Dimensional Fantasy Group

Dimensional Illusion Group Chapter 523

PS: The early morning ahead was changed to evening, after all, my plot is at night.

"You mean, they're - all your girlfriends?"

Ling Wen came over and said incredulously.

It was beautiful from a distance, but when you looked closer, oh my god, what kind of fairy faces are these?

It was simply drawn.

Ling Yu: Actually, it was supposed to be drawn.

But Ling Wen and the others didn't know ah, should have been the focus of the child Yao, a time actually covered by a few girls.

A few women also looked at each other, and Rem and Birdie went up to hold Ling Yu's right and left hand.

It can't be helped, who let the two women inside be the shortest and match Ling Yu's height?

But it made others envious.

Shit! Older brother's bull is so strong.

Ling Wen secretly hugged his wife.

Luckily, I also have a wife.

Tong Yao blushed shyly, although they loved each other very much, but in such a public place, the thin-skinned Tong Yao was still a bit overwhelmed.

"Right, sis, the wedding gift."

Ling Yu received a wrapped box from Cecilia's hand.

"Thank you Little Yu."

Tong Yao smiled and took the gift box.

"Huh? Aren't there any for me?" Ringman asked.

"Of course there is."

Ling Yu chuckled and handed a red card to Ling Wen.

Icarus's eyes flickered slightly.

"A card? Huh? There's a light?"

Ling Wen received the card and was surprised at the red light flowing through it.

Was technology already so advanced now?

This card was none other than Icarus's universal card, except that it sealed Ling Yu's full power inside, giving Older Brother a life preserver at a critical moment.

"By the way, old brother, why do you want to make a microfilm?"

Ling Wen suddenly asked.


"Did you really think it was a microfilm?" With a light chuckle, Ling Yu took a few women towards the men's table and sat down.

"Not a microfilm?" Ling Wen was confused.

To beat him to death, he could never have imagined that it was all true.

"Alright, quickly go and get ready, the marriage ceremony will take place later." The second aunt pulled Ling Wen and left.

Celine sat next to Ling Yu and raised her thighs.

Her eyes flatly swept around.

"People nowadays can be really extravagant."

Ling Yu was stunned.

Then it dawned.

Celine was born in the year 2000 to a Siberian commoner.

At that time, she couldn't even afford to eat, so how could she have seen such magnificent decorations in the hotel now.

"Extravagant? Maybe. Just getting married costs so much money, unlike before when you only needed to invite your friends and family for a meal."

Ling Yu also took a glance around, wrapping up this hall, it should have cost a lot of money.

Ling Yu picked up his phone and habitually opened the bounce.

Only he was suddenly stunned.

It's 14 years now, and I'm playing 20 years of bouncing?

Immediately, the corner of Ling Yu's mouth curled up into a smile.

Quickly intercepted a few diagrams.

Air Law, Thunder Law, Riku Law, Double Life, and Moonbreath.

Find Mi Bluff's email address and send it straight over.

And send the Air Law promo: the Queen descends.

Himeko promo: The Last Lesson.

Riru's promo: Angel Reconstruction.

Hil promo: Twins on the other side.

Promo for Glendale: Starlighting the Darkness

Meiko Promo: The Sinner's Lament

Posted to Site B.

"Ah, comfortable."

After posting, Ling Yu leaned directly on Icarus' shoulder, needing only a glimpse to see the shock.

This move of Ling Yu's was a gnashing of teeth for those who were paying attention here.

Mad, this kid is so official!

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