Dimensional Fantasy Group

Dimensional Illusion Group Chapter 529

"Icarus! She's Icarus!"

"No way. Icarus inside Skyfall?!"

Some of the children recognized Icarus and shouted in excitement.

Their parents looked baffled.

"You know each other?"

"Of course we know each other, it's Icarus! The artificial angel Icarus, an existence inside the anime Skyfall, was the first woman in the first anime I ever watched." Some middle-aged teenager shouted in excitement.


People are confused but not shocked.

After all, how could anyone in reality actually have wings?

The recent events that had appeared made countless people start to wonder if this was still that everyday world of theirs.

"Oh my god, what kind of monster is that?!"

"A supernatural beast, Oxyther or something?"

A pink ball of light flew in from outside, and the crowd could see what it was.

There was only a humanoid monster covered in twigs twisted around its body in the pink aperture, and a pair of huge butterfly-like wings on its back.

The hideous face of the creature directly scared and cried some children.

Some parents couldn't help but hug their children tightly.

"Ugly creature."

Celine's eyes were filled with disgust.

With a wave of her hand, the black-and-white subspace spear flew out from the imaginary number space and ran the monster that was neither human, tree nor butterfly through the absolute protective circle.


The monster that was run through emitted an unknown low roar.

The branches on its body actually began to twine like the Spear of Aerial.

Celine's eyebrows furrowed.

"Don't touch my Spear of Aerial with your filthy branches!"

However, it was still a step too short, and the Spear of Aerial had been wrapped up in its entirety.



In the next moment, it actually disappeared directly from the absolute defense circle in Celine's shrinking pupils!

"Older brother, the card."

Ling Yu's eyebrows also furrowed slightly as he looked at it, then it dawned on him, he quickly turned his head and shouted at Ling Wen.

"Huh? Oh."

A fully dazed Lingwen took the card out on her hands and knees.

"Than sculpt!"

The than eagle that acted as a guard let out a roar.

A white light appeared in the beak of the bird, pecking out the hand that peeked out from the void.

"That ugly creature has learned to count imaginary spaces?"

Celine looked incredulously at the section of tree that had fallen to the ground.

"After devouring the Subspace Spear, is it similar to finding the key to unlock the imaginary number space? Interesting, I probably understand what he's capable of."

Ling Yu laughed lightly.

"What ability?"

"Let's see first, if it is, then it proves my suspicion."

Ling Yu gazed around Ling Wen in a flat manner.

In the next moment, another pair of hands peeked out from the space behind Ling Wen.

The Universal Card in Ling Wen's hand emitted a light that directly annihilated this arm.


A howl sounded.

A wretched figure fell out from within the space.

It was just like the monster from before.

Only in comparison to the rest of him, his arms disappeared.

Ling Wen was dumbfounded as he looked at the card in his hand.

So my old brother really didn't lie to him?

This gift is really great!

Go home and make an offering. Maybe it will drive away evil spirits.

In Ling Yu's intently staring gaze, the tree branch that was wrapped around the Spear of Aerial actually began to loosen.

In the next moment, his arm actually recovered.

"As expected, Bella! It's now!"

Hearing Ling Yu's command, the cold similitude core in his body operated, and Bella in the high altitude blasted out an ice-blue pillar of light with both hands.


The cold air that emitted white mist blasted the monster's body.

The surrounding area was even freezing with the naked eye.

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