gunning.

"Found it!"

Doraemon's words brought people back to their senses.

"That's right, the rebound cape!"

"I'm going, no! Could it be that Tinker Bell wants to use the rebound cloak to rebound the Sword of Oath Victory?!"

"Fuck, look what happened, it's so exciting. I thought it was just a silly art show, but it's led to so many king bombs!"


The moment was filled with millions of people.

One was a childhood memory, the other was faith.

It wasn't really easy to comment for a moment.

Let's just let them see which was stronger and which was weaker, right?

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