Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 516.

"Damn humans!"

Avalanche roared madly.

"Wouldn't you, who relies on humans to use your power, be even more trash?"

Celine mocked with disdain.

"All day long you talk about destroying humans, but eventually you have to borrow their bodies?"

"A self-proclaimed god? It's actually a piece of crap!"

"What did you say?!"

Avalanche was straight up pissed off.

"What's wrong with that? Look at you, you're not even using another person's body to fight me now?"

"I'm going to hang you today!"


Celine shouted.


The huge blue imaginary number space opened above Celine's head.

A silver dragon peeked out of the faucet.

The mimetic core on its four crystals exploded directly.

Ice, lightning, flame, and storm.

It converged into a roar that blasted at Angel Hiko.

In the next moment, the entire collapse was submerged by the massive energy.

Celine quickly rushed into the sky.

The terrifying collapse energy erupted, and the imaginary number even trembled as a result.

Hundreds of imaginary number spaces opened.

The earthy yellow light made this pitch-black universe rise up.


Purple lightning quickly slashed through Bella's roar, making the roar one part and two parts.


A collapsing wretched figure appeared from inside.

Blood flowed, dripping a little from the tip of the flaming sword in her hand.

But the moment she looked up, her face was not white.



Celine waved adorably towards her.

The next moment.

Endless void energy poured out.

It was like a Gatling sweep.

It was unbearable for a group of military magnates to look at.

Countless amounts of Void Energy blasted onto the moon.

Endless dust lifted, and the entire planet even created a wave of air.

It caused the surrounding meteorite belt to be faintly unbalanced.

When the attack stopped and the dust dissipated.

Everyone couldn't help but stare at their pupils and suck in a breath of cold air.


"Is this the power of God?!!!"

"What the hell is a nuclear bomb that we're proud of compared to this?!"

"Well, you can stop looking at the moon on the 15th day of the Mid-Autumn Festival from now on." One person laughed bitterly.

The others also nodded subconsciously.

It was nothing more than that, simply because the image they saw was too unbelievable and shocking.

A's eyes stared at the moon that had been blown into a residual moon.

For a long time, they could not speak.

Was this the power of God?!

Destroy a planet in a matter of seconds?

Number A couldn't help but begin to wonder.

If Ling Yu had any malicious intent.

With such invincible power, did humans really have the ability, no, the right to fight against it?


Celine took a flat look at the moon that she had bombarded with nothing more than an arc, not the least bit surprised.

It was still her best effort at restraint, otherwise she would have unleashed her full power and the entire solar system would have disappeared under her imaginary number space.

Turning and landing on Bella's head, she didn't enter the imaginary number space and disappeared.

After Celine's departure, the major satellites returned to normal.

But tonight, it was destined to be difficult to sleep!

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